Where: Hilton on the Park + se7en Nightclub, Melbourne
Time: 5.00pm - 3.30pm
Pictures: Below, from "paparazzis", Manrou, Joanne
The Whole Story
Last Friday, attended the Paparazzi Ball. And somehow, every girl came over to my tiny place to get ready for the ball. Imagine: EIGHTgirls hiding in my bedroom while the poor guys sat in the hall waiting and watching TV. Hahah. We didn't think we'd take long, maybe about 1 hour + but ohmygod you won't believe the different types of wardrobe malfunctions we had, and frantic girls running around looking for this and that, which my poor modest empty place didn't have. We ended up being late by over an hour.
My bedroom, looking like a tornado struck. Eight girls' worth of hangbags, makeup bags, outfit bags and jackets.
Roger called a cab, and we tottered downstairs in our high heels, all made up.
The aforementioned eight girls.
Picked Michelle up, and soon we reached the entrance of the Hilton. We walked up the spiral staircase, and was stopped by "paparazzis", which was just one guy with a DSLR. Haha.
Entered the ballroom in a hurry, but I'm sorry to say that the first impression I got of the place and deco was "restaurant". And I don't mean a high-class one. I mean, seriously, I can tell the difference between a restaurant and a ballroom.
The girls at table 11.
The lucky three guys. Look at that. Can you honestly tell me that's a ballroom?
We managed to reach just in time (despite being late; see how early we would've been if we had been on time!). There were performances. And they of course had to start with a rendition of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi". But I honestly think it would've been much better if they had just played the CD; the self-made accoustic guitar rendition was... well, it wasn't Lady Gaga. 'Nuff said.
And then there were more performances. Everyone near the front just had to stand up and block the view, which pretty much pissed me off. Obviously wearing a nice dress/suit in a fancy restaurant doesn't automatically give you class, and doesn't automatically mean that you don't have the brains of a monkey. Don't even get me started on some of the dresses there.
Posing outside the "ballroom".
Though, I must say, the table next to us, which were mostly Mauritius people whom we knew, they were pretty much in a world of their own. From the moment we sat down to the moment we left, they just kept drinking and drinking. Non-stop drinking! Toasting and drinking. Coming over to our table and toasting each person and drinking! Zomg. Hahaha. They were funny. :)
Roger carrying Shanice. :)
And John carrying Roger. LOL.
Another funny part was when the President of the club came over to ask the table if everything was okay, and Joanne being the blur sweetheart that she is, asked him if he could get her orange juice. LOL we laughed like crazy. I think she may have mistaken him for a waiter. HAHAHA.
The food was okay. Nothing great. But the alcohol was free flow! :)
Our main course, which was two small pieces of lamb.
Of course, since it was free-flow, I got challenged by the guys to finish my glass of wine in one go, and so I did. Each of us had a fair bit to drink, then we had a toast towards the end. This picture made me laugh:
See that finger pointing at the orange juice! Hahaha. I think we were saying, EHH no fair, no orange juice!!
Oh, and there was a grand piano outside! I couldn't resist. :)
Not posing; I was really playing! And I really miss playing the piano. :(
A super super sweet picture of Kye Li and Jia Hao. Jia Hao came on the day of the prom itself hahah. Really salute him.
They had a photographer standing at the entrance, complete with two lights and all, and I must say that some of the pictures turned out well. But I don't think you need me to point out to you what's wrong with some of the following pictures.
Joanne and Miao Jie (I still don't know how to spell her name haha)
Kye Li and Jia Hao.
Us. Isn't it cool that all the girls are wearing different colours! :p
The girls.
Joanne and a hungry John.
Roger and Shanice.
Left directly after dessert to get to the club, since we'd have priority entrance before 11pm (part of the prom).
I think I was abit high at that point, or maybe a little tipsy by then, because when I got down from the cab when we reached the club, I stumbled on the steps a little and nearly fell HAHA, but I didn't of course. ;) And if you're wondering why a cab has steps, it was a large cab for 12 people.
And yes, it was my first time clubbing ever, so I was quite excited.
We were pretty early, and one of the two dancefloors was empty. Roger tried to get Shanice and us to dance at the empty one, but we felt way too weird so we decided to start at the crowded one first.
I think what's best about clubs is that it's really dark so even if you make a fool of yourself dancing, no one can see, but then no one is probably watching. They're too busy dancing themselves. So yeah after a while, we started to loosen up. It helped that Roger and John were so sporting. :)
The only decent picture of me in the club.
Though, I never realised how tiring dancing is. I mean, seriously, dancing in those high heels in a crowded room full of people is tiring! I was already slightly dizzy before dancing; I became even dizzier after dancing. And it's so easy to lose people in there!
But I had fun. We all danced in a group, sometimes in a circle and randomly pushed each other to the middle of our circle. Haha. Got pok-monged, was bought a drink. Typical clubbing things I guess, minus the smoke.