All About Me!

Hiya everyone! My name is Lady Emorah DeCour, yes that's my real name!! My mother's favorite movie is Lady and the Tramp so hence the name. I know, I know I'm named after a dog, but hey that's not my fault...I think it kind of sounds like royalty, so I like it...

Anyways I started this page when my obsession, maybe that's too strong of a word... hmm... when my dealings with JC of Nsync took up too much of my brain space and I needed a place to get everything out of my system. Yes another factor, I'm an Nsync fan who's in graduate school... and the funniest thing is that I'm not the only one, my best friend is too...

Slowly but surely I've been breaking down my roommate of four years too...I've seen her walking around our apartment singing 'Tearing up my Heart' to herself while she cooks...It'll happen, I know it will, no matter how much she denys it! Soon, soon it will happen! [Evil Laugh Ensues]

Okay, yeah, so I wanted to share with you my dealings with Nsync, mainly my boy JC...I still remember when I fell for him. Now mind you I was a die hard Backstreet Boys Fan and I could have cared less about those wannabes NSync...Forgive me I was young and naive...I had a thing for Kevin and I still kinda do, it's that tall dark and handsome thing that does me in everytime and all I have to say is THANK GOD he cut his hair again!!!! Well anyways back to our little story here,...I was at school and my friend Mel (who later turned into my best friend, so a HUGE THANK YOU!!!! to Nsync for giving me my best friend) who is obsessed with Lance, yeah obsessed, she has pictures all over her car, her car!! I'm not that gone yet, yet... Well we were watching MTV and I saw the video for "I Drive Myself Crazy" and I saw that scene where they're in the rubber room and JC sings in the window, oh yeah, yah know tha part, it was the eyes, coupled by the voice, I melted right there, I was a goner. Oh and if by chance JC you're reading this right now, damn boy! Did you get the good side of the gene pool... Your eyes are dangerous, I mean seriously you bring women to their knees with one glance, well at least me you do :)!!!

And you know what? If I were JC and reading this right now (God, how cool would that be?), I'd be a little freaked out, it's okay, I'm not some psychotic stalker (I wish I had the time to stalk JC, mmmm....), although I did go through a period of time where I thought that JC was my soulmate and we were destined to be together, I mean we both like ice tea and water (I swear I drink so much water that my friends think I'm a fish or and alcoholic, betcha didn't think drinking a lot of water is a sign of alcoholism but apparently it is, who knew?), I'm a big fan of Chinese food, I like roller coasters, I love to dance, I love music (I play piano, the clarinet(ugh! My mother made me play it because I'm polish and she thought that I would be able to play polkas for her, yeah right...), mallets (xylophones, vibes, chimes, marimba, etc.), and percussion. I like the color orange, actually i love all the colors but my favorite is Hot Pink! I like animals, I like to sleep, I love my own bed(both of them), I'm a pretty outgoing person (actually I'm a very outgoing person, almost too outgoing...), I thought it was a match made in heaven, that was until I found out he liked the root of all evils, AMERICAN FOOTBALL! Football? It's one of the most rediculous, barbaric, sports that I can imagine, next to I don't know, golf.

Well that's when I decided that we weren't soulmates, cuz my soulmate certainly does NOT like American Football. But I guess not everyone is perfect. I mean I'm certainly not perfect, I like Mariah Carey...but that's another story for another day. Also JC doesn't really have an accent, I mean I'm from New York and I have an accent, I want my soulmate to have an accent, is that too much to ask for? I'm a big accent girl, I once dated a guy because he was from England and the first words out of his mouth to me were, no lie, "It's a blustery day, Pooh." Have you ever heard a British guy say those five little words? God I still get shivers just thinking about it, so I was hooked. But anyways, JC if you ever start to like hockey and pick up an accent maybe we can negotiate....

Funny thing Mel told me the other day, she thought that I would be a good match for Chris in Nsync because we're both apparently hyper (I guess so, I don't really know because everytime I see them as a group I kinda focus on Mr. Chasez, I can't help it! It's those damn eyes!!!). But then I reviewed some footage of the boys and saw how Chris was and I was like are you NUTS!!!! Could you imagine if we had kids? We'd have to super glue them to seats just to get them to sit for a little while. I mean, I know that I'm bad enough but to add to my maddness? I think that it was just a moment of insanity on her part...

So yeah, I'm a borderline manic, boy this page is getting scarier by the line! But it's not as bad as it seems, it just means I have a ton of energy and if you couldn't tell by my story above I have ADD!!! Yes and they let me, ME! Into graduate school and getting ready to unleash me onto the world! What the hell are they thinking!!!!

h yeah, so JC if you're in the Albany area I happen to work at a big time mall. You'll know which one it is...Come on in, I work nights and weekends during the summer and holidays when I'm off from school...Honey I'll hook you up, I did it for Brian of the Backstreet Boys and I didn't even like him that much...don't worry about the store, everyone knows who I am and I'm easy enough to find...

Also, adding to the scaryness of me, I'm a psychology major!!! My mom always said that psych types were a little whacked, boy was she ever right...Also if you notice a couple of my stories deal with sorority chicks, that's because I AM A SORORITY CHICK!!!! Rock on with my bad self!!! It's has been one of the most difficult but rewarding thing I have ever done. Never in my life did I ever think that I could get fifty girls to all agree on one thing, I did the impossible! After I conquered that obstacle I was thinking of running for congress, he he he....

Oh yeah if you've ever seen the movie Leagally Blonde, that's my sorority, it was like they went and taped it at my house I swear...I suggest that anyone who is even remotely interested in greek life check it out! Not only is it cool to be a sorority chick, but it gets you involved in your campus community. I joined and from the begining I got roped into bachelor auctions, mud wrestling matches for charity, food drives plus friendships that last a lifetime, you'll always have a home anywhere you go in the country, I know I do...okay enough of me plugging Greek Life!

As you noticed I'm a little off my rocker as my grandmother says, but hey, I'M COOL, DAMN IT!!! PEOPLE LIKE ME!!! Anyways you must be bored if you have read down to this part of the 'All about me!' page. So I hope I've entertained you...

So yeah, that's about me in a nut really hope you enjoy my web page, I did spend a lot of time on it...time I should have spent doing other things such as homework, studying, papers...but I figure that I work well under presure...hehehe...

Love y'all, peace out G (hehehehe, love ya Mel!!)-LE


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