Chapter Forty Four

Izzy grinned under his hand, it was JC, and he took his hand away from her mouth and pulled aside her long dark hair. JC kissed her neck, she let out a deep breath and he held her tightly against his body. She could feel his erection against her backside. He whipped her around and kissed her forcefully, pushing her towards the bed. He had her chemise off before they even hit the bed.

“So much for pajamas.” She joked.

“I think they’re overrated.” He replied and they went for the bed. JC was on top of her kissing her neck down to her breasts. She ran her hands through his hair.

“This feels so, so,”

“Good?” He answered for her.

“Forbidden’s more like it.” She whispered.

“Really?” he asked in between kisses as he moved lower and slid off her panties.

“Yeah you know, this is my bedroom…my parents…are right down the hall….they could hear us if we make too much noise…” JC was back up to her face; he had since removed his boxers.

“Well let’s give them something they can really complain about.”

The next morning Izzy woke with a smile on her lips from last night, but that smile soon faded when she felt a warm body sleeping next to her. She looked down to see JC sleeping soundly next to her.

“JC!” She hissed smacking him at the same time.

“Huh? What?” He said sitting up in bed.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was sleeping.”

“You can’t sleep here, if my family finds you they’ll kill you!! You need to get out of here right now!”

“Okay, okay, I’m going!” He hissed back at her. A knock on the door made them both freeze.

“Isabella are you up?” It was her mother.

“Shit! Here, get under my bed! Quick!” She shoved JC off the bed and he hit with a thump.

“Ow!” He said

“Shh!” She hushed him.

“Isabella is everything all right in there?”

“Yeah fine hold on!” She threw on a bathrobe and chucked JC’s boxer’s under the bed with him and answered the door.

“Good morning mother.”

“Good morning Isabella.” She looked passed her into the room looking for something,

“Is there something you want mother?”

“I could have sworn I heard you talking to someone.”

“Well there’s no one in here but me.” She shrugged, “You must be hearing things.” Her mother ignored her comment,

“Okay, well I’m going to start breakfast, so if you could go and get all the boys up for me and send them downstairs.”

“Kay.” She said and her mother stood there for a minute as if she wanted to say something but decided against and walked back down the hall. Izzy watched her until she was down the stairs and went back into her room. “It’s clear you can come out now.” She said shortly and JC crawled out from under her bed and put his boxers back on.

“It’s amazingly clean under there.” He commented and Izzy just sighed,

“Whatever, just get out.” She said rather coldly,

“Okay, geez, I’m going!” He yelled at her and left her room. Izzy shut her door and sighed once again,

“That was too close.” She said to herself. She put on some pjs, threw her robe back on and went to wake up the boys.

All morning long Izzy kind of ignored JC and he was a little pissed off at her for yelling at him that morning. The boys decided to go and make a surprise visit to TRL that day. So they had the morning off to do what they liked, most of the guys played video games, JC took off and was no where to be seen. Izzy assumed that he had gone back to bed. She decided to clean her room a little and went into her closet. She pulled out a huge box and started sifting through it. It was all the Nsync stuff that Joey had sent her over the years. There were CDs, shirts, necklaces, cards, pictures and letters, most of it unopened.

“Hey Izzy, what cha up to?” Lance asked walking into her room and she jumped,

“God, Lance, you scared me. I’m gonna make you wear a bell I swear.”

“Sorry, just wanted to find you.”

“It’s okay, come on in. I was just going through some old stuff.” Lance sat down next to her and looked into the box.

“Wow, look at all this stuff. And you said that you weren’t a fan.”

“This is stuff that Joey has sent me over the years.”

“Why is it all in here? Geez, you haven’t even unwrapped most of it.” Izzy shrugged her shoulders and flipped through some pictures.

“Didn’t want to know.”

“Huh? Didn’t want to know what?”

“I didn’t want to know anything about Nsync. I didn’t want to hear about what a great time he was having and what he was doing because I couldn’t be there with him.”

“Wow, I never knew.”

“Yeah, well neither did Joey.”

“I remember him telling us about you. Way back when we first started. I also remember when I first met you.”

“You did?”

“Oh, yeah, we were singing in that showcase and you came to see us perform. You were wearing this cute little pink sundress and sunglasses. Joey walked right over to you, I was shocked that he knew you.”

“I can’t believe that you remember all that. I barely remember meeting you guys.”

“Well you make a great first impression. We were all talking about you for months after.”

“Months, I’m impressed.”

“Yeah, well you were turned into a shot at Joey.”


“Joey was so protective over you. He was like, ‘No one goes near my Izzy, don’t even think about it.’ So we’d all be, ‘Hey Joey, when’s Izzy coming to see the show?’ or ‘Joey let me talk to Izzy. I’m gonna go see her.’ He’d get so mad and turn all red.” Izzy laughed.

“Guess he knew you all pretty well to keep you all away.”

“Hey, I’m not like that!”

“Wonder about now?” She wondered more to herself,

“Actually, I think he’d be okay with it now.”

“What?” She said dropping out of her thoughts.

“I said that Joey would be okay with you getting with one of us.”

“Yeah right,” She laughed, “he’d totally flip. He was always weirded out about me and other guys. One of his closest friends? I think not. I think that it’s in my contract that I’m not allowed to touch you guys.” She giggled.

“Are you serious?” Lance said,

“I was just kidding, Lance. Actually I don’t know cause I didn’t read the rest of my contract. Guess I should have. Why do you think that he’d be okay with it?” Lance shrugged his shoulders,

“I don’t know, he’s mentioned it a couple of times that he’d be cool with it if you decided to date one of us.”

“He must be getting old and senile. Or he’s realized that I’m not marrying him.” She giggled and pulled out a letter that Joey had written her. “Wow, I totally forgot about these.” She handed the letter to Lance to read. “He would write me and send me all these videos of you guys. I was so jealous, it looked like so much fun.” She shifted through some of the old photos.

“God you guys have changed so much in just a couple of years.”

“I know.” Lance laughed at some of the photos. “I can’t believe that he sent you those!”

“Black mail.” She laughed evilly and he shook his head.

“So, did you know the guys before I joined the group?”

“Yeah, sort of. I remember meeting Chris a bunch of times but that was way back in the day. They were a bunch of dorks, but they were adorable. Now that I think about it, I used to go out to clubs with them before I went to college. They used to make up little dance routines and do them there. I would act like I didn’t know them.”

“That showcase I first met you at was the only concert of ours that you went to before this?”

“Yeah, Joey tried to get me to go but I played it off saying that I had work to do or I had plans already.”

“Did you?”

“Some of the times yes, but most of the times, no.”

“And Joey never found out about this?”

“I guess not, he never said anything to me.”

“He was always disappointed when you couldn’t come to the concerts. I remember the few times, he couldn’t understand why you were so busy.”

“Well being in school didn’t help either. My freshmen year I had tons of pictures of Joey and me. By my senior year, I was down to small 5 by 7 picture on the top of my shelf. I couldn’t let people know that I knew Joey from Nsync. I wanted people to like me for me, not because they could get free tickets all the time. That was the hardest part, he had been such a huge part of my life and I couldn’t share it.”

“Wow that sucks.”

“Now do you see why all this is in here? I couldn’t have all these reminders of Joey around and not be able to talk about him. It was too hard.”
