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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Valentine's Day

  • When: 14/02/2009
  • With: My parents, Kinz
  • Where: Zipangu @ Shangri-La, GSC and Jack's Place @ 1 Utama, Look Out Point
  • Time: 3 p.m. - 2 a.m.
  • Pictures: Below

    The Whole Story

    Valentine's this year began for me at Zipangu, the Japanese restaurant in Shangri-La. Had a really awesome Japanese buffet lunch with my parents (because they insisted that Valentine's Day is not just for my significant other, but for all loved ones. :p).

    Zipangu's private garden.

    Amongst the california rolls, prawn tempuras, chawanmushis, salmon, soba, teppanyaki stuff, etc., the best part of the buffet has got to be this:

    The best damn soft-shell crab maki ever.

    I've eaten soft-shell crab maki at a few Japanese places, and this had got to be the best one. It was so awesome that I must have taken a dozen or so, and even when I was stuffed silly, I stuffed myself with more of it because it was just too good. This was followed by green tea ice cream with red bean, which was so yum. :)

    Got home and was so tired from all that eating haha that I had to rest for a while, even though my date was scheduled to be there in half an hour. Managed to get ready in time, and when he called to tell me he's outside my house, I asked him if he could come down to see if my outfit was okay. Met him at the door, and watched as he pulled out a bouquet of red roses from his car boot. And as he walked towards me with roses in hand, I could only smile stupidly and say "You gayy" when he came within hearing distance. To which he replied, "Who says it's for you?" -.-

    It was so pretty and I liked it so much that I didn't know what to do with it. I just wanted to hold it and keep it with me. Haha. Asked my mum to put it in a vase for me because we were in a rush to catch a movie, and a split second later changed my mind and brought it with me because I wanted to take pics of it. Changed outfit and off we went.

    The whole way in the car I kept thanking him for the flowers. Because it really was so pretty. :)

    Pretty roses. :)
    Pic taken by the boyfriend, because the girlfriend took a million pictures
    which didn't look as good as this one picture he took while driving. -.-

    Reached the car park, which was quite jammed. But thankfully, managed to find parking just 15 minutes before the movie was scheduled to start. So he decided to open his Valentine's Day present. And of all things, he liked the mini card I made for him in less than 5 minutes, with the help of photoshop, a cacated printer, cellophane tape and my dad's name card. Hahah. But he liked the shirt I got for him, as in genuinely liked it (or so I got the impression haha), and I was so glad and relieved. Because everytime I went shopping with him, I'd find out that our tastes are quite different and sometimes when I pointed to a shirt for him, he'd go "So uncle!" -.-

    Off we went to get some snacks before the movie started. The movie, btw, was only because he went to buy tickets with Karl Son and there were two empty seats next to him and Lilian. So, we ended up watching Pink Panther 2 together, side by side. Not only that, they also ended up parking next to us, by some twist of fate, and also met them again in the bathroom. They nearly had dinner at the same place as us, but changed last minute. Haha. This is what you get when the two guys plan together.

    Their cars, just separated by a pillar.

    Shopped around for a while before dinner, while showing him some of the other stuffs I would've bought as a present for him. Then went to Jack's Place to find a crazy long queue at its entrance. There were so many people that there was even a queue for people who had reservations! So we waited patiently, and when it was our turn, Kinz checked the reservations list only to find that his name wasn't on it, even though he had called days in advance to book us a place! But luckily, the waitress said it was okay and seated us.

    Let me digress for a minute. When he said he would choose the place for dinner, I let him on the condition that dinner for the both of us would be under RM100 (yes I'm sweet that way :p). I had to, because he was looking at Valentine's dinner sets that cost RM100+ per person. That's just crazy. Sweet, but crazy. Haha. So (I heard), when the guys met up to discuss possible dinner places, he kept going "Ughhh I can't go there!!" and Karl went, "Har har! Waiee don't let you spend more than RM100!" Hahaha. Poor dear. :p

    So anyway, there we were, waiting to order. The table next to us were complaining to each other about how slow and bad the service were, and we suspect that they didn't get their main course at all. They must have waited quite a while, because not long after, they walked out of the place. Kinz and I were wondering if we should leave because there were many tables without food, but we decided that we weren't in a rush. After placing our orders and getting our appetizers relatively fast, Kinz left for the bathroom... only to appear later with a huge plastic bag with my boxed-up present in it! :D

    And yes, that was a surprise I didn't expect, because he told me that he left my present. Only, he failed to mention that he left it in 1U itself. Haha. So kudos to you for your first successful surprise. Hehe! :)

    Before I could take a proper look at my teddy bear, the food came! And we were so surprised, because it was much much much faster than we expected. I think we were just really lucky. I suspect that the food was supposed to be for someone else who walked out. Haha. We had steak, medium rare (because they were out of chicken *sigh*) which was kind of chewy and tough. We had to cut it up into small pieces so that we could actually swallow! Hahah. The food was just so-so. Another table next to us, which came almost the same time as us, must have waited an hour plus for their food, because by the time we were done with dessert (which was quite nice btw), they hadn't even gotten their main courses yet. So yeah, we were really lucky. I guess I'm his lucky charm. Hehe! :p

    We saw many couples camwhoring, so we decided to camwhore too.

    Us. :)

    Not only that, he saw the couple behind me (in front of him) camwhoring with the display screen facing him, and he actually motioned to the girl to move a little to the right, to which she smiled shyly in response. And he actually told me that she was quite cute! -.-

    Guys! -.-

    After dinner, decided to take a drive to Look Out Point, which was about an hour's drive one way. It was supposed to be a surprise where we were going, but he accidentally let slip the name, and unfortunately for him, while Google-ing for places to have dinner on Valentine's, I came across this place. Hahah. :p

    He had a little difficulty remembering the way, but we made it there in the end. Again, met Karl and Lilian there. Hahah. Went to the tower first to see the view and take pictures, before getting a drink. First went to one cosy cafe, which was serving cut-throat priced drinks, so we moved to another cafe/mamak. The service there was terrible and it was either order in a set (appetizer + food + dessert + drinks) or nothing at all, so we moved yet again.

    The view from up there.

    Us. With too bright a flash.

    Later met up with Jun King, his girlfriend and his friend. Here Karl and Kinz shared a plate of chicken, which made them look a little gay especially on Valentine's haha, but oh well. :p

    At about 1am, the fans and even the lights turned off! I thought it was a hint to tell everyone that they're closing and we should leave soon. But it turned out that Jun King had gotten someone to bring a cake out for his girlfriend, whose birthday was the day after Valentine's.

    Left soon after, and reached home around 2+ a.m. Before fetching me to my doorstep, he tried on the shirt and later sent me a MMS picture of him in the shirt! Hahah. He's cute that way. :p

    As soon as I got back, I excitedly showed my sis all my presents and made her take pictures of me. Hehe. Then told her about my whole day. :)

    With my flowers and teddy! :) :) :)

    The teddy bear with no name.
    Because I've changed his name from Fei Tut Tut to Chex to Checkz to Teddye. Haha.

    It's my first real Valentine, and if I knew Valentine's would be so fun, I wouldn't have waited that long! Hahaha. Kidding. But it really was great, and for a first Valentine's, I think it was awesome and I was really happy. I know he put a lot of thought and effort in it, and worried alot about alot of things, so thanks dear for everything.. :)

    You have your work cut out for you next year. Hehe!

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