Chapter Sixty Six

Izzy walked down the hallway of a strange house. Something was drawing her to a room. She reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it. When she opened the door, she saw a person slumped over in a chair. They were facing away from her. She cautiously walked around to the front so that she could see their face. She slowly knelt down in front of the person and lifted their face. She jumped back in shock, it was Greg!

“No!” She cried out, Greg came alive and started choking her.

“You did this to me!” He screamed. There was a hole in the back of his mouth that led out the back of his head. Greg kept screaming, “Why couldn’t you have stayed?! You did this to me!” Blood was pouring out of his mouth and all over Izzy. “Izzy you did this to me!” Izzy was screaming and trying to get away but he held her tightly and was violently shaking her. “Izzy! Izzy!” Greg kept screaming over and over and then Izzy’s eyes flew open to see Joey shaking her trying to wake her up.

“Oh Joey!” She cried and he wrapped his arms around her holding her tight.

“It’s okay Izzy, it was just a bad dream, princess.”

“Joey it was all my fault! I killed Greg, it was all my fault! It’s all my fault!” She sobbed into his shoulder.

“Izzy, it wasn’t your fault. You weren’t there, it couldn’t have been your fault!” Izzy kept on sobbing. Greg’s face and his words rattled around in her head,

“It’s all my fault Joey. It’s all my fault.” She keep repeating as she sobbed in his arms. “It’s all my fault.”

Joey woke up to a knock on the door. He got up from the bed sleepily and answered the door. A surprised Lance was on the other side,

“Oh, hey Joey.”

“Hey Lance, what’s up?” He asked sleepily,

“Nothing, just wanted to see if Izzy was okay.”

“Izzy’s not the best right now.”

“Oh really? Is she gonna be okay?” Joey stepped out of the room and shut the door,

“That guy she was seeing at school?”


“Yeah, he killed himself last night and she’s a wreck right now. She barely slept a wink last night. I think she blames herself for what happened.”

“Oh my God, that’s so horrible, poor Izzy.”

“Yeah, I just couldn’t leave her last night.”

“Well that’s understandable. Is there anything that I can do?”

“Not right now, no. Just give a heads up to the guys and give her space.”

“Yeah sure. Tell her that I’m thinking of her.”

“I will.” Joey said and went back into the room; it was then that he noticed that Izzy wasn’t there. He looked around the room and found a note on the bed side table. He picked it up and read it,

“Joey, I couldn’t take being here anymore and caught the first flight to Edwards. I’ll call you when I get in. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Thanks for last night, I really appreciated it. Love you, Izzy.”

Joey sat down on the bed and shook his head. That girl wanted to do everything on her own.

Lance sat down at breakfast with the other three guys with a sad face.

“What’s got you down?” Justin asked.

“It’s Izzy, you know that guy she’s been seeing at school?”

“That Greg guy?” Justin asked,

“Yeah, well apparently he killed himself yesterday.” They all froze in shock,

“What?” Chris asked,

“He killed himself?” JC said and Lance nodded his head,

“Yeah, she’s all torn up about it. Joey was up all night with her.”

“Wow, poor Izzy.” Justin said, “How is she this morning?” Lance shrugged his shoulders,

“Got me, I only talked to Joey for a little bit and I didn’t see Izzy at all.”

“I still can’t believe, wow.” Chris said and Joey came into the room and all of their eyes flew up to meet his. He sighed and sat down at the table,

“How’s Izzy this morning?” Justin asked,

“Wouldn’t know, she took the first flight to Edwards this morning. She left before I even woke up.” He shrugged his shoulders,

“She hasn’t called yet or anything?” Lance asked,

“No, she left a note to say that she would call me when she got in, but really I doubt I’ll hear from her till she gets back. She’s such a friggin stubborn mule, wanting to do everything by herself, go through everything alone.” He vented to none of them in particular.

“She’ll be back right?” Chris asked,

“I don’t know, guess we’ll see.”

JC sat there quietly throughout the whole conversation not knowing what to say. It made him feel a little bit better about her and Joey, but he wanted to be the one who held her all night long and help her through this. He wanted to be with her right now, it was killing him deep inside not to be, and now he didn’t know if she would even return.

JC laid in his bunk and listened to the CD Izzy had let him borrow to help him sleep. It had been five days since Izzy had left and still there was no word from her at all. He was restless for her and the CD wasn’t working. All he could think of was her and what she was doing, what she was thinking, what she was feeling, everything. He was dying without her. The song, ‘Nobody knows it but me’ by The Tony Rich Project came on. It was exactly how he was feeling about Izzy.

Justin pushed back JC’s curtain,

“Hey we’re stopping, you coming?”

“Nah.” He sighed and stared at the ceiling of his bunk, “Don’t really feel like it.”

“You okay? You seem so depressed lately.”

“I’m just tired, that’s all. You know how I get when I don’t get sleep.”

“Okay, heck you should probably get the best sleep lately because Iz is gone. Don’t have to worry about her doing anything to you.” He half grumbled because he missed Izzy. JC faked a smile,

“Yep, which is what I’m gonna do now.”

“Kay, see you later.” Justin said and trooped off the bud. JC let out a deep breath,

“And I’m missing you and nobody knows it but me.” The words sang through his head headphones.

“Ain’t that the truth.” He sighed.
