Nsync Concert Review and Pictures

Okay On April 7th I went to the Nsync Concert in Buffalo, {LE shivers thinking about it}, excuse my language, but it was a fucking awsome concert! After the concert I was looking at all the merchandising hoping that there would be a CD of the concert or anything like that. There wasn't and I was heart broken... Afterward I drove around trying to find where they were staying and such, {the one time I get to stalk them and they're not around, dumb boys :)}... but no luck. Oh but if you're in Buffalo and so is Nsync a good place to find Joey is the bar Soho, apparently he loves it there and is a big fan...

But anyways my quick review of the concert was that Tony Lucca was really good, I would actually pay to see him...

The not so boy band was laughable...extremely laughable, I'm sorry but when you put overweight forty year olds on stage and expect them to act like a boy band you can't help but laugh your ass off, like to the point where you're curled up on the floor in the fetal position, in convulsions of laughter...

Smashmouth was really good, even better than the last three time I've seen them and this time they didn't swear at me, but that could be because of all the parents in the audience...

Now my boys...Okay so I'm not your typical teenie bopper chick, I don't scream when Nsync comes on stage and flip out, though I might if I actually get to meet them...Too bad I was stuck in a whole group of little teenies and their parents, guess that's the price you pay for good seats...My friends (Mel, Roxy, and Sam) all came with along and we luckily all got tickets together, you have no idea the effort and time that went into doing this, Sam was wearing her Nsync shirt so we put her on the inside, as for other people to think that she was with them, {Sorry, I'm just totally against wearing a tshirt of the band you're going to see, to the bar, yeah, but not to the concert}. We got there at 7:00pm and waited to get in and then they took our sign, which we put a lot of work into, we're talking christmas lights and everything, the works and they fucking took it away with out the intent of giving it back, boy was I ever pissed... So we found our seat on the left side of the stage thanks to the very helpful, hot attendant, thanks Jeff! :) And then we waited and waited, and waited, and waited, through Tony Lucca, through the not so boy band (even though that was REALLY entertaining in the comical sense) and waited through Smashmouth and waited...

The parents around us were the fun part of the show, we got to talking with them and explaining everything that was going on. Parent's have the fucking funniest sense of humour I swear, their side comments before the concert about how Nsync was late and how they weren't even there and the kids around really made my experience that much better.

So around 9:15, the concert started, sort of, as in the lights dimmed and then the video came on and as nice as it was to see the boys on the screams, I didn't pay $85 dollars to watch a video, I came for the real flesh!!!

So finally they came on the stae and it was a fucking fantastic show from the beginning to the end and I even liked JC's joke, (Why did tigger go to the bathroom? To see Pooh). It was a solid two hours of music sang by them and they remixed everything, which was fantastic! I did feel a tad bit old when I knew all the oldies they sang in the middle and the girls around me didn't...

But I was dissapointed when they started girlfriend and I heard Nelly sing a little in the beginning and got all excited that Nelly was there and he wasn't....I don't liked to be teased! But pop made up for it when I saw JC fly off the floor when he humped it, I swear I started having palpitations. I took lots of pictures for my web folks and wouldn't you know it that none of them came out, that damn flash. Big dissapointment on my part, I missed class I was so dissapointed, yeah that was the reason...

But to make up for it I found pictures from the Ames, Iowa show and big surprise it's just like I took them, hehehe....

I got them from Nsync N the News, it's seriously the best site to find any information on Nsync, especially news stories and such, sometimes I think they know more about Nsync then they do...

*Nsync *N the News

Whoo Nelly!

Hubba Hubba...;)

And here are some from MTV

Okay really what were they thinking when they put Chris in this, I would spend the entire time playing where's Waldo...Luckily they smartened up and he wasn't wearing this when I saw them.-LE
