Chapter Eighty Nine

Izzy couldn’t go to Africa; she needed to go back to JC. Before she knew it she was running out of the airport and quickly caught a cab. She had the cabby drop her off at their hotel and ran up to his room. He wasn’t there, no one was. They were all at his surprise birthday party right now. They were leaving right after they did their concert for the today show. Izzy got the best idea and quickly changed her clothes. Once she was ready to leave she was about to call up Justin when her phone rang,


“Isabella aren’t you supposed to be getting on a plane right now? Why is your phone on?” A very familiar voice flowed over the phone,

“Dr. Immeke? What are you doing calling me?”

“Making sure that you were making the right decision. From the sounds of it, you are.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re not coming to Africa, are you? At least you better not be.”

“You don’t want me to come to Africa?”

“I would love to have you come to Africa. I could always use the extra help.”


“Izzy, for a girl who’s so smart and so in tune to everyone else’s feelings you really are out of sync with your own. I wasn’t expecting you to come to Africa.”

“You weren’t?”

“No, I was hoping that you would come to your senses about Josh. Thank God you did, you are going back to him aren’t you?”

“How did you know?”

“Isabella, you’ve been my advisee since you came to Edwards six years ago. How many hours have you spent in my office since then talking about every problem you’ve ever had?”

“Countless, you’ve basically been my therapist for the last six years.”

“Exactly, and I remember countless conversations about a certain Josh boy that you thought that you had lost. A boy you were so in love with that no other guy could hold a candle to him. I knew that once you found him again that you wouldn’t let him go. That’s why I didn’t place you on my team, even when you told me you wanted it. I knew that you would regret it from the moment you stepped foot on this continent.”

“How did you know that I had found Josh?”

“I figured out who he was by what you told me, even if you didn’t realize who he was. When you told me about working for Joey this summer I knew you were going to meet up with him again. I simply put two and two together my dear, it wasn’t that hard.”

“Why didn’t you let me in on this little secret? That would have saved me a ton of hassles this summer.”

“I thought that you needed to figure it out on your own. That you would appreciate it a lot more if you had to work for it.”

“You have no idea how hard I had, well we both had to work for us to work. This summer has flipped my world upside down and then some.”

“Good, I’m glad. You sound happier than you I’ve ever heard you.”

“I am happy, really happy. I feel like everything for once is working out and my life is..”


“Yeah, exactly. This is such a relief Dr. Immeke. I didn’t want to disappoint you by leaving you short a person.”

“Well don’t worry about it, I am going to miss you though. You’ll have to write me to let me know how everything goes.”

“I will don’t you worry. And don’t be a stranger, you better call me whenever you get the chance.”

“I will dear, have a good year with your internship and Josh.”

“I will, you have a great study.”

“Thank you, talk to later Isabella.”

“Bye Dr. Immeke and thanks for everything and then some.”

“You’re welcome dear, I’m very proud of you.”

“Thank you, goodbye Dr. Immeke.”

“Goodbye Isabella.” Izzy hung up her phone and just stared at it for a few moments. Did that last conversation really just happen? Her advisor, her mentor knew before she did what was going to happen this summer. The woman was simply amazing, or at least psychic. She smiled and then picked up her phone not wanting to waste another minute being away from JC. She dialed up Justin,

“Hello, Brit?” He answered and she laughed,

“No, Justin, it’s your other girlfriend.” She joked.

“Izzy!” He shouted,

“Shh! Justin shut up! I don’t want JC to hear you.” But it was to late, she heard him in the background,

“Justin is that Izzy? Let me talk to her!” Justin handed over the phone. “Hey baby, why didn’t you call my phone?”

“It was busy, how’s your party? Sounds like a lot of fun.”

“It’s okay, it’d be better if you were here. You know that‘s my one wish.” He said softly and she sighed,

“I love you, Josh. I can’t talk for long, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday sweetie.”

“I love you too, thanks.”

“Talk to you soon.”

“Okay, I’ll leave my phone on all night.”

“Okay, bye.”

“Bye.” She hung up and sighed. Little did he know that he getting his wish. Izzy waited a few minutes and called Justin back.

“Hello? Brit?”

“No, it’s me Izzy. Shut up and let me talk.”


