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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Langkawi 2008

  • When: 01/07/2008 - 05/07/2008
  • With: Cze Wien, Siew Yen, Michelle, Thiam Beng, Karl Son, Zhen Quan, Kin Meng, Brian
  • How: Bus then ferry
  • Total hours of journey: About 5 hours for bus, 1 hour for ferry (one way)
  • Time difference: -

    Day 1

    Met up with the gang at the bus station on the night of the 1st of July. Compared bags and I was delighted to find that I packed relatively light compared to two others, who brought roller bags. I was actually planning on bringing a luggage bag for a 3 day 3 night trip, but I was convinced into bringing a backpack instead. So, after cutting alot of stuffs and stuffing my backpack like crazy, I finally managed to squeeze everything into one backpack and a medium-sized hangbag. *proud*

    At the bus station, I got nicknamed 'Japanese tourist' because of the way I looked when carrying my bags. -.-"

    Kinz and I were horrified to find that our seats were right at the back, and were elevated above the rest. Then we found out that just behind the curtain and us, was the place where the second driver slept. So for the first three or four hours, we heard loud snoring behind us. -.-

    Tried to sleep during the bus ride but couldn't. Reached the jetty at 5am, where we were harrassed by these annoying "agents" while we waited for the jetty to open at 7am. They kept trying to get us to use their services for island hopping or car rental, and kept saying that theirs is the cheapest, bla bla, and wanted us to pay a deposit. Add to that I was tired, I needed to go to the bathroom badly hahah, and I was really damn tired, so I alternated between glaring at them and ignoring them.

    The bathroom was locked, but they finally opened it about an hour later. And even then, there were no lights in the girls' bathroom!! Even the lights in the guys' bathroom was unstable, blacking out at certain times. Since desperate times called for desperate measures, we darted into the guys' bathroom. Haha. And thankfully, only after all of us were out did the lights blackout again. Hahah. *phew*

    Finally took the ferry to the island, where I proceeded to KO for about 45 minutes.

    Upon reaching the island and collecting our luggages, Brian realised that his luggage was missing and ran off to find if anyone took his luggage by mistake. Some of us ran after him to help him, some went back to the ferry to check the luggage place, and I stood in the middle because I er didn't know what to do. Hahah. :D

    Ok, I was thinking more of staying there in case either side came back, but thinking back, we all had handphones right... -.-"

    In the end, Brian's luggage was actually buried beneath other luggages in the ferry. Haha. Thank God he didn't lose it, or it'd be a bad start for our trip. :)

    Again, we were harrassed by "agents". By then we were tired and we just wanted to start our trip, so we settled for an Unser, with Karl as the driver, and the four girls as navigators, but in the end only Michi and Siew did the navigating. Hehe. The 9 of us squeezed into the Unser, which was quite comfy I guess. I prefer that to having two cars.

    Somehow, Cze saw the map/signboard and squealed excitedly, "Makam Mahsuri!! Turn turn!! Turn right!!" and Karl automatically turned right. And after driving a long way in, we finally reached the makam. Haha. Only about 6 of us entered; the rest didn't want to waste the money. Haha.

    It was quite okayla. For RM5, what do you expect?? Haha. I liked the Malay house, though. :)

    L-R: Cze, Michi, Siew, me, Brian looking up with the funniest expression hahah

    Michi and I.

    Brian, in the Malay house, looking like he's in jail. Hahah.

    After that, had light brunch and went to Underwater World. Tiring tiring because we walked all over, from front to back to front to back again because we wanted to catch some of the shows. Hahah. Finally, Siew and I (the two princesses hahah) and Karl exited earlier than the rest to go checkout the duty free shops.

    Lazy otter. Or was it seal? Hahah. Whichever. :p

    Surf's Up, anyone?

    Nemo! Haha. I like that pink thing, whatever it is.

    Cool fish.

    No idea what this is. Some kind of seahorse? But it's so pretty. :)

    Beng and Michi, at the 3-D show we were watching.
    The show made me dizzy and wasted my life hahah, but it was okla.

    Had lunch and went to the hotel (Berjaya) to check in. The rooms were pretty! I loved the sofa bed, so I immediately called dibs on it. Hehe. We then headed to the beach, which was so :). Hahah. The girls lazed around under the shade while the guys went to play only-they-know-what by the shore, attracting two bikini-clad girls at the same time. Hehehe.

    We had a mini girl talk then, and later when the guys decided to go the swimming pool, we took a short walk by the shore to continue our girl talk. Haha.

