Times to remember...
Wilsons Promontory
When: 25/03/2008 - 28/03/2008
With: Kit Mun, Shanice, Joanne, Manrou, Li, Wei Siang
How: Bus
Total hours of journey: 3 hours (one way)
Pictures: Below
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Due to popular request (and a very scary Shanice asking me when I was gonna blog about this, and - jokingly, I hope - said, "My patience has a limit... wahahah". I was like o.O;; hahaha), I have been pressured into decided to blog about the four-day trip my friends and I took.
Day 1
So over the Easter break, seven of us (Kitmun, Shanice, Joanne, Manrou, Li, Wei Siang and I) went to Wilson's Prom, which is a national park/beach. Wei Siang was the lucky thorn among the roses; though after his girlfriend found out that he was the only guy among six girls (which he conveniently didn't tell her until after the trip), I kinda think maybe he wasn't so lucky after all. Hahaha. Anyway!
Took the bus there, the trip took about 3 hours. Upon reaching our backpackers' lodging (we were trying our best to travel on a budget), we were pleasantly surprised to find that the backpacker's place was fully booked and the nice owner would be putting us in two cottages instead. And the cottages were so nice!! So yeah, it was cool. =)
One of the the cottages. Since we reached at dinner time, Shanice wasted no time in cooking, and the rest of us just basically tried in our little ways to help her.
Joanne and Shanice holding a bowl of eggs. Hahah. Me, cutting cauliflower. See, I HELPed!! =p Ok ok nvm hahah.
Before the trip, Shanice told us that we would be eating only a basic dinner in order to save cost, so I thought, oklah maybe it's rice and omelette or something. Which is actually better than most of my meals, which consist of my staple diet of bread. Hahah. So you can imagine my reaction when I saw this basic dinner:
If this is basic, I don't know what you call my staple diet of bread. -.- Shanice's famous spicy chicken, marinated from home and carried all the way there!! =D Omg I'm getting hungry just looking at it. Hahah.
I swear, we need to get our definitions of "basic meal" more in line. Hahaha. Her basic dinner = my feast! Hahaha. But hey, I'm not complaining, it was awesome!! =D
All ready to dig in! If you can see, I'm holding a chicken wing, whee! =p With Wei Siang, who was the photographer.
The girls had a girl talk that night, which was cut short because Kitmun looked like she was ready to KO anytime. And now, after the trip, she can still tell me, "How come I dunno anything wan?!?!" Hahaha. Who call you never stay awake to listen to the juicy details!! Hahaha. =p
Day 2
Woke up the next morning, and though we only had toast with jam for breakfast, somehow the smell of toast in the morning was just so good! Shanice scared me with the amount of jam she ate. Hahah. We were lucky yet again to be able to leave our luggage on the bus, because we changed accomodation every night, and were initially worried about what to do with the luggage if we couldn't keep them on the bus.
Luck was on our side in ways more than one: We entered the park without having to pay a single dollar for entrance fee, though usually I think you have to, but the backpacker's owner arranged it with them. He's so nice! Then, I decided to forego my vanity and made the best decision of my life when I decided to run back to the bus and grab my windbreaker. Because it was freezing like hell (wait, does hell freeze? Hmm. Anyway.), I was so glad I had my windbreaker with me. =)
Once dropped off, we began by taking 3 different walks. The first was over Tidal River, which was a walk for amatuers, and a quite scenic one at that.
Pretty tree. =) The walk.
Li being absolutely sweet. =p The second walk was a bit more challenging, with slopes and what not.
Kitmun and I on the 2nd walk. Hahah look at Shanice's umbrella being blown away! =p What Wei Siang did when it began to drizzle and he had no umbrella. Hahah.
All of us, with Kitmun taking the pic.
Wei Siang posing in a tree that everyone posed in. Hahaha. We had lunch somewhere along the second walk. Lunch was bread with tuna, and when we took out the tuna cans, all of us hungry and cold, I was like, "Did you all bring can opener or does the lid had the ring thing?"
And then the scariest silence followed, before, "OMG!!". -.-
Hahahah. So, we tried using a mini swiss army knife to open it, but ended up (almost?) spoiling the knife instead. And after struggling with the can for what seemed like forever, Wei Siang suddenly remembered that he had metal scissors. -.-"
Hahah. It was the funniest thing; the can had a tiny hole just big enough to dig tuna out of it with a tiny plastic spoon, and we were all standing around the can, holding our squashed pieces of bread, waiting for our turn with hungry looks in our eyes. Hahaha.
Hahaha poor us!! Manrou waiting for Wei Siang to finish. =p The third and final walk, turned out to be mountain trekking, in the cold and rain, holding umbrellas, walking against the strong wind, on narrow dirt paths with no railings to prevent us from falling.
o.O right?!?!
