Chapter Twenty One

Izzy brought over the guys’ drinks for the morning. She began handing them out,

“Joey, coffee with one cream, Justin, coffee extra cream and sugar, Lance, coffee black, Chris a mountain dew and JC a herbal tea, straight.” She gave JC his tea and smiled evilly at him, “Enjoy.” She said smugly, still staring at JC. He just stared at her not drinking his tea at all. She pouted a little, “What’s the matter Chasez? Not thirsty anymore?”

“No, uh, it’s too hot. I’m, uh, waiting for it to cool down before I drink it.”

“Well you better not waste it, I spent a lot of time getting it.” She grinned even more before turning to the rest of the guys, “Well I’ve got things to do, you guys need anything else?” She kept adverting her eyes to JC as if she was checking to see if he was drinking his tea. The guys shook their heads no, “Okay then, catch you later.” She did a little wave and walked away. JC turned to Joey,

“She’s trying to poison me, I know it.”

“What? You’re crazy; Izzy isn’t trying to do anything to you. Drink your tea and shut up.” Joey retorted,

“You’re in on it too aren’t you? What kind of a friend are you?”

“Jace, you’re way too paranoid. I stay out of your little issue with Izzy.” JC sighed and glanced around and saw Izzy staring at him with the same smug smile she had on a few minutes ago. He knew she was staring at him and he hit Joey on the arm,

“Look, she’s staring at me with that face, like she’s up to something, you have to believe me Joey.” Joey looked at Izzy, who smiled happily and waved at him,

“C, really cut it out, she’s just being Izzy.”

“Okay if you don’t believe me, drink some of my tea.” He handed his tea to Joey,

“What? Why?” Joey pushed the tea away,

“See, you do know she put something in it!”

“C, I don’t like tea, I like coffee. Which is why I’m drinking some.”

“Just a sip!”

“Will you shut up and drink your tea if I do?”


“Fine.” Joey grabbed the cup and took a sip. He made a face and handed it back to JC, “It taste like crap, exactly like tea. Now shut up and drink your tea.”

“I swear, if I get sick I know who to blame.”

“If you don’t shut up, being sick isn’t going to be your only worry.”

“Okay, okay.” JC said and took a small sip of his tea, it tasted normal enough and he took a bigger sip. He waited a few moments and when he realized that nothing happened he drank more of it. He looked at Izzy who was now smiling gleefully like it was Christmas. He instantly put his tea down; he was not going to let her poison him.

For the next few days Izzy began taking all their food and drink orders. Each time she stared at JC the same way she did that one morning. JC knew she was trying to get back at him for what he did to her. She was trying in everyway to get him to eat something that she delivered them. JC wasn’t having any of it, he either ordered a little something that she couldn’t contaminate or not order at all. Each time he didn’t order, Izzy looked extremely disappointed. It was driving him insane.

Joey stopped Izzy on her way to get them lunch,

“What are you doing to C? He’s a nervous wreck around you.”

“Absolutely nothing.” She shrugged,

“Then why is he so paranoid?”

“Because he’s a freak?”

“Iz, let him eat one meal in peace.”

“I’m not doing anything, except fucking with him a little, but 90% of his paranoia is created in his own mind. I just helped it along a little.”

“Leave him be, you’re gonna kill him or drive him insane.”

“Don’t I wish.”

“When are you going to quit it with him?”

“When you settle down and get married.”

“So I take it never?”

“Yeah, never’s good for me, how about you?”

“Drop the sarcasm.” He rolled his eyes at her,

“But it’s just one more service I offer. I think it just adds a little something to the whole package.” She joked and Joey laughed a little,

“You’re something else you know that?”

“Yep, I know. Well I have lunches to get and hungry boys to feed. See you later.” She kissed him on the cheek and breezed out the door.

One day JC’s hunger got to him. He was ravenous because he hadn’t eaten in a long time. So he broke down and chowed down on a huge sub that Izzy had gotten him.

“Slow down Chasez, most people chew before they swallow.” She laughed and walked away. Her plan was going exactly the way she intended it to.

After JC ate the sub he waited for something to happen, but nothing did. His paranoia was over nothing. He wasn’t going to let Izzy get the best of him. The next day he looked her straight in the eye and ordered a huge lunch, challenging her in a way. Izzy took the order just like she always did. JC laughed to himself at his foolishness over the last week. He had been paranoid over nothing, which was exactly what she wanted him to do. He had fallen for her prank successfully. Izzy soon came back with food. She handed it all out leaving JC for last as she always did. JC took no time and gobbled the food and drink all down. Izzy smiled evilly at him just like she always had and Joey came up to her,

“Looks like your plan is back firing. He’s on to you.”

“Is he now, hmm? That’s a shame.” She said sarcastically and Joey looked at her,

“What are you planning?”

“Nothing right now. It’s already done.” She smiled to herself gleefully.

“What did you do?”

“You’ll see.” She winked and walked away. Joey was called back and couldn’t chase after her to find out what she did. Hopefully it wouldn’t land her in any trouble.

About twenty minutes after they are they were doing an interview with Tiger beat magazine. JC was actually enjoying this one when suddenly a feeling of sickness came over him. It wasn’t too bad and he passed it off as some extra gas. Slowly through out the interview it got worse and he felt as though he was going to explode. He couldn’t stand it anymore, mumbled an excuse and ran for the nearest bathroom.

Izzy doubled over in laughter when she saw JC dash to the bathroom. The rest of the guys were all confused and passed it off pretty well with the interviewer. Joey looked her way and saw her laughing hysterically; he shook his head at her. Izzy simply couldn’t stop laughing, it was too good of a pay back. It took forever for JC to come out of the bathroom and he looked like crap. He was holding his stomach and began walking towards the guys only to make another quick dash to the bathroom. This sent Izzy into another fit of giggles. She wished that she had a video camera to record the whole thing. Her sides hurt from laughing so hard.

Joey went over to Izzy and pulled her up to meet him,

“What did you give him?” He asked and Izzy began laughing again,

“I’m sorry it’s just too funny. It was just a little bit of a laxative, he’ll be fine in an hour.” She started laughing again and this time Joey joined her,

“He’s gonna kill you.”

“It’ll be worth it to see him run to the bathroom.” She laughed harder and soon the other three came over to see what was so funny. Joey and Izzy were now laughing so hard they couldn’t speak,

“Izzy what did you do to JC?” Lance asked her and Izzy calmed down a little,

“Something he’ll never forget.”

“You poisoned him?!?!” Justin yelled,

“No! No! Just a little laxative, that’s all.”

“You didn’t! He’ll be in there all day!”

“No, it only last about an hour. He’ll be fine, a little sore, but fine.” She said and her giggling fit started all over again and included the rest of the guys this time. Justin finally shook his head trying to calm himself,

“I think I’ll go share the good news with JC.” He said and went off to the bathroom.

Later that night they were back at the hotel and JC saw Izzy in the hall. She saw him and tried to keep back the laughter. She had that visual of JC running to the bathroom every five minutes.

“Everything come out okay?” She asked, “With the concert I mean.” She said and began to laugh.

“You think you’re so funny, Mariani.” He stalked over to her and pushed up against a wall, “That’s wasn’t cool, that was sick and I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into. You know I could sue you for what you did.”

“Two words, sexual harassment.” She replied and he just glared at her knowing that she was right,

“I plan on getting you back for this, just you wait.”

“Chasez, you’re seriously one neuron short of a synapse if you think that you could ever beat me. I always win.” She retorted and pushed him off and walked away smugly.