    Cze, eating one of the crabs Zhen and Karl caught on the beach.
    I swear I have no idea why they're so into crab-catching,
    at every single beach we go to. Hahah.

    The girls and two cheeky guys at the back.

    At the swimming pool, they swam while Siew and I talked some more. Hahah. :)

    Had some ikan bakar for dinner, which was not bad. Lots of cats there. Made me jump whenever a cat brushed against my leg. Hahah. Like ghost liddet wei. Hahaha.

    Back at the hotel, after going around Langkawi to find ice, we brought out the drinks. I originally planned on making Karl drink and making him tell me some stuffs hehehe, but in the end I KO-ed earlier hahah. I was tired la.

    Day 2

    Slept in until noon because it was raining.

    Kinz drove that day, and after watching Siew practically fly out of her seat at every turning, we all voted for Karl to drive. Hahaha. Even when anyone else drove, we always voted for Karl to drive again. Hahah.

    At noon, we went island hopping. Took a speedboat, which was really really fun! Haha. Water droplets kept hitting our faces, so Beng did the smartest thing:

    He wore goggles. -.-

    Hahaha. Brilliant, I tell you. :)

    The boat driver stopped and pointed this out to us:

    Can you see it?

    Supposedly it's in the shape of a pregnant lady. Her head is on the right.

    First stop, we had to hike abit to this lake where the fishes supposedly nibble on your feet if you dip them into the lake. So the 9 of us stupidly sat there, with our feet in the water, at times going, "The fishes are coming! Don't move!". Hahah. In the end I don't think any of us got nibbled at. I think the fishes are smarter now. Hahah.

    So in the end we kayak-ed while poor Zhen had to paddle boat by himself, because we had uneven numbers. We did some stupid things, like holding onto each other's kayaks and holding onto Zhen's paddleboat while he paddled and we all just held on. Hahaha.

    Siew, Michi and I.

    Kinz, Beng and Karl.

    Poor Zhenny. Hehe.

    After that, we went to the second island, which is just where you stay in the speedboat and watch as the eagles come feed on the chicken skin the boatman throws into the sea. Kinda cool, but kinda sucky that that was considered one island. Haha.

    All of us, with Kinz the photographer, on the speedboat.

    At the last island, we just basically played around on the beach. Kinz gave me a scare when he said that we've been robbed by the monkeys, but turns out the monkeys only took some of our snacks.

    Cze tried to make us play hantu galah and even drew out the boxes, but we always found something more interesting to do, so we didn't play in the end. Hehe. Camwhored, Zhen and Karl caught yet another crab, tried to break open a clam/oyster/whatever, threw stones to make them skip on the water, camwhored some more... hahah.

    Cze and Siew, being so cute! Hahah.

    Michi, promoting Chipsmore.
    There are more pics of her and Beng promoting Chipsmore,
    but er I don't think I should post them. Hahah. ;)

    Beng and Michi playing catching.

    Brian felt left-out of the catching, so he's playing catching by himself.
    Or rather, just posing for the camera. Hahaha.

    The poor crab they caught.
    They even made it hold those stones,
    because according to Zhen,
    if it holds the stones, it can't 'kiap' us.
    Hahah. Smart.

    Karl and the oyster/clam/whatever thing.

    Karl skipping stones and Zhen... er... being Zhen. Hahah.

    Group pic.

    Finally left and headed to one of the night markets, which was really tiny. Had dinner there. After that, bought more ice and alcohol.

    Back at the hotel, Michi was being high and did the most hilarious and cutest thing! I'm not allowed to tell more than that, but it involved calling her name and her grand entrance at the adjoining-room door. Hahaha. Made Kinz, Karl and I crack up and laugh like crazy. Karl then called her "Michael" and "Dai Lo", both of which she appeared at the doorway and went "tett tett!!" and disappeared behind the wall. Hahaha. Damn cute. Then someone called Karl "Yong Sui". Hahah.

    Brian made this crazy mixture of Kampai, Sing Ha beer, and absolute Vodka for the loser of the game. It was... hmm let's just say it gave us an incentive not to lose. Hahah.

    Doing the Brian (far right) pose.

    Of all things, doing the Waiee pose. -.-

    Waiee pose take #2.
    Damn evil. Hahah.

    I swear they're all drunk. -.-

    Day 3

    Got ready to check out of the hotel. Somehow, Michi, Siew and I ended up wearing floral tops, and Siew and I happened to wear the same type of top from the same place, just in different colours and in slightly different designs. Without prior pakat-ing or anything. How cool is that? Haha. :D

    Family portrait.
    Father, mother, and son Mojo. Hahah. ;)

    Outside the room.

