Chapter Sixteen

Izzy took a cab from the airport to their hotel in Louisiana. They were using an arena there to practice for their tour. After she dropped her stuff off she went to the arena to meet up with the guys. There were girls outside trying to get a glimpse of the guys. Izzy had the cab drop her off in the back and she tried to get in but a guard stopped her.

“I’m sorry Miss but you can’t get back there, you need to have a pass.”

“Oh yeah, Joey gave me one, let me look.” She rummaged around in her purse and then realized that she didn’t have it,

“Oh, I am such a dumbass, I forgot it at the hotel. I’m Joey Fatone’s personal assistant I was supposed to meet him here.”

“I can’t let you in with out a pass.”

“Can’t you make an exception?”

“No.” Izzy then spied JC popping outside for some fresh air.

“Hey Chasez! Come here! I forgot my pass, can you tell him who I am so that I can get in?” JC smirked and came over to Izzy and the guard,

“Do you know who this young lady is?”

“Sorry, I’ve never seen her before in my life.” He turned to Izzy, “Would you like to get an autograph or something?”

”Okay Chasez, stop playing, Joey’s expecting me.” Izzy said and JC was eating this all up,

“Sorry, who are you again? You say that you know Joey?” Izzy was getting really frustrated,

“Chasez stop, I’m serious.” JC looked at the guard,

“I swear Tom, I’ve never seen her before in my life. If she gives you any trouble, call back up.” JC walked away smiling and whistling.

“JC! This is not funny!!! You are so dead Chasez!!!!!” She screamed after him,

“Security!!” The guard yelled,

“Oh, your job is mine! I hope you enjoy the last few hours of it!!” She yelled at the guard and the cops came and took Izzy away. They arrested her for trespassing and making threats. Izzy protested the entire way to the station. They booked her and threw her in a cell. A little bit later when she had calmed down she was allowed to make a phone call. She knew Joey always forgot to check his voicemail so she called up Lance instead. She got his voicemail which didn’t give Izzy much hope, but she left a message because it was her only phone call,

“Lance, it’s Izzy. Um, well I’m kind of in jail and I need to get to bailed out. I’m being held at the police station, I’ll explain later, bye.”

A few hours later Izzy was still sitting in her cell when Lance and Joey burst into the detention center.

“Izzy!” Joey shouted, “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Why don’t you ask that asshole of a band mate of yours.” She spat and a guard came in and opened the door to her cell.

“You’re free to go, Miss Mariani.”

“Finally.” She stalked out of the cell.

“Izzy what are you talking about?”

“I was trying to get into the arena and I forgot my pass. I saw, urgh! That jerk, JC and asked him to vouch for me, and he, argh! He said that he had no clue who I was and had me arrested!”

“That doesn’t sound like something JC would do.” Lance said.

“How the hell else did I end up in here Lance? You think I like being in jail?!” She sighed, “Whatever, I just want to go back to the hotel.” So they got all of her stuff and went back to the hotel, Joey followed Izzy into her room where she went directly into the bathroom trying to clean herself up.

“God I feel so dirty from that place, I can’t believe that I had to spend the entire day there! I’m gonna have to burn these clothes!” She was scrubbing her hands to get the ink off of them.

“We would have been there sooner, but Lance didn’t check his voicemail till right before we left.”

“Joey it’s not your fault, it’s fucking JC’s fault that I was in fucking jail, he better hope that I don’t see him anytime soon because I’m just gonna hurt him. Jesus I was so looking forward to coming back to you guys. My week was so shitty with my mother and god the only thing that kept me going that I was coming back here and he has to pull this shit!! I fucking hate him Joey, I could fucking careless if I ever see that prima donna, long haired, fucking band mate of yours ever again!”

“So I take it home didn’t go to well?”

“When does home ever go well? Mother was up my ass all weekend about this, yelling at me and shit. She told me to grow up and get a real job or go and get married and pop out a few kids or I was disowned from the family. I told her to fuck off.”


“Okay so I didn’t tell her to fuck off , but I really wanted too! God why can’t she just leave me alone!!! I know she doesn’t badger, Gina like this! God if she didn’t want to have a fucking second girl why did she have me? I’m a whore! A disgrace to the family! Why can’t I be more like Tony! Or Gina! Why do I have to be the way I am?! So yeah that was my week in a nut shell. Fucking fantastic fucking, fucking, fucking, fantastic!!!!” She yelled to no one in particular and threw the towel she was drying her hands with down, “Fuck this, I’m out.” Izzy said grabbing a bag and leaving the room. Joey just sighed and sat down on the bed. This was not how he imagined everything would be, why did JC have to pull shit like this? Joey got up and walked out the door, he wasn’t even going to try to find Izzy when she was like this. She needed time to cool off. He saw JC come out of his room,

“Jace you are the biggest asshole.” Joey said down the hall, JC turned and just smiled,

“What the hell did I do?”

“Shut up, you know what you did, don’t play dumb. God why did you have to do that? Today of all days. It was the worst timing in the world JC.”

“Not my fault if she can’t control her anger.” Joey held back the urge to smack him,

“You idiot, she just came back from home, she was already upset and nearing explosion. You had to push her, you just couldn’t let it rest could you!” Joey yelled and JC took a step back, “Look do your self a favor and stay away from her, far away from her, unless you really want to get hurt. Just leave her alone.” Joey finished and walked away.

Izzy pounded the punching bag pretending that it was JC. She just let go and began kicking, punching and just wailing on it. If she wasn’t careful she was going to punch a hole in it. She had been down there for like three hours just wailing on that poor punching bag trying to get her frustrations out on it. Finally her body just gave out and cried for a hot soak. She gave the punching bag one last final kick and punch then grabbing her work out bag she went back up stairs to her room. When she opened her door she cried out from the pain that came from her hands. She didn’t notice the pain before now. Joey was already in her room sitting on her bed and went to her when he saw her.


