Justin Pictures...

Okay now Justin is not my favorite, and you can send me all the hatemail in the world and it still won't change my mind. In fact he's my least favorite of the quintet, so there, [LE sticks out her tongue] but I thought I had to be fair and give him his own gallery of pictures too. -LE

Okay, okay, I'll admit it...day-um that boy is fine...

Hell yeah bitch, you know you want this...(Come on you know he's thinking it and you're there thinking 'Hell yeah I want that')

From jailbait too, mmm, mmm, mmm...(Kay look in the background of the second picture...Does the curly hair look familiar?...hehehehe....)

This must be one of my favorite pictures of Justin. He's just too adorable! Then again look who is in the background, yep, that's my boy!

Let's not talk about what I had to do to get this...
