Times to remember...
Port Dickson & Malacca
When: 30/12/2007 - 02/01/2008
With: Sook Teng, Michelle, Thiam Beng, Sueh Lung, Kin Meng, Karl Son, Zhen Quan, Vincent
How: 2 Cars (A Wira and a Kancil), driven by Karl and Vince
Total hours of drive: Around an hour and a half (one way)
Pictures: Below
An awesome and very memorable trip! I loved celebrating New Years with them and staying up until 3am every day, having fun and enjoying the company. The highlight for me was the third day, in PD, especially the fun fair. And Vincent's absolutely crappiness that night too, hahah. I had a great time! =D
The Long Version
Four whole days spent with these eight people, doing crappy stuffs and talking nonsense, with no curfews or chaperons, and complete freedom to go crazy. I think that says it all. =p
The Places
The apartment in Malacca was okay, although a bit smoke-filled and the aircond was freezing cold in the morning. In Port Dickson, Karl's apartment was okay too, but no aircond and only one working fan. Haha. So everyone slept in the living room.
The Weather
Malacca was scorching hot!! PD was good, thankfully it didn't rain at all for the 4 days we were there. =)
The People
What can I say, they can make a simple or boring task into a fun experience. The trip was awesome because, well, they made it so. =)
The Trip
Fun enough that I wanted to extend the trip hehe. The only way I was pacified into going home so easily, was by the talk of going again later this year hahah. =p
The Whole Story
Day 1 - Malacca
After 19 years of going there, I still can't recognise the roads haha.
After lunch, headed to our apartment, with Kinz, Beng and Michi in Vince's car, and Sook, Suehlung, Zhen and I in Karl's car. Because Michi's a Malacca girl, and Kinz supposedly knows the place, those of us in Karl's car were slightly horrified (at least I was, haha) when Vince's car stopped in front of this run-down, black-stained apartment. I think the 5 of us went, "Har, this wan ar?? Yao mo..." Haha thank goodness it wasn't. Vince was just a little lost haha.
Went into the correct apartment and was hit by a strong smoke smell, so I instantly ran to open the sliding door. We all noticed the floor was still wet from being mopped. So since I beh tahan, I went to take the bathroom mat and began walking with the cloth below my feet like an idiot.
Sueh Lung and Vincent started washing the aircond vents, of all things, while the rest of us fought over which rooms we would get haha. Then we all crammed into a small room, which was smoke-filled, and chatted nonsense while doing stupid things like throwing the toilet roll at each other. Pikachu under the bed hahah.
Walked up and down Jonker Street, then had satay for tea. Walked towards the red Dutch building and went up St. Paul's hill. Here Vince commissioned himself as our tour guide and told us the craziest made-up nonsense hahha. At one point, we stopped in front of this dried-up pond, and he went, "Last time, this used to be a spa". And on a carving of Tunku Abdul Rahman announcing the Merdeka, Vince pointed to Tunku and said, "This is Tunku Abdul Rahman", then pointed to the man beside Tunku and said, "And this is me." Hahaha. Damn crap hahah. Even at the fort, he even "explained" and demonstrated (!) how soldiers back then used the Kota A Famosa. Hahah.
Walked around Dataran Pahlawan then crossed over to Mahkota Parade. Then walked all the way back to the cars which was parked in Jonker Street. The walking nearly killed me, I was on heels! And Zhen and Karl, in flip-flops, were already complaining about the walk haha. Had cendol before having an early dinner of satay celup. Hung around back at the apartment before going out again for "siu yeh" (supper) of "ho chien" (fried oyster). =p
The guys were playing with the rubberbands to 'lastik' each other. I suddenly remembered that I used to be able to make double stars with the rubberband, but I forgot. So in the car on the way back, I kept trying different methods and suddenly remembered after a long while. I proudly showed Zhen who was competing with me hahah, he kept showing me that he could make "Z" and a butterfly. Hahha. Small kids. =p
Back at the apartment, Vince taught us how to play Monkey (which is actually Old Maid). In the first round, when I took the Monkey from him, he suddenly burst out, "HAHA, MONKEY!!" hahaha! Damn stupid hahah, where got people tell wan! Hahah. It wasn’t the game that was fun, it was the people who played and the way they played that made it fun. Hehe.
