Times to remember...
Valentine's Day
When: 14/2/2004
With: Emily, Noelle, Ee En, Sara, Jason, Raymas, Ming Kim, Lawrence, Peter (& Huey Lynn, who just dropped by for a while)
Where: Souled Out, Sri Hartamas
Time: Around 7 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Pictures: I don't look good in any, so I won't put them up! Haha... ;)
It was a comfortable little group, but er, there were a few complications and erm, at first it was a little awkward. But then things went quite okay, we had some laughs and all in all, it was quite fun...
The Long Version
I didn't think my parents would let me out on Valentine's Night, but surprise surprise...
The Place
Souled Out was a nice place, I guess. After dinner we sorta walked around, bought ice-cream, then went over to Hartamas Square to play cards. Lol.
The Weather
It didn't rain, so I'm happy.
The People
They were... fun. But weird. I guess maybe cause it was Vday or something. :)
The Outing
Like I said, it was fun. But it didn't really feel like a Vday celebration of any kind. It was more like dinner with my friends...
Little Incidents
My bro called, as promised, to ask me something. Lol, it was funny... but this is something only my bro & I will understand, right bro? Hehe...
Various people came up to our group, asking the guys to "buy flowers for the girls". LOL like they would?? :p
I think Ee En saw something she shouldn't have... But it made no big difference, so no matter...
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