Times to remember...
Christmas Dinner 2006
When: 24/12/2006
With: my family, my aunts & uncles, and my cousin
Where: My house
Pictures: Below
Having the whole family (not counting one of my cousins who went for a concert, and my relatives on my dad's side) here was great. Christmas time should always be spent with family. =)
The Long Version
The food, the company, the atmosphere, everything... was excellent. It was just a dinner, but it was really more than that. =)
The Place
My lovely home is the best. No arguments. Haha. =p
The Weather
Didn't rain!
The People
Obviously, they've all known me since I was born, considering that I was the youngest there. And there's a strange freedom to be me when they're around. Hehe.
The Event
Christmas!!! Enough said. Hehe.
Little Stuffs
I helped in the kitchen! Hehe I bet you guys are going "HAR?? You help ah? The whole house burn down lorr..." hahaha. Yes, I did help, and the food turned out great! Hehe. Oklah fine, I just stirred the soup, but still!! The soup was nice. Hahah. ;)
I was sitting in between my cousin and my sis. We each had a glass of wine, and after they tasted about half, they both said they'd rather drink sparkling juice and gave me both their halves! Hahah. I should sit in between them more often. Hehe.
My sis, my cousin and I were too free and decided to take pictures with the christmas tree. We ended up hanging my camera on the door and putting it on a timer. We also took a few pics of our reflection in the christmas tree ornament, but it didn't really turn out well, so I won't put it up. But it was really fun doing stupid things like that. Hahah. And to think that they're older than me. Hehehe.
Played my compositions for my relatives to hear (by request! hehe), and one said that one of them sounded like a Chinese song lah, one more sound like Japanese/Korean song lah... haha crappiness... and later played some Richard Clayderman songs which I haven't practised in a long time, so I played halfway then suddenly stopped and went "Something liddet lah" hehe. =p
After everyone left, I started to feel sick. Felt really uncomfortable, but I thought I was tired, so I just went to sleep. But after tossing and turning, and the pain getting worse, I decided I couldn't sleep. It was so bad that I thought I might have to be hospitalized on Christmas day, which is just sad. Lol. Somehow I thought, "I feel like throwing up" and well, I did. GROSS. I know. Hahah. But my sis is so sweet, she took care of me and told me how she also kena-ed it before. Love her to bits. =) And I think I better lay off the wine. Hehe.
The christmas tree! =)
Christmas log
Some of the food
Me and my sis
My parents hehe
Me, my sis and my cousin
The whole group minus the photographer, my dad
Me, my cousin & my sis posing with presents
My cousin, my sis & I posing with the tree
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