Watched Saw 4 for a while. I didn't mind watching it because I couldn't see what was going on hahah, I wasn't wearing my contacts. Then they changed it halfway through to a Chow Seng Chee (is that how you spell it?) show, which was quite funny haha. Then slept around 3am.
Day 2 - Malacca/Port Dickson
Had chicken rice ball for lunch, after bugging them about it for a whole day hahah. Yay! I ate double than most of the rest, guys included hahah. They didn't know how to appreciate the food la hehe. =p
Had some onde-onde thing which was huge. Had to stuff the whole thing in my mouth so that the gula melaka wouldn't spill onto Karl's car. First try, I nearly dropped the thing and some coconut shaving spilled into Karl's car. Second time, I ate the thing and I was like, "Omg!" The thing was so freaking big. Like, seriously. I had some trouble eating it, and the gula melaka was so sweet!
Went to Tesco to buy some barbecue stuff, and pushed some overgrown kids on the trolley haha.
Found Karl's baby Pooh bear and played with it throughout the whole trip ever since. Haha. It's so cute!
Left for PD. Reached Karl's apartment and cleaned the place up. Or rather, watched Michi mop the floor... twice. Beng helped to mop a 3rd time, and Michi later mopped a 4th time haha. Karl was also "nice" enough to introduce me to his "friends" living in the deserted bungalows nearby the apartment. Hahah.
Hung around before starting the barbecue around 7pm or so. At one point, I decided to "be apart of the barbecuing process" so I went out and watched the guys barbecue. Hahah. Ok, I did more than just watch. I fanned myself, then realised I should fan them since they were probably hot; fanned them, then realised I should fan the smoke away from them; fanned the smoke away from them, then realised that it wasn't working much haha. So I just fanned myself in the end. =p
Took over from Karl for a few minutes since I wanted to "play" (according to Vince). Held onto the barbecue thingy for quite a long time (or it felt like a long time haha), at least 15 minutes. It was heavy and the pit was super hot! Surprisingly. Finally, when Karl took it back, he said the colour of the chicken wings didn’t change at all, like it didn't get barbecued at all. Hahah. It did change ok! Just not that obvious la. Hahah.
At midnight, missed the countdown by a second or two before we realised it was the new year already haha. Spotted fireworks in the distance. Just when we switched off the lights to see better, it ended. Gay. Hahah. So fast finish.
Had vodka mixed with Sprite to usher in the New Year. Played Blackjack where the loser had to drink a sip of pure vodka each time they lost. Beng was the main "chongker". Didn't understand why Michi played, cause if she won, she didn't need to drink, and even if she lost, Beng would drink for her. Hahah make him drink more only.
For some reason, even though I'm usually lousy at Blackjack, I was quite lucky that day and kept getting good cards. The problem is, I wanted to drink! Hahaha. So, when Beng had to drink an exceptionally large amount of vodka, I went, "ngo keng lei yat pui" (I salute you with one cup, or er something liddet) and drank my mix. Haha. Then I went "choi keng" (salute again) just for good measure. Hahah. They all saw through me though, and knew that I just wanted to drink haha.
Karl was making a lot of noise about not wanting to drink, but we all forced him to, since it was New Year. So we kept trying to make him lose in the game haha. And I tell you, Karl is hilarious when he's had a bit of alcohol. He says the funniest things in the funniest ways hahah.
Suehlung became the "chongker" and on his first time, he got a Blackjack. Ended up, all of us had to drink two sips of vodka... except for Karl who ran cause he had a 15. Hahah. Damn gay, we wanted to kenakan Karl pula haha.
