Times to remember...
Christmas Potluck 2006
When: 22/12/2006
With: Sook Teng, Emily, Noelle, Sarah, Peter, Jason, Hock Jeen, Wei Liang, Ming Kim, Josef, Jing Chen
Where: The park outside Ming Kim's house
Pictures: Below, courtesy of Hock Jeen
After not seeing these people for a few months, it was great to see everyone again. Lots of Italian food, for some reason. Lol. 3 different types of pasta, 2 pizzas and nuggets, plus tiramisu, fruits and drinks.
The Long Version
I remember all the times we would have a potluck at that same park. Valentine's Day 2005, as well as a few other potlucks/barbeques there... it really brings back memories. The only thing that really struck me was that when we were all leaving, saying goodbye was no longer "see you in school tomorrow" but rather, it was "see you in a few months' time, if someone organises an outing and we can all make it". Somehow, it was kinda sad, but I'm glad that we still keep in touch and meet up regardless of how many months have passed, and that we can hang out like old times. =)
The Place
It's really bright, there are swings (yay!!!) and see-saws and all those stuffs you usually find at the park. Hehe. Our usual potluck place. ;)
The Weather
It didn't rain. I didn't think it would. And because it didn't rain before that either, everything was dry and sit-able. Hehe.
The People
I've missed them! =p
The Event
I enjoyed myself, even if it was just sitting around and going, "Say something lah". Hehe. What can I say, it's the company that counts. ^^
Little Stuffs
For some reason, it has supposedly become my trademark to bring nuggets for potlucks, according to Jason. Lol. I only brought nuggets once, and I'm sorry if that's the only thing I know how to cook decently! =p
Hock Jeen must be the nicest person I know. Lol.
Hock Jeen: *stands next to me* Hey, I think you stopped growing!
Me: That's a good thing.
Hock Jeen: I think you stopped growing... vertically.
Me: ... Wanna kena whack ar! =p
Hock Jeen: I didn't say anything!
Me: But you implied a lot!
Hock Jeen: *laughs* I'm sorry.
Me: You don't look sorry.
Hock Jeen: Wait wait, give me a minute... *looks away* *looks back* I'm sor- *laughs again*
Me: -.-"
This happened 3 times. With him unsuccessfully trying to apologize "sincerely". Hmph. =p
We're all sitting around when Emily suddenly said that she wanted to take a picture, since Hock Jeen was taking pics. So Hock Jeen squatted down behind Emily, getting ready to take a pic with her with the cam in his hands, when at the same time, Emily stands up and walks over to pose with us girls. Hehe. She didn't know that he was getting ready to take a pic with her, and he didn't know that she meant a group pic. Poor Hock Jeen. =p
Jason & Peter are scheming to conquer the world. Hahah. Jk. Inside joke. =)
While the guys amused themselves with some bored board game, Sook, Em, Elle & I sat on the swings/floor/see-saw and chatted, with some visits from Wei Liang, Ming Kim, and Jing Chen once in a while. It was nice catching up and talking about future plans, like uni and what not. Hehe.
Elle borrowed this mosquito repellant thing from Hock. When she saw a mosquito, she would push the repellant towards the mosquito and hope that it goes away. The way she did it was so cute hehe. I think it repelled the mosquitoes towards me, sob. Hahah. =p
Peter and Jo were playing Scissors-Paper-Stone to decide who would finish off the remaining grapes, 2 at a time. Somehow, Peter ended up losing so many times that he practically ate the whole bunch, lol! But the last 2, he won! Haha he was like "AH HAH!" at Jo haha. Then they played it some more to finish off the drinks. Lol. Childish people.
The food
The girls
Sitting around, talking
Still sitting around, talking
Me & Hock Jeen
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