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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Valentine's Day

  • When: 14/2/2004
  • With: Emily, Noelle, Ee En, Sara, Jason, Raymas, Ming Kim, Lawrence, Peter (& Huey Lynn, who just dropped by for a while)
  • Where: Souled Out, Sri Hartamas
  • Time: Around 7 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • Pictures: I don't look good in any, so I won't put them up! Haha... ;)

    It was a comfortable little group, but er, there were a few complications and erm, at first it was a little awkward. But then things went quite okay, we had some laughs and all in all, it was quite fun...

    The Long Version
    I didn't think my parents would let me out on Valentine's Night, but surprise surprise...

    The Place
    Souled Out was a nice place, I guess. After dinner we sorta walked around, bought ice-cream, then went over to Hartamas Square to play cards. Lol.

    The Weather
    It didn't rain, so I'm happy.

    The People
    They were... fun. But weird. I guess maybe cause it was Vday or something. :)

    The Outing
    Like I said, it was fun. But it didn't really feel like a Vday celebration of any kind. It was more like dinner with my friends...

    Little Incidents

  • My bro called, as promised, to ask me something. Lol, it was funny... but this is something only my bro & I will understand, right bro? Hehe...
  • Various people came up to our group, asking the guys to "buy flowers for the girls". LOL like they would?? :p
  • I think Ee En saw something she shouldn't have... But it made no big difference, so no matter...

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