Oh, btw, I totally don't like the taste of pure vodka, so whenever I took a sip of vodka, I'd drink a huge gulp of my mix. So basically, I was drinking more than I was supposed to. Which I didn't mind, of course haha.
We ran out of ice halfway, and Zhen who was the only sober one left (he didn't drink or play at all) went out to get some. Thank goodness he was the one who went and not any of us, because there was a roadblock and the police were checking the car and what not.
Played until about 3am when the whole bottle of vodka was finished. They had another Chow Seng Chee movie just before sleeping (it became a tradition). Hahah. We were all sleeping in the living room since the rooms don't have working fans or airconds, so I slept on the 3-seater couch while they watched the movie. A while later, I woke up while the movie was still playing and changed places with Zhen who was next to me on the floor because sleeping on the couch is stupidly hot-until-can-die. By then I couldn't feel the alcohol anymore. Slept on the floor which was cold but also painful! Haha. Around 7am or so, Zhen left to the mattress, Kinz jumped from the 2-seater to the 3-seater, and I jumped to the 2-seater. Haha. When the rest woke up, they were like, "Eh you 3 sleepwalk ar" haha. =p
Day 3 - Port Dickson
Sook, Michi and I had an impromptu girl talk while the guys were just next to us, playing cards. Haha. Thank goodness the music was blasting, though I'm not sure if they heard us. Haha. I liked the way we were lying on the mattress, our three bodies were aligned like the peace sign, we were just missing the circle. And what an unexpectedly delicious girl talk that turned out to be. Hahah. =D
Was deciding whether to go to the beach or the swimming pool first:
Kinz: Wanna go beach?
Me: Wanna go, bitch?
Hahaha. Sorry la, it sounded so much like it that I couldn't resist hehe. =p
Headed to the pool. Played monkey by throwing an empty bottle around. It was hilarious when two people who couldn't swim would thrash around in the pool to get to the bottle first hahah. For some reason, Kinz and Vince would always end up as the monkeys hahaha. Karl's a crazy good swimmer, he could let someone get to halfway to the end of the pool before starting, and he'd still win. He also showed us some synchronising swimming moves hahah, super chunted!! Hahha. The guys also wrestled in the pool.
Then walked to the beach through a shortcut. I enjoyed the beach, because it was evening and the sun was setting. It was low-tide too, and there were rocks by the shore! Remember my obsession with rocks and water? Hehe yeah, so I really loved it.
Karl and Zhen were catching little crabs on the shore! It was so fascinating! I really enjoyed following them around, seeing the crabs and how the 2 guys were so damn pro catching them haha. Now I know that there are different types of little crabs. The ones that live on the rocks are brownish black and to get them out of the rocks, you throw mud on it. And the ones in the mud are whitish-transparent, and you have to wait until they run on shore to catch them. We even caught a "lai liu ha" which I dunno how to say in English haha. Some kind of prawn. They put them all in a plastic bottle and brought the whole thing back to the apartment. (Later Vincent shifted them to a bigger home, a 5l bottle, I think. Haha.)
Zhen kept using that bottle of crabs to threaten me whenever I called him a stupid boy, which was quite often haha. Whenever I called him that, he'd go, "Stupid boy ar… stupid?!" and put the bottle closer to me. And I'd have to go, "No no, smart, clever, handsome..." hahah. Teruk betul. =p
At the beach, Kinz was walking further and further out to sea, alone (seemed like he was trying to commit suicide to me, hahah). Then Vince, Kinz and I walked out into the sea, and the water was quite clear. We could vaguely see the base even when we were thigh-deep in. (I loved the pattern on the sand made by the current, btw). Had to avoid the rocks cause it hurts when you step on them. Vince wanted to walk all the way to one of the rocks quite far into the ocean, but halfway there, we couldn’t find a way without rocks, so the mission failed haha.
Stopped by a fun fair after dinner. I was so excited! I love fun fairs, and I've never been to one with friends before. I always went with my family or cousins. Went one round around the place before buying tokens. It was a fairly big fun fair. All 9 of us sat the ferris wheel, and although I thought it was okay, Vince and Kinz insisted that it was super fast, and Vince was scared. Hahaha. Okla, to be fair, it was faster than usual, but it wasn't that fast. Hahah.