“Joey, God it hurts so much.”

“Your hands?” She simply nodded and he helped her to the bathroom where he began to fill the sink with hot water. Izzy hadn’t even taken off her protective gloves yet. Joey made her sit on the sink and began to undo the gloves slowly,

“Go easy.”

“I know.” He said gently as he pulled the glove off and Izzy sucked in air through her clenched teeth because it hurt so bad. Her hands looked like they had been put through a shredder, there was barely any skin left on her knuckles. Joey quickly dunked them in the hot water to take away the pain. The water turned crimson from Izzy’s blood. Izzy was taking deep breaths and trying to keep the tears from falling. “Why didn’t you stop?” Joey asked as he began to bandage up each hand.

“Because I didn’t notice the pain till I got up here.”

“Well you won’t be doing that for a while. How are you feeling now?”

“Completely exhausted.”

“You look it, you want me to run you a bath?” Izzy nodded her head and slumped back against the mirror.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you before.” She said quietly,

“It’s okay I know you weren’t mad at me. You know you missed and exciting week. You became and aunt.” Joey said and she stared at him,

“Kelley had her baby? I’m an aunt? Why didn’t you call me?”

“Because you weren’t home and your cell phone was turned off. I have a baby girl, Brianna Fatone.” He said and Izzy flung her arms around his neck.

“Congratulation! I can’t believe I didn’t know! When can I see my girl?” Joey laughed and hugged her back,

“She’ll be visiting in a week or so and you can see her then.” He said as he dumped bubble bath under the running bath, “She’s so beautiful and so small. I can’t get enough of her.” He checked the bath to make sure it wasn’t too hot,

“It looks like you’ve already started being a dad.” She teased lightheartedly.

“Yeah, I know.” He smiled at her, “Don’t go telling Kelly that I do this for you, she’ll be wanting me to do it for her all the time.” He joked,

“Your secrets are always safe with me Joey.” She sighed, “You’re too good to me, it almost makes me want to date you.” Joey looked back at her wiggling his eyebrows,

“That can be arranged.” He said and she rolled her eyes at him as she got up off the sink,

“I’m going to get undress, be right back.”

“Need help?” He asked.

“That's what makes me not want to date you Joseph.” Izzy said as she went into the other room and got undressed. She slipped on a robe and went back into the bathroom.

“Your bath awaits my lady.” Joey said bowing and she laughed,

“Thank you kind sir.” She replied and heard a knock on her door, “Can you get that for me?” Joey nodded and Izzy slipped out of her robe and sunk into the hot water. It felt so good against her skin.

“Izzy, it’s Lance!” Joey yelled,

“Come on in, it’ll be a party.” She shouted back, Joey and a blushing Lance were soon in the door way of her bathroom.

“Oh, I didn’t know that you were taking a bath, I can leave.”

“Nah, I’m cool, come on in. I’m covered, no one’s gonna see anything.”

“Damn!” Joey said and she laughed,

“Joey go get me some food please, I’m starving, I just realized that I haven’t eaten all day.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Take a seat sweet stuff.” She said and Lance took a seat on the sink.

“I just came by to see how you were doing since this afternoon.”

“A lot better, thank you. Joey’s been taking good care of me.” Lance noticed her hands,

“Izzy! Your hands! What happened?”

“I had a run in with a punching bag, I’m okay.” Joey came back this time Justin was there,

“Oh Jesus Joey you didn’t say that she was taking a bath!” Justin exclaimed,

“Hey you, come on in, we’re all just hanging out, Joey just ordered food.” Justin nervously came in the bathroom. “Justin, you can’t see anything, take a seat. Joey it looks like you’ll have to order more food!”

“All ready on it!” He yelled back and she looked around and laughed,

“If my sisters could see me now, they would just die. I have most of the hottest pop band in America watching me take a bath.”

“Yeah, this is kind of weird.” Justin said.

“I’m used to it, my entire life I’ve had other people running in and out of the bathroom while I showered. Believe it or not this is normal.”

“This is why I like sorority sisters.” Joey joked,

“You’re impossible.”

“That’s why ya love me.”

“Yeah that’s the reason.”

They all sat there talking for a while. They called up Chris and he came over just in time for the food to arrive. As the guys got the food Izzy got out of the bath and dressed before joining the guys once again. She had such a great time hanging out with them, if only JC wasn’t a part of them it would be perfect, she thought to herself.

JC walked down the hall trying to find one of the guys to hang out with. He had knocked on everyone’s door and no one was home. They hadn’t gone out with out him, had they? Were they that pissed at him for the joke he had played on Izzy? Then he stopped outside Izzy’s room when he heard Justin laughing. What was he doing in her room? Then he heard Joey and Lance talking then he heard Chris squealing for some reason. Everyone was in her room, she had taken over his band mates.
The next day the guys had some events to go to early in the morning. Everyone was being cordial to JC, except for Izzy she ignored him. She was getting a bagel from the food table when JC came up next to her, he saw her hands,

“What happened to your hands?”

“I had a run in with a punching bag.”

“I feel sorry for the punching bag.”

“Yeah, well it was better than your face.” She shot back and JC swallowed hard,

“Izzy, I’m sor-"

“Shove it, I don’t want to hear it JC.” She said and then got very close to him, “You picked the wrong girl to fuck with. I can hurt you so badly. This is going to come back on you triple fold, when you least expect it. That’s a promise and I am so going to enjoy it.” She said maliciously before walking away. JC was set back a little wondering what he had gotten himself into.
