Chapter Fifteen

On the fifth day Izzy bounded down the stairs,

“I’m free, I’m free!” She shouted. Joey followed down behind her,

“Not till the doctor clears you, Iz!” She turned around and put her hands on her hips.

“He said only five days, no more.”

“Until he clears you-"


“Okay you can hang out down here, but I still want you to sit down and not run around.”

“Fine, but the moment he says that I’m okay I’m going out for a run.”

“I’m gonna make sure that he doesn’t.”

“Ooo, Joey-bear.” She said playfully punching his arm and bouncing around.

“Listen you.” He said trying to grab her but she took off running for the dance studio. Joey ran after her.

“Isabella!” He yelled after her and she ran into the studio and ducked behind Wade.

“Wade, save me!” She joked and Joey bounded into the room.


“Joseph!” She taunted and Lance got up grabbing her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder.

“Lance!” She squealed, “It’s a conspiracy I swear!” They all laughed and Lance spun her around on his shoulder and she squealed again. Finally he put her down, “God it feels good to hang out again. I’ve missed you guys.” JC happened to walk in at that time, “Okay, most of you I’ve missed.”

“Ha, ha, nice to see you too.” He grumbled and she turned to Wade,

“Hey Wade can you sing? Cuz I’d rather deal with you all summer, than gay boy over there.” She said throwing her thumb over her shoulder and Wade smiled,

“Well, it’d be a little hard since I’m the director of the tour.”

“You’re going to be with us all summer?”

“Yep, till the end of the tour, maybe then I can get some sleep.” He joked and she jumped,

“This day just gets better and better!” She cried.

“Joey can’t you order the doctor to keep her in bed a few more days or maybe till the end of the tour? Then maybe we’ll have some peace and quiet around here.” JC said and she rolled her eyes at him,

“Nice try Chasez, but even you couldn’t ruin my mood today.” She said putting her hands on her hips again.

“Wanna bet.” He mumbled but she ignored him and talked with Chris and Justin while sitting on Chris’ lap. It felt so good to be able to move around and hang out with the guys. Her day went even higher when the doctor came and cleared her totally. She abided Joey and didn’t go for a run but she did run around the house doing stuff for all of the guys. They had to get ready to move to Louisiana and prepare for the tour. They would move into hell weeks, which Joey said was really demanding on the guys. She was packing a few things when her cell phone rang and she picked it up.


“Hello, my dear it’s your mother.”

“Hey mother what’s up?”

“I was just wondering when you were coming home. You are still coming home this weekend right?”

“This weekend, um,” Izzy grabbed her planner and quickly flipped it open. She saw, ‘Tony’s concert’ in big red letters. Izzy mentally smacked her head, she had completely forgotten with everything going on, “yeah, I’m coming home, mother, I would never forget Tony’s concert for anything.”

“Well good, Tony’s got the lead solo and it means so much that you’re coming Isabella. So what time are you coming home?”

“Um, I need dad to pick me up at the airport at,” she pulled out her ticket, “I’m flying in at 6:35 pm on Friday, flight 451 on United.”

“Why are you flying in from school, bit of a waste, isn’t it?” Her mother said and Izzy sighed,

“Mother, I’m in Florida, working for Joey? I wrote you an e-mail about it. Really if you’re going to have e-mail you should check it.”

“Well I’ve been busy and don’t take that tone of voice with me, Isabella. So what you’re packing up and spending the entire summer in Florida?”

“No, I’m spending it with Joey and his band mates on their tour.”

“A single girl with five boys? Isabella Angelina Mariani, I don’t approve of this, what were you thinking?”

“Mother, I’m twenty-four years old, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.” Izzy’s mother didn’t care and went on a huge rant but Izzy didn’t want to hear it, “Mom! Mom! I have to go!” She yelled and her mother calmed down a little,

“Fine, we’ll talk about this when you get home young lady!”

“Can’t wait! Bye mother.” Izzy hung up the phone and groaned as Joey poked his head in Izzy’s room.

“Hey Izzy what’s wrong?”

“My mom just figured out that I’m spending the summer touring with you.”

“She wasn’t too happy, I take it?”

“She’s impossible and apparently I’m a disgrace to the whole Mariani family.”

“Oh, she doesn’t mean that, Izzy. You want me to talk to her?”

“Nah, it’ll be okay, I’ll explain and make them see the errors of their way when I go home this weekend.”

“You’re going home this weekend?”

“Yeah, sorry I totally forgot. Tony’s got some huge concert this weekend and I promised that I would go.”

“What concert is that? Tony plays and instrument?” Izzy looked shocked,

“What, you’ve never heard of Anthony Mariani, the greatest cellist alive?” She joked, “God the way my mother talks about that boy you’d think he was frickin’ Mozart.” Izzy started mocking her mother, “Oh Tony’s going to medical school and gets straight A’s. He’s been on the dean’s list every semester. Tony’s gonna play with the New York Symphony this weekend and next week he’s gonna walk on water!” She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air and Joey laughed, “And she actually wonders why I wanted to spend my summer working for you.”

“So you’re not coming to Louisiana with us this weekend?”

“I’ll just meet you guys down there, I already set up my tickets to fly down there.”

“That’s cool.”
