Pictures: In respective entries
Just thought I'd create this site to make it easier for me to get to the entries. Most of these entries were posted in the blog Yang and I share, nEutral.
The Long Version
For the first time in my life, I left to further my studies in Aussie, leaving behind the friends whom I treasure, my home which is my safehaven, the food which completes my paradise, my family which means everything to me, and my life that I built over the past 19 years. It wasn't easy deciding that I wanted to go, and even when I left, I wasn't sure if I had made the right decision. But I also knew that I had to do this, just so I'd know for sure that this was what I wanted or didn't want to do.
And so I went.
But the 10 days after A Levels exams ended and before I boarded that plane, I at least managed to meet up with all these people who mean so much to me:
23rd June 2007
League Outing
At 1U, with my fellow League of Extremely Bored and Lazy People. =)
23rd & 24th June 2007
Class Dinner (8) & Outing With Em & Gang
Class dinner with my awesome 5 Orkidianz 2005, who made my day by turning up. We had an almost full class there that night, and I wanted to badly to see everyone. =)
Em & gang, or so I like to call them, cause it's too long to mention them all. Haha.
28th June 2007
Transformers Outing & Farewell
At the Curve, with the gang.
"Surprise" farewell, haha. The sweetest thing! And I really appreciate everyone who turned up. Big thanks to Kinz for being the photographer, and was so busy being my photographer that he ended up somehow not taking any pics (besides the group shot) with me. =/
Although, I should blame him for forcing me to write that post before sending me the pics, because it was 4am and I was already emo-ing at the mamak before that, so somehow I broke down and cried while typing that entry, towards the end. Haha. It was quite bad, I really was so sad ok. But I bet no one knew, not even Kinz who was talking to me on MSN at that time. Hehe. =p
Little Stuffs