Chapter Seventeen

Izzy was still very sore from JC’s prank. She had to get even with him and it had to be good. The perfect prank fell into her lap one night when they were out at a club. She was in line for the bathroom when someone tapped her from behind, Izzy turned to see one of her sisters, Sheridan.

“Sheridan, oh my God what are you doing here?” Izzy exclaimed, they had graduated together and it had been ages since they had seen each other.

“I happened to be in town on business and went out on the town! How are you?”

“Just fabulous, I've missed you so much you haven’t been back to school in forever!”

“Yeah, well my business keeps me busy. What are you doing here?”

“I’m hanging out with friends, well I’m actually working for one of my friends this summer.” Izzy forgot all about going to the bathroom and talked to Sheridan for a while. She told her all about Joey and the stunt that JC had just pulled.

“He got you arrested? As a joke?” She asked,

“Yeah, wasn’t too happy about that. I've been dying to get him back for it, he so deserves it.” Izzy said and then a sly smile crept upon Sheridan’s face,

“Sounds like he needs the old T-O shackle tackle.” Izzy grinned,

“I can’t do that, I travel with him.”

“But he doesn’t travel with me.” She winked.

“Sheridan, you little devil, I love you.” Izzy smirked and Sheridan replied,

“Yeah, well no one messes with a theta omega and gets away with it.”

“Oh this is going to be beautiful, can I help in any way?”

“No don’t get involved, I'll drop the pictures off later tonight. Just point me in the right direction and let me work my magic.” Sheridan said confidently.

“Sweet, come with me.” Izzy led her to right outside the bathroom where they could see the boys but they couldn’t see them. Izzy pointed out JC and Sheridan just smiled and nodded.

Izzy happily went back up to the booth where the boys were sitting.

“Look who finally comes back we thought you fell in!” Chris said moving over for Izzy to sit down.

“We should only be so lucky.” JC commented and Izzy shot him a look,

“JC, do you find it hard to hide the fact that you’re gay?” She replied.

“Will you cut it with the gay crap, God you’re such a bitch.”

“No who’s being the bitch, JC?”

“Hey you two that’s enough!” Justin said breaking up the fight, “I’m going go dance, who’s coming?”

“I’m up for it!” Joey said jumping up and Chris said,

“Sure why not!”

“Don’t count on JC, he wants to be up here and be a party pooper, not like he could get a girl if he tried, maybe a guy…”

“Whatever, I can get with any girl I want here, I choose not to.”

“Right.” She replied.

“I could, in fact I’ll prove it to you.” JC said getting up, “I’ll bet you twenty bucks that I leave with someone tonight.” He said holding out his hand for her to shake and Izzy took it,

“Easiest twenty bucks I ever won.” She grinned.

Izzy went out on the dance floor with the rest of the guys, she had to drag Lance out to dance with her, but he had fun once he got out there. Izzy glanced around the dance floor to find JC, he was dancing with a group of girls and grinning at Izzy. She just smiled to herself and kept on having a great time. Joey danced up behind her and talked to her,

“Looks like you’re going to lose your bet.” He said and Izzy whipped around,

“I don’t really care, if he needs twenty bucks that bad…”

“I don’t think it’s about the money.” He replied.

“Anyways, this DJ is fantastic!” She said changing the subject,

“Yeah he is, I’m glad we came out tonight, hey check this out!” He started doing some funky grooves and Izzy burst out laughing.

“Oh, Joey what are you doing?”

“Starting my own dance craze!”

“Oh, my god where’s Justin when you need him?” She replied and he popped by,

“You called my name?” Justin said and saw Joey and then began imitating him, but Justin actually made it look good.

“Justin makes it look good, Joey you should just stop.” Izzy said still laughing, out of the corner of her eye she saw JC dancing with Sheridan. They looked like they were about to drop to the floor and start doing it right there. It made Izzy laugh even harder. She looked back to Joey and just started joining his crazy dance, it was actually fun to do. They danced a few more songs and then went back to the booth for a little break.

“Whew, what a work out!” Joey said sitting down,

“Yeah maybe you’ll lose some of that baggage around your waist!” Izzy said and he pouted,

“It’s my heritage! I can’t help it!”

“Yeah that’s it, of course it’s not all the junk food you eat!”

“Hey! I happen to like junk food, it’s one of the main food groups!”

“Yeah that’s it, Joe.” Chris, Lance and Justin bounded into the booth and sat down.

“Where did y’all go? I was ready to get my freak on with ya Iz and you weren’t around!” Justin said.

“I had to have the old man sit down before he overexerted himself.”

“Hey, I resent that!” Joey said, “Chris is older than I am!”

