
Charlotte was watching the boys rehearse in the dance studio when they took a break. Justin sauntered over to her with a smirk.

“Hey baby like what you see?”

“More than you will ever know.” She replied and he leaned down and dropped a kiss on her lips.

“I can’t believe you’re actually here, watching me rehearse.”

“Neither can I. I’ve missed you so much.”

“Mmm, me too.” He said kissing her again.

“What time will you be done?” She asked,

“It’s about two now, I’d say-“

“Wait a minute it’s two o’clock?” She interrupted.

“Yeah, why?”

“It’s Monday, I’ve got to get tot a TV!” She said frantically and rushed out of the room. Justin looked at the guys and shrugged his shoulders. He decided to follow and so did they. They found Charlotte in the TV room flipping through channels. She finally settled on one channel and sat down on the couch not taking her eyes off the TV.

“Char-" Justin started,

“Shh!” She waved him off, “Passions is on.” She pointed to the TV,

“What?” He asked and everyone gathered to see what she was watching,

“Oh God, a soap opera?” Joey said.

“It’s about your speed, Joe.” She joked and a commercial came on so she relaxed a bit.

“All this fuss over a soap opera?” Lance asked and she stared at him,

“It’s not just a soap opera, it’s Passions, the soap opera. It’s almost a spoof on soap operas.” Charlotte said defensively.

“Whoa cowgirl it’s okay.” Justin laughed and slung an arm around her shoulders.

“You guys just don’t get it.” She sighed and the show came back on. As disgusted as the guys were they sat and watched more.

“Hey they have midgets!” Chris laughed, “I love midgets!”

“That’s Timmy, Tabitha’s doll.” Charlotte explained.

“Why is he running around?” JC asked,

“Because he’s a live doll, but only around Tabitha.”

“Why Tabitha?”

“Because she’s a witch, duh!”

Wade came into the room to find all five guys and Charlotte glued to the TV.

“Hey guys we have to get back to rehearsal.”

“Not now Passions is on.” Chris waved him off.

“What? No, let’s go.” He went to turn off the TV,

“Turn off the TV and serious harm will come to you boy.” Charlotte warned and Wade turned to see Charlotte’s face, she wasn’t kidding. He backed away slowly and shook his head at the crew that was glued to the TV.

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