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+31th July 2002
Setting The Record Straight (a letter by Mel C from her  Official Website )

There have been a few stories circulating in the press lately about me, my record label, the track listing for the second album and the release date. Well itيs time I straightened a few things out!

Let's start with Virgin Records. Iيve had a fantastic relationship with my label for the past six years and I still do. They have never tried to enforce a delayed release of the album for any reason whatsoever. I had originally hoped to release the album in October/November 2002 but I needed more time. That was my decision. We are now aiming for early 2003. Itيs amazing how often the press try to conjure up tension between the artist and the record company ‚ makes exciting reading I suppose. Anyway, Iيm very pleased with how the albumيs coming along and so are my record company. It is such an old clichû to roll out those 'nasty bosses at record label demand female artist loses weight' type lines. As if! My record label are interested in the music I make. I'm not signed to a modelling agency, for f**k's sake. Another myth is that I would be avoiding a release around the same time as Melanie B and Geri have books being published. Firstly, I won't have nearly finished my album in time and secondly, I'm releasing an album of songs - I'm not writing a book.

We were having a laugh in the office this morning about some of the track names being suggested by the newspapers for the album. In the Letters section a few months back I mentioned that one of the tracks is called Here It Comes Again ‚ they got that one right, but thatيs the only one! Check out some of these mythical titles: Come Over To My Bed, Itيs Not Fair, and Bite Me! Where the hell did they come from? bit too kinky for me! They also talked about the track ëYou Taught Meي which was a demo from years and years ago!

So as you can see, all is good with me and album number #2. Youيll have to wait a few more months for your first listen but I'm hoping you'll think it was worth waiting for.

Love M

Bigger pic of geri from Popstar!

New Emma Pix!

+29th July 2002
Geri to pick Popstars!( thx Crazy Star )

Geri Halliwell is to help turn a batch of wannabes into chart sensations as a judge on the new Popstars show.

The 29-year-old certainly knows a thing or two about how to make it in the pop world after her years of global domination with the Spice Girls.

Big Brother's Davina McCall will host the show, called Popstars: The Rivals.

Pop Idol veteran Pete Waterman and Westlife manager Louis Walsh will join Geri on the judging panel.


Geri - currently writing a second instalment of her autobiography - is reportedly being paid more than £500,000 to take part in the show.

Her approach to the judging role has more in common with Pop Idol's Nicky Chapman than "Nasty" Nigel Lythgoe who reduced hopefuls to tears in the first series.

"I'm just going to be myself. I think I'll be honest but with compassion," she said.

Asked if she had any advice for aspiring stars, she joked: "Imagine the judge is naked, that'll take the nerves away. It's what I always do.

Neighbouring houses

This time, viewers will shape not one but two bands by voting in "evictions" until they are left with one boy band and one girl band who will go head to head for a Christmas number one.

As in the first Popstars series, wannabes will be put through their paces in open auditions in front of the TV cameras.

Halliwell, Waterman and Walsh will then pick a shortlist of 10 girls and 10 boys who will live together Big Brother-style in two neighbouring houses.

Viewers will then vote to evict a girl and a boy each week until they settle on the final band line-up.

The show will begin in September on ITV1 and ITV2 and the last programmeis scheduled for December 16, in time for one of the band to reach the coveted Christmas number one slot.

New Victoria Pic

+28th July 2002
no news for today ... i added the mailing list today . if ya like to , join it from the menu page . 
+27th July 2002
Victoria turned down the playboy offer(thx flymy)
Posh Spice Victoria Beckham has turned down a offer to pose naked in Playboy - with her soccer star hubby David Beckham.

The celebrity couple, who are famed for the extensive coverage together in the press including several high-profile photo-shoots, decided against the outrageous offer from the men's magazine - but Beckham refuses to rule out a naked pictorial.

He explains, "We've been asked to do Playboy together, me and Victoria, as a pair. I dunno. I don't think I'll ever go naked, but I'll never say never."

