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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Raymas' 17th Birthday

  • When: 09/06/2005
  • Where: 1 Utama
  • With: Raymas (duh. Lol), Hock Jeen, Sarah, Jia Yi, Emile, Sook Kuan
  • Pictures: below

    It all began with Hock Jeen, the mastermind's plan to blindfold Raymas and take him to 1U. Then, the fun began... muahaha... lol :p

    The Long Version
    This is a birthday to remember... not only for Raymas, but for me too cause I had lots of fun... hehe

    The Place
    What can I say? Popular spot to go. :)

    The Weather
    Didn't matter cause we were in the building. But it was sunny, I think.

    The People
    The Sampat Gang!! Haha... crazy, fun people...

    The Outing
    It was kinda funny to see Raymas wearing the balloon flower and the silly sign on his back. We thought he didn't know about the sign, but man he's smarter than we think he is. Lol. They were being so crappy that there came a point when Sarah, Sook Kuan and I were like, "We don't know them..." Lol!

    Little Incidents

  • The sign on Raymas' back said "I'm so totally cute! It's my birthday today!" and we purposely walked all around the place so people could get a good look at him. Lol. Later while eating lunch, this really cool lady came up to him and said, "Happy birthday! I think you're cute!" LOL she roxx. ^^
  • Talking about the sign, Raymas said it should've read "I'm with stupid" and a huge arrow pointing to the person next to him. Lol. I thought it would've been *more correct* to put the arrow facing up to the wearer. Hehe!
  • As we were walking, I was so busy talking that I nearly banged into a board! Lol. Thanks to Hock Jeen, who pulled me away before I could embarrass myself. Raymas was like, "Aiyah, why you tell her?" ... Grr. Lol.
  • Played pool. Lost to Hock Jeen & Raymas, 1st time players (I think... unless they bluff me!! Lol). So shy la. Haha. But Sook Kuan and I, who played against them, said we let them win because it was Ray's bday. Hehe. Hock Jeen la... shout "Hey, cute guy!" just before I hit the ball... hehe cheater... :p

    From left to right: Raymas, Jia Yi, Sook Kuan, Emile, Sarah, me

    MIA: Our camera-man & mastermind, Hock Jeen

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