    Really sweet pic of Cze. :)

    Karl and Brian, looking like a commercial or ad. Hahah.

    Went up the cable car. Camwhored and took lots of pictures. Went to the bridge which scared the crap out of me. Hahah. It was quite narrow; I had to hold onto Siew's hand to make sure that if I fell, I'd bring her with me er I mean, to feel safer. Hehe. :p

    Zhen, in his own delusion. Hahah.

    Girls' pic! :)

    Siew and I, hiding in the shade. Hehe.

    Another group pic.

    Brian told us that we could trek our way back, and for some crazy reason we did. And I tell you, I am so not made for strenous trekking, in slippars, carrying a crazy heavy handbag because guys like Karl and Zhen want to put their wallets and phones in it. And Karl has two phones okayy!! Gayy... hahaha

    After the trekking, I was almost out of breath and we were not happy:

    Pissed off.

    Hahah. Jk, it was quite fun I guess. Hehe.

    Took some hilarious video and pictures of Brian. Saw a guy who was dressed like Karl and who seemed to be following us around and camwhoring by himself. Watched a couple make a wax figure of their joined hands and the wax-fella told them, "Ok you pergi jalan-jalan beberapa jam kemudian balik sini" then when they were like "Lamanya??", he took out a parang and sharpened it while going, "Ok ini satu minit saja". Hahah. Funny guy.

    The bridge.

    Brian, being the poser that he is.

    Influencing Cze.

    And even Kinz.

    Group pic, without Zhen because he refused to walk any further. Haha.

    Next, headed to Telaga Tujuh. I swear I almost died there. Hahah. The climbing up the stairs to the waterfall kills. Seriously, it does. It didn't help that just before that Brian made us go trekking. I had to keep pushing myself to take another step, and had to keep resting every 10 or so steps. Hahah.

    Finally reached the waterfall, and my legs were ready to give way already. Siew and I found a nice, quiet shady place where we leaned against the rock and dipped our feet into the water, and talked. The rest were at the noisier part, where they were sliding down the rapids and what not.

    The rapids.

    Finally left and had to hurry back to the hotel for a quick shower. Before returning the car, we made sure we used up as much petrol as we could, and Karl even said we should drive a few rounds around the place until the petrol was almost finished. Hahaha.

    We were two hours late in returning the car (and no it wasn't because we went a few rounds hahah). We reached the jetty at exactly 7pm, and the last ferry was at 7pm. Hahah. So, Kinz and Brian ran down first to get the tickets. And when the rest of us went to the jetty, we didn't see Kinz, we had no tickets and the ferry was about to leave!

    This guy told us to follow him to the ferry, but we were torn between going with him and waiting for Kinz. Then Michi suddenly went, "Just go!!" and I automatically turned to follow the guy (since I was right in front) haha. I thought that worst come to worst, I'd stand on the platform that connects the ferry and the jetty and refuse to budge until the rest reached. Hahah.

    Finally the rest arrived, we got the tickets from the ferry itself, and jumped in just about a minute before it left. Haha. Yay! :)

    Kinz later said that he was running from place to place, trying to find the ticket booth, and when he finally found it, it was closed. Then he ran back to the jetty, already planning what to do if we had to stay another night. Haha.

    Anyway, in the ferry, at first I was nodding off, but the moment I saw Zhen take out his phone to record, I was immediately awake. Haha. Then had a very interesting chat with Karl, and I didn't even need to make him drunk. Hehe!

    Our ferry arrived just 5 minutes before our bus was scheduled to leave, so again we had to rush and worry. Haha. While waiting to disembark the ferry, Zhen and Karl kept saying something about preserving me when I'm dead. Great friends. Hahah.

    Rushed to the bus, only to find that it was still closed. Waited, then boarded, and we were the only ones at first. Then later the bus made a few more stops and we were on our way home.

    And then there was 12:24. ;)

    Then the gayest thing happened, when Siew came over to ask if we could see them turning back. -.-

    At 5am on the 5th of July, reached the bus station. Waited for my dad to come. As we entered the car, my dad asked my friends, "Where do you all stay?" and they promptly and blurly replied, "Berjaya". After a pause, my dad replied, "I can send you all to Berjaya if you all want." Hahaha. :p

    Came back and crashed for the whole of Saturday and most of Sunday. Haha. So so tired.

    It was a tiring but fun trip, with plenty of er gay moments. Hahah. ;)

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