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Moments XoX
Times to remember...

« @ » Christmas Dinner 2006

  • When: 24/12/2006
  • With: my family, my aunts & uncles, and my cousin
  • Where: My house
  • Pictures: Below

    Having the whole family (not counting one of my cousins who went for a concert, and my relatives on my dad's side) here was great. Christmas time should always be spent with family. =)

    The Long Version
    The food, the company, the atmosphere, everything... was excellent. It was just a dinner, but it was really more than that. =)

    The Place
    My lovely home is the best. No arguments. Haha. =p

    The Weather
    Didn't rain!

    The People
    Obviously, they've all known me since I was born, considering that I was the youngest there. And there's a strange freedom to be me when they're around. Hehe.

    The Event
    Christmas!!! Enough said. Hehe.

    Little Stuffs

  • I helped in the kitchen! Hehe I bet you guys are going "HAR?? You help ah? The whole house burn down lorr..." hahaha. Yes, I did help, and the food turned out great! Hehe. Oklah fine, I just stirred the soup, but still!! The soup was nice. Hahah. ;)
  • I was sitting in between my cousin and my sis. We each had a glass of wine, and after they tasted about half, they both said they'd rather drink sparkling juice and gave me both their halves! Hahah. I should sit in between them more often. Hehe.
  • My sis, my cousin and I were too free and decided to take pictures with the christmas tree. We ended up hanging my camera on the door and putting it on a timer. We also took a few pics of our reflection in the christmas tree ornament, but it didn't really turn out well, so I won't put it up. But it was really fun doing stupid things like that. Hahah. And to think that they're older than me. Hehehe.
  • Played my compositions for my relatives to hear (by request! hehe), and one said that one of them sounded like a Chinese song lah, one more sound like Japanese/Korean song lah... haha crappiness... and later played some Richard Clayderman songs which I haven't practised in a long time, so I played halfway then suddenly stopped and went "Something liddet lah" hehe. =p
  • After everyone left, I started to feel sick. Felt really uncomfortable, but I thought I was tired, so I just went to sleep. But after tossing and turning, and the pain getting worse, I decided I couldn't sleep. It was so bad that I thought I might have to be hospitalized on Christmas day, which is just sad. Lol. Somehow I thought, "I feel like throwing up" and well, I did. GROSS. I know. Hahah. But my sis is so sweet, she took care of me and told me how she also kena-ed it before. Love her to bits. =) And I think I better lay off the wine. Hehe.


    The christmas tree! =)


    Christmas log

    Some of the food

    Me and my sis

    My parents hehe

    Me, my sis and my cousin

    The whole group minus the photographer, my dad

    Me, my cousin & my sis posing with presents

    My cousin, my sis & I posing with the tree

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