“Yeah but he’s got more energy than a three year old on crack!”

“I do!” Chris agreed. “Hey Joey!”

“What?” He replied and Chris chucked a pretzel from the bowl that was on the table. It hit Joey smack in the middle of his forehead.

“You’re dead, shorty!” Joey said grabbing a handful and chucking them at Chris.

“Oh no!” Izzy said being caught in the middle of the food fight. Suddenly JC sauntered up the to booth and grabbed his jacket.

“Where are we going, Mr. Chasez?” Lance asked and he just smiled smugly looking at Izzy,

“Going back to the hotel with Sherrie.” Izzy just rolled her eyes and went on,

“I’ll collect my twenty dollars later, Iz.” He said and turned and walked away from the booth. Everyone of the guys followed JC with their eyes, down to where he picked up Sherrie or Sheridan as Izzy knew her. JC said something to Sheridan and she looked up at the guys, waved and winked. A huge smile spread across Izzy’s face, her girl had done her job, all she had to do is sit back and wait now.

They stayed at the club for another hour or so before returning to the hotel. Izzy and the boys passed JC’s room and heard a lot of banging and grunting.

“Damn!” Joey said, “JC’s really going at it.”

“Well what do you expect? He hasn’t been laid in a month.” Izzy replied.

“Neither have you.” Joey retorted and Izzy opened her door,

“So you think.” She winked and went into her room shutting her door. She went into her room and dropped her coat on a chair, she looked back at the door and there were photos on her floor. She smiled to herself as she went over and picked them up. Izzy burst out laughing at them. There was JC hand cuffed and gagged, spread eagle in his bed with a huge theta omega on his chest in red lipstick. It was the best revenge she could have ever had. She also found a note on the floor, it was from Sheridan:

“Hey sweetie, Just thought you would like to see what “developed” between us :). Love ya, Sheridan” Izzy put the pictures in her journal and laughed her way to sleep.

The next morning a commotion out in the hall woke Izzy from her sleep. She slipped on a sweat shirt and went out to find out what it was.

“There she is!!!” She heard JC scream, “Let me at her, I can’t believe she did this!” She saw JC in nothing more than boxers, being held back by Justin and Chris. Izzy went down the hall towards them,

“JC, Izzy had nothing to do with this! She was with us the whole night!” Joey yelled at JC.

“What’s going on?” She said sleepily,

“Oh don’t act so innocent Izzy! You put her up to this! I know it!!!”

“JC, cut it out! She did not!” Lance said and Joey sighed pulling Izzy aside,

“We found JC this morning, handcuffed naked to his bed, apparently by that Sherrie girl he met last night.” Joey started to laugh a little, “I really shouldn’t laugh, but I can’t help it.” Izzy started to laugh,

“So what’s this have to do with me?” She asked.

“JC says that you put that girl up to it because he got you arrested. I told him that it was crazy, you were with us all night. He’s just really embarrassed.” Joey said giggling again. JC broke free from the boys and came over to Izzy,

“God I can’t believe the sick things that come out of your mind!”

“JC just stop it! Izzy wasn’t the one who met the girl in the club last night, Izzy wasn’t the one who brought that girl home last night and Izzy wasn’t the one who let that girl hand cuff you to your bed! So stop blaming her for your mistakes!!!” Justin yelled at him and he finally shut up but he was still glaring at her.

“I know you were behind this Izzy, I’ll prove it somehow.”

“Go right ahead JC.” She replied, “Oh JC do you want your twenty now or can it wait till we get on the bus?” She smiled. JC just punched the wall and walked away muttering to himself. Izzy just laughed and turned to get ready for the day.

Later that morning Izzy boarded the bus, Joey was in the front chillin’ and talking on the phone. Chris was talking with Lance and Justin was putting things away in his bunk.

“Hey guys!” She said brightly being in the best mood in a long time.

“Hey Izzy!” The guys answered her and she looked around the bus and noticed that JC was missing,

“JC’s not here yet? Did he get tied up with something?” She joked and they roared.

Izzy went into the front of the bus; JC was sitting by himself working on his laptop. She walked over to him and threw twenty bucks down in front of him.

“Here you go, I would just like to say that you sure proved me wrong-“

“Just shut up Izzy, I don’t want to hear it.”

“Oh JC, I was actually happy to see you go home with “Sherrie”, I was hoping to hear how things “developed” between you two.” JC turned and glared at her smiling face as she leaned down and whispered forcefully, “I told you not to fuck with me.” She winked at JC’s shocked face, turned and left for the back of the bus.

“I knew it!” He yelled, “I’m gonna get you Izzy!”