Watched as Karl, Suehlung, Beng and Michi sat some 360 degree ride, where you get turned upside down. It was damn funny. Before, they were smiling and waving. During, they started to stone (out of fear, we're guessing haha). After, they totally stoned hahah.
The remaining 5 of us, plus Sueh Lung, decided on a ride that spun round and round at a high speed. As I sat with Sook, I talked damn a lot of rotz cause I was feeling high at that time. Haha. I was like waving my hands in the air, screaming for no good reason (it wasn't scary at all haha), spinning my head left and ride because it made me more dizzy than I already was, and other stupid stuffs. Poor Sook had to put up with me haha. =p
After that, Vincent was asking everyone to go with him to the Haunted House. No one wanted to go, but since he insisted on it since the very beginning, I said up to him la. And because I didn't want to go alone with him, Sook got pulled along. Which was a good thing, because that fella was damn gay wei. Hahah. You know what he did?? He was walking in front, I was second and Sook was behind me. Two steps into the building, he turned and said, "Eh you go first la". Hahaha. Then when we refused, he started to walk like he was in Mission Impossible. At every corner, he'd stop with his back to the wall and peek around the corner before walking when the coast is clear. At the first cage (all the monsters were behind a cage), a machine monster popped up so we were all like, "Cheh". Then at the second cage, we saw a large monster doll, and as we passed by, the doll jumped at us and went, "WARGH!" and I screamed. Hahaha. Seriously scared me wei, didn't expect it to be a real person. After that, Vincent would always stop before we reached a cage, then suddenly sprint to the other end of the cage before the person inside could react! Damn gay wei. Hahaha. Then when Sook and I passed, the monster guy would jump at us instead. Hahah. By the last cage (I think it was the 5th one), I got so used to it that when the last monster-person jumped at us, I raised both my arms like claws and went, "wargh" in a bored tone to the person at the same time he did it to us hahah. Finally, when we reached the exit, Vincent was the first person to run out, leaving us two girls inside! Hahaha. Luckily I refused to go alone with him man! Hahah. Stupid guy haha.
On the way home in the car, I was in the front passenger seat with Karl, Zhen, Suehlung and Kinz. Got a call from (someone) and after the call ended, the three gays behind (except Karl who was driving) started to recite my whole conversation!! I was like, wth why you all eavesdrop and remember what I said wan hahah. Then when I got a MMS picture, Kinz saw from the backseat and went, "Gay, what picture is that?" and I replied, "Gay, why you see my message wan." Hahah. No privacy la with these jokers. =p
Back at the apartment, Karl did some backbone-cracking thing for the other guys. Vince suffered from it so much that he couldn't laugh or it'd hurt hahah. Then he kept saying Karl made him "chan fai" (crippled, or something liddet) already. Hahah.
Sook, Suehlung, Vincent and I started playing Chor Dai Dee again. Vincent, obviously still high from the fun fair, started talking a lot of rubbish. Like, seriously, damn rubbish wan. Hahah. One of the things he said, was that Chor Dai Dee is to "chor" the "dai dee" wan. But when he used the "dai dee" as a second last card to win, I said, "Chor dai dee is not to chor the dai dee wan meh?" and he replied, "When I play, it's Chor Dai Dee only". Hahah. Crappiness. And he kept getting "Tung Fa Sun" and kept winning! Damn gay. Then he'd always lecture us about how to play, equating the cards to soldiers in a war. Because I kept the "dee"s until the end, he said, "In a war, you don't let the soldiers go first then only the commander come out mar, of course the commander come out first then less soldiers will die" and all those rubbish. Hahah. He even started singing songs with words that matched our situation! Hahah forgot what songs and what situation, though. Even the other 5, who only endured parts of his crappiness, already beh tahan his rubbish haha. Imagine Sook, Suehlung and I played Chor Dai Dee non-stop with him since 12 something until 4.30am. Can die wei. Hahah. Really "kek sei ngor" la haha.