I know!! It was the craziest yet most syok thing I've done in a long time! And to think that it's my first mountain trekking thingy, yet I was the first up. Hehe. *proud* (cause I was too excited la actually, haha). Wei Siang even commended us cause it was our first trekking yet we did quite well, and he added, "You know, Eric was telling me, the one he's most worried about is you (me). He said, you see her this kind of 'chin kam siu cheh', how to walk so far leh?"
Who's a chin kam siu cheh now?!?! Muahahah. =D
All of us, with Joanne taking the pic. See that red thing at the back, squatting down? That's me. Hahah. =p Point proven?
And it was so gay okay, it would rain, then I would have to take out my umbrella, then after awhile it'd stop, and when I thought it was safe to close my umbrella, it'd suddenly start raining again!! ARGHHH. Hahhaha. This happened a few times, okayy. -.-
Seriously, the walk was so awesome, and I don't know why. I'm not usually a forest/tree person. But I loved the view; it's like at every turn there was some new scenery to behold. And I loved having to keep watching where I was going (in the rain it was extra slippery, plus the road was narrow, and no railing, so I didn't wanna die haha) and having to decide which was a good place to put my foot and which trail would be better. And I so so so loved the canopies. Whee! It was really fun. =p
Li, Manrou and Shanice! Once we reached the top of the mountain (Mt Bishop I think), after thinking countless times that we were never going to reach, I was mildly disappointed with the view. Did I walk up all this way just to see this???
The view. Surely there was something better. Wei Siang said that on the right (where the trees are blocking), was the ocean. Then I thought, surely they won't be so stupid to have an ocean view and leave it blocked. So, I stubbornly followed this path that everyone thought was nothing important, and being the gentleman he is, Wei Siang offered to go with me. After about 5 minutes, I was gleefully excited to find the ocean lookout point!!
The ocean view! Colour's not so good cause it was drizzling.
Wei Siang and Kitmun. Me. So more camwhoring ensued, after we went back to get the others. We saw someone do this crazy thing of standing on a rock that was protuding over the cliff, and thought it was the coolest thing! So almost all of us took turns to crawl (when I say crawl, I mean crawl!!) through a branch-y path, while Wei Siang waited for us to assist us up the rock. I almost didn't dare to, but was feeling high enough to want to do it anyway. Hahah. Though, I didn't stand up like the others for fear of the wind blowing me off balance. The wind was crazy strong okayy!! =p
Proof! Hahah.
Me, Joanne, Shanice and Li with sticks. Supposedly helps when going down the mountain, but I couldn't be bothered. Haha.
Group pic. Came down the mountain and reached a bathroom. Hahaha. I'm sure you're thinking what the significance of the bathroom is. See, those who went to the bathroom later emerged and said, "Omg my hands are so numb that I had trouble buttoning/unbuttoning my jeans!!!" Hahahahah.
All in all, we walked non-stop for about 10km in 5 hours. Haha.
Joanne and I, while waiting for the bus. The bus came to bring us to our accomodation for the night, Oberon Cottage. When we walked in, I think it's safe to say that all hell broke loose. Hahaha. We were all blown away by how incredibly lovely the cottage was; I believe I ran around with Kitmun's camera, yelling, "Nobody move or put your stuffs around, lemme take pics first!!" Hahaha. From the outside it looked so normal. But they had a freaking piano in the cottage!
It had one crucial note out of tune though, which was kinda potong stim, but oh well.
The cottage, with the one-note-out-of-tune piano. The kitchen and dining table. The kitchen was so gorgeous, and they even had a bookshelf equipped with books (books!!) and DVDs. Oh goshh. Hahah.
Helped in the kitchen again, cause I wanted to learn. And the stupidest thing happened: I almost cried cutting onions. Hahahhaa. Okay okay whateverr. You should listen to Keith's advice on cutting onions. He makes it sound like Mission Impossible. Hahahaha.
Being the nice person I am (=p), I let the rest have a bath first. And by the time it reached my turn (I was the 2nd last), the most horrible thing happened: We ran out of hot water!!!!
I was like, ^@%@$@*???!!!! Is it even possible to run out of hot water?!! Sheeshhh... So poor Joanne and I had to wait for the water to heat up again, though after an hour or so the water was still icy cold (I kid you not, it was freezing!). I ran out of patience and decided that drastic situations called for drastic measures:
I boiled water and poured it into the bath.
Hahaha. Yes, I actually had to boil water to bathe, in a small electric kettle. -.- Took me about 5-6 rounds, mixed with the icy water, but I finally had enough to bathe in. And you know the gayest part was?? IT WAS STILL COLD.
