Just Don’t Happen Twice

by Lyssa


“Hey, I what are you doing tonight?  I want to see you.”  He spoke into the phone smiling just at the thought of seeing her again.

 “I think I’ll be home.  You want to stop by?”  She sensed his excitement and was feeling it too.

 Yeah, I’ll be by around nine.”

 "Alright, bye.”


He hung up the phone and jumped with joy.  Kevin rarely dated people he’d just met but he had a good feeling about this one.  He didn’t like dating.  Hell, he was young; he had time to find the woman of his dreams.  No pressure.  He left the studio that day with a smile on his face.  He was working late and usually he’d be upset but not tonight.  Kevin nearly drove himself insane trying to pass the time until it was time to see Marleigh.  He left promptly at eight giving himself time to take a shower and get to her place. He didn’t slow down until he reached her apartment and got to the door.  Kevin took the liberty of buying her some flowers.  White carnations.  He knocked and it seemed a lifetime until a brunette woman he didn’t recognize opened the door.

 “Um, does Marleigh live here?”  He asked hoping he had the right apartment.

“Yeah let me get her.  Can I tell her who’s here?”  She let him in.


 He looked around at the apartment.  This is like he imagined that she’d live in.  Colorful, not one theme but a bunch of things thrown together tastefully.  Just like Marleigh.  He smiled when he saw her.  She was dressed in jeans and a white undershirt with her blonde locks thrown on top of her head messy with a black jaw clip holding it.  She looked beautiful.

“Hey Kevin.”  She smiled lighting up the room.  “I didn’t realize it was nine yet.”  Her hand went right to her hair smoothing down the rough spots then just taking it down.  “I’m sorry I’m a mess I’m cleaning.”

Kevin handed her the flowers, “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”  She went in the kitchen and he heard water running.  “Did you want to go somewhere?”

Kevin didn’t know.  This was a spur of the moment thing.  He mentally kicked himself for forgetting to actually have a reason for calling her and seeing her.  He was silent until she came out of the kitchen with the flowers in a vase and put them on the table.

 “Uh, how about we take a drive?”  He hoped that was good enough until he could find a better plan.

“Well, let me just go change and I’ll be out in a few minutes.”  She started down the hall when he caught her arm.

“You look beautiful.  You’re dressed just fine.”

He saw her debating it in her mind.

“Um, alright.  Let me just go get a shirt.”

He stopped her mid-sentence. 

“You look beautiful.”  He pulled her towards the door.  “Let’s go.”


 She smiled and reached for her keys on the table.  She followed him out the door as they walked to his pick-up.  He opened the door for her and watched as she grabbed on to the handle and the seat as she climbed in.  He smiled as he walked around to his side and got in and starting it up.  He pulled out as she asked, “Where are we going?”

He laughed, “I don’t know.”  She laughed along with him.  “Just thought we’d go for a drive.  Is that alright?”

She nodded.  “Yeah, I was just wondering.”

Kevin tried to think of something as they rode listening to the radio.  Finally it hit him.  He knew this great spot where to watch the sunset.  He had a plan!  He was on a mission to get to that spot when he spotted a Fred Meyer.  He thought, snacks, something to drink.  He pulled into there quickly and it took her by surprise.  He parked and turned to her.

“I’ll be right back.  Will you wait here?”  She nodded.  “I’ll just be five minutes.” 

He got out leaving the truck running.  He was in a quick stride into the store and thought about what to get.  He spotted the already made lunches and he sprang to it.  He looked quickly and got sandwiches.  Now something to drink.  He kept walking until he saw the wine lined up in an isle.  Not good wine but it was wine.  He quickly selected one and was on a mission to find something to drink out of.  Paper Cups!  He practically ran to them as he grabbed the first ones he saw and ran to the check out counter.  $27.62, he threw out 28 bucks and stood impatiently with the paper bag as the girl handed him his change and receipt.  Kevin walked quickly back to the truck and got in putting the bag between them and backing out almost skidding to get out of there quick before the sun was gone.

 “I’m sorry I was gone so long.”

“It’s alright, you weren’t gone that long.”

She watched the cars along side her.  They were silent until he reached the spot in a deserted parking lot over-looking houses in a valley.  Kevin backed into the space, turned off the engine but leaving the radio on and turned to Marleigh. 

“What are we doing?”  She had a look of confusion her face.

Kevin got out gripping the bag and walked over to her side and she stood there holding the open door.  He closed it for her. 

“We’re watching the sunset.”

 He smiled as he took her hand to the back of his truck and let down the tail gate. 

“Have a seat.”  She sat and he got up on the right of her and put the bag on the other side of him. 

“Are you hungry?”  She nodded as he pulled the two sandwiches out of his bag. 

“Turkey or Ham?”

She smiled.  “Turkey.”

 He handed her the sandwich as she peeled back the saran wrap and took a bite.

“Something to drink?”  Kevin reached in the bag as she nodded.  He took out the cups first then the bottle of wine.  “Wine?”

Marleigh laughed when he took out two cups and poured them wine.  “Thank you.”  She accepted the wine from him and took a sip.

“The best wine Fred Meyer had to offer.”  He joked opening his sandwich.  They sat in silence watching the show God put on for them. 

“Is it good?”  He asked as he watched her instead of the sunset.

“Yes.  I love turkey sandwiches.”  She smiled and looked at him.  “This is nice, thank you for taking me out.”

He laughed.  “This is lame.  I couldn’t figure anything else to do.  So, sandwiches, wine, and a sunset.”

“It’s romantic.”

“No it isn’t.  It’s a dinner under 30 bucks.”  He chuckled thinking that she was just being nice.

“It’s more romantic than spending a fortune at some loud, crowded restaurant with no privacy.  This is more personal.” 

She smiled at him and he felt better.  He should have nothing planned more often.  He did kind of like this better than spending a ton of money to please someone. 

“Did you plan this?”

He roared out laughter making her giggle. 

“I wish.  I had no idea what to do when I picked you up tonight.  I just wanted to see you again.”  He looked at her with a silly grin on her face.  “Do you really like this?”

“I love it.” 

She turned her attention back to the sunset as the sun fell below the horizon.  They didn’t talk again until stars began to appear in the sky.  Them just in a comfortable silence listening to the music the radio was playing.

 “Look, the first star of the night.  Make a wish.”

 He pointed up as she looked.  He watched her close her eyes with a slight smile on her face.  She opened them and looked at him. 

 "What’d you wish for?”

 "I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”

 She smiled looking down at her hand at the rest of the sandwich left.  She wrapped it up and sat it down next to her and drank more wine.  Kevin watched her for no reason.  Just amazed by her.  They chatted lightly about the things they missed on their first date and what they did that day.  They settled into another comfortable silence when Kevin reached out and touched her face.  He ran his hand across her cheek and looked into her green eyes.  They were amazing.  He drew her in for their first kiss.  He just ran his lips over hers and heard her draw in a ragged breath.  Their lips connected and his fingers ran through her long hair.  His tongue parted her lips and slipped into her mouth.  His tongue explored every inch of her mouth before he pulled back.  He looked into her eyes again and smiled.

“That’s what I wished for.”

She smiled and leaned into him for another kiss.  He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss.  They stopped and just looked up at the star completely content in each other. 

Kevin knew something like this just didn’t happen twice.


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