
Calla sat back against the head board of her bed. She pulled up the hem of her skirt a little and scratched her leg lightly. She watched him pace back and forth.

“Jace.” She said calmly and softly. He stopped and turned to her.

“What Calla?” He said sternly, obviously not in a good mood.

“Come here sweets.” She kept her reserve and waved him over. He paused for a minute and reluctantly came over to the bed, sitting down on the edge next to her. Calla reached over into the night stand and pulled a permanent marker.

“What are you doing Calla? I’m not in the mood for any more of your games.”

“You’ll like this one.” She smiled as she moved over and kneeled in front of him on the bed. JC knew that look that she had and shook his head,

“No, not till I know that you’re mine. I want a commitment from you. No more date by date crap, and I-“ He was stopped by her finger on his lips. She held up the marker,

“You’ve never gave me your autograph.” She placed the marker in her hand.

“Why do you want my autograph?”

“Why not?” She winked and laid back on the bed.

“Fine,” He grumped, “What do you want me to sign?” JC looked around for a piece of paper. She lifted her foot and daintily hung it in his face,

“Anywhere would be fine.” She smiled and he looked at her.

{flash back}
JC finished the last autograph and turned to Calla.

“All done? I swear you’ve autographed this entire place.” She teased and he grinned mischievously,

“No, I haven’t autographed you yet.”

“Oh, what do you want me to flash my boobs for you?” She joked and his eyes began to sparkle,

“Heh, heh, I like that idea.” He reached for her and she quickly moved away,

“I don’t think so. That’ll be the day when I let a man brand me with his signature on my skin.”
{end flash back}

She was his, all his. JC slowly uncapped the pen and moved a hand up her leg,

“Anywhere? Even here?” He said pointing to her calf. Calla nodded,

“If that’s where you want to put it.” JC laid the pen point against her skin but didn’t move it,

“Do you want more than one autograph?”

“I’ll take as many as you’re willing to give me.” JC quickly signed her calf and moved up her thigh. He signed the inside of her thigh and she giggled,

“That tickles.”

“I’ll have to remember that.” He winked and then looked at her, “I’m definitely going to need more writing space.” He began to remove her dress leaving her in her bra and panties. He sat back and studied her for a minute deciding what he wanted to write next. Then he leaned down and wrote, ‘Property of Joshua Scott Chasez’ across her stomach and affixed his signature below it. Calla looked down and saw what he wrote. She looked up at him and he was already busy writing across her breasts.

“You’re getting carried away.” She mused, she really didn’t care what he did, and he grinned not looking up from his writing,

“This is definitely a game I could get used to.” He finished writing and began trailing kisses north to her neck, “Thank you.” He whispered.

“For what?”

“For being my girl.”