Vincent noticed that Zhen had been sleeping since coming back from the fun fair, and said, "He is called 'fan sin'. What is 'fan sin' leh? It means 'sleep first'". ('Fan sin' can also mean 'sleeping god', I think, which is what I thought he meant at first.) Hahah. Even Karl and Kinz who were barbecuing supper outside, suddenly burst into laughter hahah.
At 2am, Kinz and Karl decided they wanted to eat bread with kaya, so they went out to buy some, came back and barbecued the whole loaf for everyone. Home-made supper hehe.
At 4.30am, after eating, finishing playing and enduring 4 hours worth of Vincent's nonsense, we finally had another Chow Seng Chee movie, which we didn't finish cause everyone suddenly wanted to sleep halfway through. Haha.
Day 4 - Port Dickson
Went to the beach again after lunch. It was high-tide this time, so no crab-catching. Karl suggested letting the previous crabs go before catching them again and saying to it, "You look like the one I caught yesterday" in Canto, hahaha. Dipped in the sea and sat on the seabase while looking for seashells in the wet sand, learned from Karl. They caught some hermit crabs too. Later the guys starting to fling sand from the bottom of the sea at each other. Then Vince had an, er, episode. Hahaha. ;)
Had ice-cream before walking back to the swimming pool through the shortcut. The gate was locked, so we had to climb over it. And, as expected, I stupidly managed to fall when I jumped down hahah. So, now I have a bruised knee as a memento from PD. Whoopee. =p
In the pool, the guys went crazy camwhoring underwater. Even out of the water, they were camwhoring. There's a picture of Beng being an idiot that is absolutely priceless. Hehe.
Took turns bathing again. This time, I decided I'd use the 2nd bathroom which no one else except Kinz uses, because the water is very small. I thought that I'd save time by using the 2nd bathroom, but when I turned on the water, I was horrified to find that 'small' is a major understatement. It was so damn small that it practically didn’t exist!! Hahah.
Reached home about 11pm. =)
My Cantonese has improved drastically. Used too much to scold Vincent. Haha. Referred to everyone as "lengchai" and "lenglui" cause I was lazy. Haha.
I used the word "gay" a few times during the last 2 days, thanks to those gay fellas haha, everything also 'gay'. Even now, I'm sure you noticed some 'gay's in the entry. Sigh, I’m so easily influenced. =p
Zhen was playing some word game on Kinz's PDA the whole trip, trying to beat Kinz's top score. Ended up finding a way to cheat, and some of us helped him haha.
Blasted music throughout the whole trip from day till night, whenever we were home. Cause we were practically the only occupants in the whole building.
In total spent about RM120 or so for the whole trip. Cheap? Very. Haha. Yay. =)
Thanks to Karl for driving and for the apartment, to Vince for driving and the endless amount of laughter and entertainment, to Suehlung for the sleeping bag, and to all eight of you, thanks for making the trip and my New Year an extremely enjoyable and memorable one! Don't forget we're going again later this year ok! =p
"Ho chien" uncle. =)
BBQ-ing chicken wings.
Kinz insisted that I'm the keh-leh-feh in this picture.
But I ask you, where got keh-leh-feh appear in the middle of the picture wan! Hahaha.
Edited to make the "keh-leh-feh" the main attraction. Hahah. =p
Group pic at the fun fair.
L-R: Zhen, Karl, Kinz, Sook, me, Vince.
Bottom: Suehlung
MIA: Michi and Beng.
Sook and I on the ride, before it started.
Can you tell how high excited I was? Hehe.
Group pic, soaking in the sea.
L-R: Zhen, Vince, Karl, Suehlung, me, Michi, Beng
MIA: Sook and Kinz.
Suehlung with Vince pretending to be a horse or something of the sort. Hahah.
Catching crabs! =D
One of the crabs.
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