Times to remember...
When: 10/06/2006 - 18/06/2006
With: My family
Where: Perth, transmitted in Singapore
How: Singapore Airlines
Total hours of flight: 5 hrs (one way)
Time difference: None! So cool. Hehe.
Pictures: Below
It was a nice trip, full of sight-seeing and photos and stuffs like that, but it didn't feel like the other holidays. This was more like, "Oh ok, so we're on a holiday, cool." Not "OMG that's so cool! Look at that! Oh, and that too! WAH take picture!!" or "Crap, I wanna go home". More of somewhere in the middle. But I enjoyed myself, and at the end of the trip, I kinda missed Perth a little, but I was happy to be going home too. =)
The Long Version
What can I say. It was a trip my dad insisted on, and the rest of us just went, "Oklah". There were some really memorable parts, and some views were absolutely breath-taking. Being with my family, probably one of the last few family holidays during these few years, was also great. It took some getting used to, cause the first day I hated the place so bad. But then it got so much better later on. But one thing: Everything is absolutely 9am-5pm. If you find a non-eating shop open for later than 5pm, you'll be jumping with joy at your incredibly good luck. Lol.
The Places
Included Fremantle, King's Park, Sorrento Quay, Bunburry, Busselton, Ngilgi (sp?) Caves, Perth Zoo, Chocolate Factory...
The Weather
It was winter!! Lol crazy. It was really cold at first, but later I think we got used to the weather, and of course, the warm clothes helped hehe. In the mornings and nights it could get really cold, but during the afternoons with the sun, the weather is absolutely perfect.
The People
The first day of our trip we met this incredibly rude immigresion person and a really *censored x infinity* driver. But then we met some really nice ones also. And well, after a while, you kinda get used to them. They can be nice when they want to. Now I'm so used to them, I'm not that used to seeing Asians anymore. Hahaha! Ironic. =p
The Trip
Like I said, it was just like, "Oh, this is nice... oh that's nice too..." but nothing overly estatic. But I enjoyed myself, and it's a really nice, quaint little place. The view of Perth from King's Park and South Terrace is amazing. Both day and night. Will post pics. ;)
Little Stuffs
Flying with SIA is sweet. I've managed to watch Pink Panther, Failure To Launch (which really was a failure), and Memoirs of A Geisha while flying.
Tried their cocktail too, and I didn't get drunk. Gosh, this is such an alcoholic trip. Haha. Almost everyday, I have at least a tiny sip of wine. Well, that's only cause we go to the wineries to sample the wines and my parents buy back a bottle or two for friends. Hehe. Another time was dinner with parent's friends, so more wine & beer. Lol. *hiccup*
Let's not forget the *censored* immigresion person and the *censored* driver that ruined my whole family's first day in Perth. *censored*
The biggest revelation of all time: My sister is brilliant at reading maps, she was our official navigator around Perth. And me? I just found out I can't read a map even if my life depended on it. LOL! So sue me. =p
We got lost countless of times, believe me. But their signs are really good, once you know how they work. Lol, once my sis was sleeping and we were trying to get back to Perth from a nearby town. After turning here and there for a while, we finally reach Perth, on the way to finding our hotel. My sis woke up and she was like, "Why, cannot find the hotel ar?" and I said, "No, cannot find Perth." Hehe!
One of my dad's friend staying there, loves it there. And she was like, "This place is so healthy, unlike Malaysia, where you can get char kuay teow at midnight. So unhealthy. Why would anyone want to eat char kuay teow at midnight?" And I was like thinking, "Erm... cause I'm hungry?" Hahaha...
I love the ocean. I'll say it over and over again, and nothing will change that. I love the ocean. Anywhere along the way which had an ocean view/lake view, it was amazing. Lots of pics of the ocean/lake/river. Hehe.
At Busselton, we walked on a jetty with one-side-no-railings-to-keep-you-from-falling-into-the-sea for 4 km!!! It was scary, but so cool... the view is great! The wind was blowing like crazy, I was freezing, my feet hurt (from the walking) & my ears hurt (from the seriously cold wind). But it was fun!
One morning, it was so cold that there was that mist-thingy that appears when you talk. So cool! Hahah. I wrote "PCK rox!" on my side of the car window. Hehe.
Ngilgi (sp?) Caves was the one of the highlights. We climbed down into a cave, and you had to squeeze through the little openings and walk up and down tiny steps. It was so cool. Definitely.
Visited the University of Western Australia. My whole family kept referring to it as "YE's uni" or "When you come here..." Gah, it was driving me crazy. Well, haha, not really, I didn't really mind that much, just a little. (More on my thoughts on studying there in Schizo.)
Ciao Itallia, the best Itallian restaurant there. The waiters were really funny. I was just holding the camera, and they were like, "You wanna take a picture of me? Come on, take a picture of me!" And I was like, "Err... okay". Ahahha. Cute.
Chocolate Factory wasn't really a factory, just a shop with lots of chocolates. Didn't get to see how they made chocolates. Just had lots of free samples. So I ate... and ate... and ate... then felt sick, so had to stop. Then took another handful for the road. LOL. *shh*
No trip to Perth is complete without a trip to King's Park for a view of Perth city during the day, at sunset, and at night. Hahah. Will also post pics of that if I can. =p
In Perth airport, this guy (who works for the airport) suddenly stops me and says that I have been randomly selected to undergo a quick scan of whether or not I am a terrorist carrying weapons/bombs. Like, wtheck??? Do I look like a terrorist to you??? LOL I am so insulted. He even took my name down to write in the list. Great. So now my name is on the list of "Random Suspected Terrorists". I think he was just a ham-sap-lou trying to pok-mong a lenglui like me. Hahah. Either that, or you can believe his story that I look like a terrorist. Blek.
Some memorial thing in King's Park
View of ocean
View of Bunsbury from lookout point
More ocean view. Lol.
Ocean with rocks! Rox, huh? Haha whatever. =p
Pier with lotsa seagulls, ducks & swans
Pier at South Terrace
Pier at Hillary's Harbour, where I stayed

Inside the Ngilgi Caves

View of Perth City from South Terrace, during day & night
View of Perth City from King's Park during day, late evening & night.
Animals at Perth Zoo
Freakin huge crocodile... seriously huge.
Forgot what this is. Wombat? Not sure haha.
Another huge animal... tortoise. Bigger than me.
Mandarin duck, right? So nice la. ^^ (Not taken in Perth Zoo.)
Fun Stuffs
Did I tell you alcoholic-trip, or what? Haha.
Guess who? ;)
The sign reads: "Just hanging with the relatives at Perth Zoo". =p
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