“Now don’t let anyone know that I’m on the phone. I got JC a present but I need your help to get it to him.”

“Okay what do you need?” He said and moved away from the group,

“I need you to have someone waiting outside the theater to pick it up. I sent it over there and it should be there in fifteen to twenty minutes.”

“What you get him a stripper?”

“Nope, this is a million times better. I know he’ll love it, but I want it to be a surprise, so keep your trap shut.”

“Okay, how will we know what the present is?”

“You’ll know trust me.”

“Okay if you’re sure.”

“I’ve never been more sure in my life.” She smiled.

Izzy arrived shortly at the theater. Eric, one of the bodyguards was waiting. He was extremely surprise to see her,

“Izzy?” eh asked as she stepped out of the cab.

“Hey Eric.” She smiled brightly.

“You’re his present?”

“Yep.” She laughed,

“I think you’ll make his night.” Eric laughed holding out his elbow for her and she gladly accepted it,

“Well I plan on it.” Eric escorted her into the building. The noise form the party was loud and sounded like a good time. She couldn’t wait to see him and the guys, her heart was racing a mile a minute. She stopped Eric right before the door of the room, “Eric you go on in. Please tell JC that his present from me is waiting for him at the door.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He smiled and went into the theater. Izzy stood by the entranceway, just out of sight but close enough to hear what was going on. She smoothed out her short satin blue skirt. It was cut at an angle and showed off her long legs. She paired it with a black halter-top and her hair in ringlets, just the way JC liked it. Izzy had even tied a bright red ribbon around her neck for fun. She heard Eric talking to JC,

“Hey C, I’ve got a present waiting for you at the door.”

“Joey you didn’t get me a stripper did you?”

“Nope, I didn’t, they wouldn’t let me.” Everyone laughed,

“This is a special delivery from Izzy.” Eric said and Izzy heard JC perk up,

“What? Izzy sent me a gift? Where is it?”

“I told you that it was waiting for you at the door.” Izzy waited a few seconds and then walked through the entrance. The look on everyone’s face was priceless, especially JC. He ran up to her and swung her up into his arms.

“What are you? How did you? I can’t believe!” He said and she giggled,

“I just wanted to give you your birthday wish.” JC kissed her passionately,

“What about Africa? You had to go!”

“I couldn’t do it. If I couldn’t be with you, I didn’t want to be there. I would have been miserable.”

“But what about your professors?” Izzy backed up a little,

“If I didn’t know better, I ‘d think that you didn’t want me here.” She said playfully and he pulled her close again,

“I never want to let you go. I just want to be sure that you’re sure about this.”

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” She smiled and he kissed her again and then buried his face in her hair,

“God I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Hey we want a shot at Izzy too!” Joey cried from behind them and the couple turned,

“Joey-bear! “ She went and hugged him.

“Hey princess, you came back to us!”

“Yeah, well some how I just can’t stay away.” Chris came up behind her and grabbed her around the waist lifting her up and spinning her around,

“Izzy you’re back!”

“Ahh! Chris!”

“Hey put my girlfriend down!” Justin yelled jogging up the aisle,

“Your girlfriend?” JC cocked his eyebrows at him,

“Yeah, when you’re not around.” He smirked and JC pulled Izzy close,

“Well I am.” He smiled back, “So she’s mine.”

“I think this is what happened to the Beatles.” Izzy joked and everyone laughed. Izzy went through and hugged everyone hello and then yelled,

“I thought this was a party for my boy here!” JC pulled her close,

“I’d rather have a small party for two, if you know what I mean.” He whispered in her ear a slight shiver coursed through Izzy,

“Well you haven’t fully unwrapped your present yet.” She flirted and he groaned,

“Where’s the nearest closet?”

“Oh, no, you have to wait.” She winked,

“You love to torture me don’t you?”

“You love being tortured.”

“That I do.” He whispered back.

They had a lot fun at the party. JC pulled up the arm between their seats so that they could snuggle as they watched the movie. Justin and Chris insisted on throwing popcorn at the couple which engulfed Joey and Lance as well. Izzy laughed at the actions of the guys because it didn’t feel strange at all, in fact it felt so normal to her, like this was where she had always belonged and for the first time, in a long time, Izzy felt completely content with her life.