I was like, GAHHHHHHHH!!!! DON'T CARE, BATHE!! Hahaha. Craziest bath of my life. Had to cut my bath into 3 parts, which was not fun. But funny, now that I think about it. Hahaha.
Playing Chor Dai Dee before Monopoly. That night, we played Monopoly (provided by the cottage; how cool is that?? =D). It was super gay. The first round, where you can't buy anything, I kept throwing "1"s!!! So one by one I moved, while the rest were already happily buying out all the properties. -.-
Then, I started chanting the number I wanted out loud, and it worked! Many many times! Hahah. So yeah, that was fun. I was actually quite happy to get Mayfair at first, and was even able to build a house there. But!!! These gayss... they kept going to jail!!!! So no one reached Mayfair, until finally Wei Siang miraculously passed the "Go To Jail" box, and landed on Community Chest. I was so happy, and I was telling him, "Haha Wei Siang, you're coming to Mayfair!". And then, he showed me his Community Chest card, which read, "Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'Go!'. Do not receive $200."
First game of Monopoly that I had to mortgage my assets. Sigh. I thought I'd be saved if I could land on the "Free Parking" box, which had $900 (or $9000?) on it, and Li and I were competing to reach it first. And so happened, she landed on it just before me!!! And when it was my turn, and I was only 3 boxes away, I told them, "You see la, I'll get 3 wan"... and I really got a three!!!! SHEESHHH. Landed on a now money-less Free Parking. -.-
The Monopoly players, with Wei Siang as the cameraman. Kinda funny though, Kitmun who had the most properties was the first to bankrupt hahah, followed by me. Went to sleep soon after, around 2am. The next morning, I learned that Wei Siang and Li stayed up until 4.30am playing Monopoly (the rest bankrupted), until Wei Siang finally gave up. Hahaha. Crazy people hahah.
Finally, the rest of the pics, cause putting them above would make it look messy:
Walk 1
Day 3
Day 3 was spent at the beach.
Which was yet another crazy idea in our 4-day 3-night trip. Hahah.
Let's just say that it was FREEZING that day, and it was raining slightly, and it really was quite miserable. Hahaha. I mean, it was great being there and all, but omg have you been to a beach on a cold, windy and rainy day? It's INSANE!! Hahaha. The wind was really strong okay. Think wide open beach and strong wind blowing from the ocean, and I think you'll get what I mean.
But the rocks at the beach was so nice! Haha. What did I tell you about my obsession? Hahah.
Me with a rock that looks somewhat like a turtle. Haha. So we camwhored for quite some time at the first beach (Whisky Beach), and a very crazy Wei Siang dipped himself in the freezing ocean from head-to-toe and came out of it visibly and very obviously shivering, dripping wet in the wind, and going, "SYOK!". o.O
Wei Siang, soaking wet and 'enjoying' the wind. -.- We wanted to walk from one beach to another by the shore, but the tide was too high and we had to take the main road instead. But before that, we had lunch of tuna sandwich and nachos again in the middle of nowhere (hahah) and then walked the seemingly never-ending road to our next destination, Picnic Bay.
I swear, that walk was so damn bad. I was cold, it was still raining (it stopped awhile when we were eating, which was good haha), and my leg hurt like crap from the mountain trekking the day before. I think my leg cramped once or twice during the walk but because it was so cold that my feet were numb (oh I forgot to mention that I was wearing slippers haha), I just continued walking anyway.
But the walk there was so worth it!
Picnic Bay. See how pretty it is?? I fell in love with the place instantly. This is what a beach should look like. =p
At one point, we really couldn't take the cold and wanted to leave a little earlier, but due to transport problems, we had to stay at the beach until evening. So we tried to make the most of it.
But thankfully, towards the afternoon, it was really sunny and it was better. Started taking more pics, and somehow Joanne came up with this pic:
Joanne with a pose that strangely reminds me of Mary Poppins. Hahaha. And a trend started:
Li. Shanice. Joanne again. Manrou. Manrou, Kitmun, Shanice, me, Li. We need more practice at this. Hahah.
After a while, we all sat down on a rock to try and dry off under the sun (it was still freezing cold even with the sun, but the sun made it bearable). And when we were nearly dry, we were all sitting there watching the waves come in, and I was just watching this bigger-than-usual wave and I was thinking, "Hmm... that looks kinda big... hey it's coming nearer... I wonder if it'll reach our rock... OMG IT'S -" before the wave crashed into our rock and water splashed all over us!!! And I was like, OMG... now I'm wet again, I have sand on my clothes and salt water in my mouth. -.-
Hahaha. I was sitting too comfortably to be able to stand up quickly, but some of them (I think Manrou and Li) were fast enough to jump to another rock. Hahaha. So clever. =p
Me, Manrou, Kitmun and Li on the aforementioned rock. I swear, if I was watching me, it'd be so funny. We were all just sitting there, stupidly watching as the wave came in even though we suspected it might reach us and stupidly sat there as we got splashed. Hahah.
