Chapter Eighty Seven

Izzy walked into the release party for their “Celebrity” album. She wanted to come with the guys, but got held up at the last second with a phone call from Tony.

All of their families were there to help them celebrate their release. It was touching to see them with their families, they were all so happy. Joey was the first to notice that she was there.

“Izzy-bell!” He shouted picking her up in a huge bear hug and swinging her around.

“Hey Joey-bear.” She said hugging him back. “Some party you got going on here.”

“Eh, what else would you expect?” He laughed as he slung his arm around her shoulders and began walking with her, “Everything all right in Tony land?”

“Yeah he just wanted to talk, that’s all.” Joey pulled her over to his parents,

“Look who decided to join the party!” He yelled to them and Izzy’s face brightened,

“Mama and Papa Fatone!” She smiled as she hugged them both.

“Isabella! How are you dear?”

“Good, very good. How are you guys? I missed you two so much!”

“We’ve missed you too honey.” Mama Fatone said and Papa Fatone put his arm around her,

“What’s this I hear about you dating a certain boy from Nsync?” He teased,

“Which one? Some days I feel like I’m dating them all!” She joked and they laughed,

“I think Joe’s talking about Mr. Chasez.” She said smiling at her and Izzy blushed a little,

“He’s really great and I love him so much.” Mama Fatone grasped her hand,

“We’re really happy for you two. You make a cute couple.”

“Thanks, speaking of which I should probably find him and at least say hi.”

“Last time I saw him he was talking to Johnny and his folks.”

“Okay, I’ll be back.” She said and waved over her shoulder as she walked away.

Izzy slipped through the crowd to find him. She got stopped by each of the guys and met all of their families. It was a while before she spied JC talking to a few guys. She slipped over to him and wrapped an arm around his waist, coming up next to him. He looked at her and smiled,

“Hey you finally made it.” He said and kissed her temple.

“Yeah, it took me forever to find you.”

“I’m glad you did.” He smiled at her and introduced her to a bunch of friends that she had never gotten to meet before. For some reason she loved watching him interact with other people outside the tour and just being there to support him. It was reassuring for her to be there on his arm, he never left her out of the conversation and always introduced her. Other guys who had done this to her never lasted long because she couldn’t stand to be ‘the trophy girlfriend’. But it was different with JC, he made her feel a part of him, a part of his world. He pulled her away from a group after finishing a conversation,

“Hey are you okay?”

“Hmm? Yeah I’m fine, why?” She said looking dreamily up at him,

“You’ve just been quiet and I got worried.”

“Oh.” She paused and then cocked her head to the side, “I love you. You know that?” She smiled and he chuckled,

“What’s all that about? Not that I don’t love hearing it from you, but it’s kind of random.” He said brushing a quick kiss over her lips and she shrugged,

“I was just thinking, that’s all and I just wanted to tell you.”

“Well I love you too.” He looked around and then back to her, “Do you wanna dance?” he asked and she smiled,

“Sure, I’d love too.” He pulled her onto the dance floor and they began dancing to Mase’s ‘Tell me what you want from me.’. She pulled him close and rubbed her hands up and down his back. Then she began whispering the song in his ear,

“Tell me what you want from me. Take a look at what you see, let me know if this right here is something you can have for years…” JC dug his hands in her long hair and breathed in her jasmine scent as he grinded his hips with hers. If they weren’t careful things could get out of hand fast.

He glanced around quickly and no one was paying attention to them, he breathed a sigh of relief. JC knew that they weren’t leaving the dance floor anytime soon, well at least he wasn’t. They may have to make an early exit tonight, but that was the usual case for them. He had forgotten what dancing with Izzy did to him. She noticed too and giggled in his ear,

“Whoops…” She smiled and he laughed holding her closely like they were going to slow dance, “Jace, the song’s fast, what are you doing?” She asked and he looked at her,

“Don’t you hear it Belly?” She looked into his eyes and knew what he meant,

“You mean this? ‘It’s amazing how you speak right to my heart. Without saying a word, you can light up the dark…”

Tyler looked over the crowd and noticed a couple slow dancing in the middle, then realized that it was JC and a girl that he assumed was Izzy. He nudged his mother’s arm and nodded in their direction,

“Is that’s JC’s new girl?” He asked and his mother looked. A smile came to her face when she saw them,

“Yes, that’s her.”

After a few songs JC brought Izzy over to his parents.

“Mrs. Chasez! It’s so nice to see you again.”

