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+ Spice Girls ... The Story So Far! +
A long time ago in a house far , far away {well in maidenhead}, a band was formed : a band that would transform the world of pop and make everyone think:'why didn't anyone think of that before ? '
The spice girls are taking over the world with their own brand of " Girl Power" and gawd help anyone whogets in their way!

The Spice Girls Are:
Melanie Jayne Chisholm:
Born. 12th January 1974 , 
In liverpool , England
Nickname: Sporty Spice
Mel has always been arround music , At age of 3 , mel starts to go to ballet lessons , and 
her mum Joan sings in local bands. Her Career peaks in 1978 with a one-off gig in london.
At age of 7 , her mum and dad separatesand the split affects her deeply.mel and her mum 
move out.What keeps mel going is her dancing , 2 nightsa week and every saturday...

Victoria Caroline Adams

Born . 17th January 1974
In London , England
Nickname: Posh Spice
Her dad tony is a successful businessman.Vic.'s brought up in a large suburban home.
Back in the 60's , her dad used to sing in a band called 'the sonics'
Victoria starts performing young. At junior school,she wants to be the star of every play.One time the lead part goes to somebody else , so victoria insists in dancing solo before the main show.Off stage she's quit and shy , although she often dreams of being famous.
Victoria does well at senior school. She has few friends and is regulary picked on. But vic
ignores the taunts... and gets on with the one thing she loves doing : Dancing . And like melc she goes
to classes whenever she can.Her ambition: to appear on stage in london's west end.

Melanie Janine Brown :

Born 29th May 1975
In leeds , England
Nickname: Scary Spice
Her mum and dad were a mixed race couple , and it wasnt always easy for them. Mel's mum 
fears for her husband's safety when they are out together. At home Mel is always teasing her 
little sister danielle.But  the day danielle is racially abused by some local kids , mel goes after them 
with a baseball hat.Mel is  selected for special training in dance , drama and music. At 16 , mel leaves school to seek her fortune.
First stop : Dancing in Blackpool

Emma Lee Bunton:
Born 21th January 1976
In London , England
Nicknamee : Baby Spice
When emma's 5 , her mum Pauline takes her for a casting at a modelling agency.Work floods in , 
Including a modelling trip abroad every summer . Pauline accompanies emma at all times.
At 11 Emma starts going to a special performing arts school. As well as regular lessons, she takes 
classes in singing , acting and dancing. Emma loves it there.She starts getting small parts in ads and 
TV shows.When  she's 14 , disaster strikes . 
Her mum and dad can no longer afford her school fees . Emma has to leave.
She starts a new school but finds it difficult to settlein .3 weeks later , her old school offers to take 
her back for free.
1992: Emma leaves the Sylvia young theater school to go to college

Geraldine 'Estelle ' Halliwell

Born 6th August 1972
In Watford, near London, England.
Nickname : Ginger Spice
Geri's mom is spanish , and her dad is half swedish half british . 
Geri had a lot of jobs before becoming a spice girl. 
First she worked as Aerobics instructor , then worked as a hair washer in a barber shop, a model...
Six monthes after her dad's death, she auditionned for an all-girl group that  changed her from a cleaner to one of the most famous girl band in the world. 