Joanne went around throwing sandballs, which first hit Shanice. Then the next one missed Wei Siang and hit me, and then all four of us were chasing after Joanne with sandballs in our hands. Hahah.
Joanne being cheeky! Hahahah.
Picnic Bay was really so pretty! I loved that on the right side were the rocks, and on the left was a mountain/cliff thing. And when the sun shone, the ocean became really blue, and there were different shades of pretty blue! So nice!
*sighs dreamily* Finally it was time to go back, and the girls were quite tired and kept nodding off in the bus. Wei Siang was cheeky and took pics of the girls sleeping (thank God he didn't manage to catch me, hehehe), until Li got quite upset and told him not to. Hahah.
On the way back, the bus fetched another group of people, a group of 6 guys or so. I didn't really like them because they gave off the We're-All-A******s aura. Seriously. Hahaha. Then Wei Siang, being the super-friendly person that he is, started talking with them while the girls effectively ignored them by sleeping. Hahah. At one point, Wei Siang said to the guys, "I'll introduce you to them (the girls) later, they're abit sleepy now." and I remember thinking vehemently, "Hell no." Hahahah.
Upon reaching the backpackers' place, I was expecting a dorm that looked more like a hospital, but it was surprisingly really nice! It was a normal house, but with double-decker beds, and only fits 9 people. And since we were 7 of us, we occupied the whole house and no one else stayed with us. Hahah.
After a nice hot bath (I was one of the earlier people to bathe. After my crazy bathing incident the day before, I wasn't going to take any chances! Hahah), we had a dinner of takeaway fish and chips in the kitchen. It was so good! And then: Shanice: There's ice-cream after this. Me: Yay!! Who was the clever person who bought ice-cream? Shanice: Joanne. Me: Joanne I love you! =D Wei Siang: Har, then I buy the fish and chips, do you love me too? Me: ... I can't say... but... you understand la.
Hahaha. So after dinner, we hung around the living room (because that's where the heater was hahah). Played mafia, where Shanice kept becoming the Mafia and Wei Siang kept dying. Hahaha. And Kitmun, when she was Gamemaster and when she was starting to get sleepy, kept saying that the person healed was the person killed. Hahaha. And then those who were the Doctor and Mafia would look confused then say, "Er, Kitmun, I think you got it wrong" and then we'd have to start the game all over again. Hahaha. Finally, we went to bed and woke up the next morning to catch the bus back.
And that's about it. All in all, the whole trip cost only $210. Cheap? Very! Hahah. Especially when you compare it to our initial budget of $400 to $500. Hahah. =p
It was a fun trip, despite the cold and what not. Definitely a new experience! =D
More pics:
Kitmun at Whisky Beach. Some kind of thingy growing on the rocks. Li holding an I-Dunno-What-But-I'm-Guessing-A-Mini-Jellyfish. Wei Siang and his craziness again. Kitmun... uh... lost in thought? Hahah.
Secretly taken pic of Li. =) Another pic taken without Li's knowledge. These pics are nice! Hehe. Manrou's skills. =p
Li and I. See how cold I was - my jacket was zipped right to the top! Hahah. Wei Siang in the background. And I dunno why, but his pose makes me think, "Do they dry fish this way?" Hahaha. ;)
Li and I again. Being stupid. -.-" Hahaha. Sitting on the rocks. Wei Siang with Manrou's sunnies.
Joanne and Manrou. I like this pic, you can see the rays of the sun! Hahah.
The whole group. Manrou, me, Kitmun, Li, Shanice, Wei Siang, Joanne.
Thanks to Shanice and Wei Siang for organising everything, because I seriously think that without them, this trip wouldn't happen. We were left basically without confirmation for accomodation on the 2nd night due to Easter hols, and faced problems renting a car, and accomodation was hard to get, but somehow they managed to handle everything, and I know they were really tired (Shanice even skipped lecture to handle it), so yeah. Hehe. Thanks to Wei Siang too for handling alot of the things for us during the trip; I swear we would've been lost without him.
Thanks to Kitmun for letting me use her cam so much! I would've died without a camera, because I couldn't stop taking pics of the scenery. =p
Thanks to Kitmun, Shanice, Joanne, Manrou, Li and Wei Siang for their pics! Notice that I'm the only one without a cam. I really need to get a new cam. *sigh* But having 6 people with cam, leads to me going crazy with posting the pics (because I really do love the pics!), hence the 69 pics in all 3 post. -.-"
And that concludes the Wilson's Prom trip over the Easter hols.
Finally. =p
Cross-posted in nEutral:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
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