“You too, dear. How’s everything going?” Izzy looked up at JC and smiled as she squeezed his hand,

“Really good, fabulous in fact.” JC smiled down at Izzy and then turned back to his parents,

“I guess you were right about Izzy being perfect for me.”

“I’m just glad you came to your senses.”

“Actually we just realized that we knew each other well before the tour. She used to live with Joey in Florida and we hung out a bunch of times. Back then we used to call her Bell.”

“I thought you looked familiar, I never forget a face.” Mr. Chasez smiled and JC pointed to the young man next to his mom,

“Iz, this is Tyler my little brother.”

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you Tyler.”

“Same here, nice to have a face to go with all the stories.” Izzy looked up at JC,


“I talk about you a lot.” He shrugged,

“Uh huh, sure.” She smiled and poked him in the side playfully.

“Hey now.” He pushed her hand away but pulled her closer to him.

“So Izzy are your parent’s here?” Mrs. Chasez asked,

“Well, if you count Joe and Phyllis, yeah.” She laughed, “As for my actual parents, no, they’re still in Brooklyn. They hate parties like this.”

“Oh, okay.” She smiled and Izzy turned to Tyler,

“So Tyler, do you think Jace here had changed much since he became a huge pop star?”

“Not really, I mean he has a better sense of style I guess and he’s not hitting me up for money all the time.”

“Really? You think he can dress himself? Have you seen his suitcase?” She teased,

“Can we keep the insults down to a minimum?”

“Heck no! This is when I can get the goods on you..” She winked at him.

“I think I’m going to take you to dance now.”

“Oh no you don’t, I’m gonna have a nice little chat with my friend Tyler here.”

“Dear, if you want some good stories on Josh, just give me a call.”

“Mrs. Chasez, I think I just fell in love with you.” She laughed and JC groaned,

“Already she’s turning my family against me!” He joked,

“Aw, my poor baby. Don’t worry, I just want to know what I’m getting into with you.” She smirked,

“You already know.” He said,

“Uh huh, Mrs. Chasez, we’ll have to have lunch I’m sure.”

“Of course dear.” She winked at Izzy,

“Okay, now I am going to go take you away.” He said and kissed his mom on the cheek and hugged his dad.

“You two go have fun. We were just heading out anyways. It was nice to see you again, give me a call when you’re in Chicago and we’ll have lunch.”

“You can bet on it. It was nice seeing you too, Mrs. and Mr. Chasez. Have a good night.”

“Goodnight, Mom and Dad. Tyler you’re staying with us right?”


“Cool. We’ll catch up with you in a few.”

“Kay.” He said as JC and Izzy walked off into the party.

“I’m glad my parent’s like you.”

“I love you’re parent’s, they are so nice and really cool. Wish I could say the same for my parent’s.”

“I thought your parents were nice.”

“My dad’s cool, my mom’s a bitch with a capital B-I-T-C-H.” She spat out bitterly and JC stopped her,

“Whoa, Iz that’s your mom you’re talking about.”

“And your point is?”

“You shouldn’t-”

“Jace, really you don’t understand. You grew up with a mother that loved you and would do anything for you. I didn’t. I grew up with an angry old hag who hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. So really if I want to call her a bitch I will. If I had a mother like you or Justin or Lance or Chris or Joey, I wouldn’t even dream of it.” She said in one long breath and then stared up at him.

“Okay.” He said not knowing in fact what to say,

“I’m sorry, my mother’s not the best of topics for me, ever.”

“Okay, okay. I don’t want to fight or even have you the least but mad at me. I want what little time I have left with you to be happy and freaking blissed out.” She giggled at him,

“You’re well on your way. Just being here with all of you guys, especially you and seeing all of you so happy, just makes me ecstatic.”

“If you’re happy now just wait for the next two weeks.”

“What are you planning? Are you going to lock us away in a hotel room where we barely leave the bed?” JC’s eyes sparkled with mischief,

“Now there’s an idea.”

“Yeah, try and pass that one by the guys.” She paused, “Wait, they’re guys, they’ll probably egg you on. Pass it by your fans. I’m sorry girls, JC will be missing two weeks of performances because he’s locked away in a hotel room, knocking boots with his girlfriend.” She said sarcastically and he laughed really hard,

“I don’t think they’ll take it too bad, they’d understand.” He said trying to be serious but it failed and they both started laughing again. JC calmed down a little and brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face, “I promise to make the next two weeks the best of your life.”