Posh's new deal ( thx poshvic )
VICTORIA BECKHAM is on the brink of signing a new six-figure record deal.

The star has been offered a contract by Telstar , which has CRAIG DAVID on its books. It is one of three offers the former Spice Girl received after she was dropped by Virgin last month.

But pals say Posh is likely to opt for Telstar because both she and Becks are fans of Craig and their other big act MIS-TEEQ.

A record company insider said: “We are pretty close to signing a deal. There was almost a bidding war for her because we really believe she still has a future in music.

With the right songs and marketing she could be a huge star again.”

All the Spices have struggled since going solo. Virgin dropped MEL B first, then EMMA BUNTON and finally Victoria due to poor sales and MEL C’s album release has been delayed because they want her to lose weight.

Geri removed her tattoos

According to yesterday's Mirror Newspaper , Former spice girl Geri halliwell has removed her tattoos . She was planing to remove them few months ago .

"I'm having both tattoos lasered off. I hate them ."Says Geri . 

She used to have  two tattoos , one on the back of her neck which is a star , and another one on the small of her back which is , a lookalike victoria's logo , a black panther.

+26th July 2002
Five new Victoria Pictures from OK! Magazine (thx Kevin )
+25th July 2002
Mel C's new album Tracklist! RUMOUR
Here is the tracklisting of Melc's second album as published in the papers :
1. Electrifying 
2. Here It Comes Again
3. It's Not Fair
4. Make It By Yourself
5. Not Enough
6. See Me Now ( Say It Again )
7. Love And Affection
8. Bite Me 
9. Unforgiven
10. You Taught Me
11. Leave It Behind
12. Come Over To My Bed
My comment : It doesn't sound that real because of ' You taught Me , it's an old unreleased Mel song . But who knows ? It may be the real one ! And sorry for not updating yesterday as there wasn't any spice news .

Double trouble for Mel C
RECORD  bosses have held back the release of Mel C's new album because of the two spice books hitting the shops this autumn.

The news scotched claims last week that the album had been delayed because execs at virgin wanted mel to be slim.

Record company bigwigs didn't want Mel's album to be lost in the negative publicity which they feel is bound to round the publication of Mel B's autobiography 'Catch A Fire ' and Geri Halliwell's 'Just For The Record ' , which both hit shops on September 2. 

A source confessed: " They told Mel they cannot risk another solo spice album being Unsuccessful."

"Mel has argued that she has tried to disassociate herself from the Spice Girls as much as possible and says her album will be a hot because of the quality of the songs. And she strongly believes her album will sell because it's good - and not because she's famous."

The plan for the second album , I'm told , was originally to follow the format that worked so successfully on Mel's first album 'Northern Star' That began with 'GaGa' , the song that featured on the soundtrack of the movie Big Daddy in 1999 . 

Mel had planned to release a single called 'Independence Day ' , which is on the soundtrack to the hit film Bend It Like Beckham .

But because of the decision to delay the album release date, plans for the track have been shelved .

Instead , Mel C , is now planning to release a single in October . That would be followed by a second single early next year to coincide with the release of the album. 

Mel C is the only member of the Spice Girls to have enjoyed a successful solo career where it really matters - with an album.

Northern Star stayed in the charts for a year and has notched up millions of sales worldwide.

+23rd July 2002
New Videos To Download
Go to spicevideos.com to download some new videos , such as the world cup party and Emma bunton's performance with Ronan Keating!
+22nd July 2002
New Victoria pix

Beckhams pay for artificial legs for amputee(thx Jer )
David and Victoria Beckham have paid for a Nottingham teenager to be fitted with artificial legs so she can walk again.

Seventeen-year-old Lisa Brown had her legs amputated after contracting meningitis earlier this year.

A spokeswoman for the Beckhams said they had been delighted to help her.

She said: "Someone wrote to the Beckhams on Lisa's behalf and they decided to help, but they have decided not to make any comment on the matter - that is private."

Doctors had to amputate Lisa's legs in May to save her life.

Lisa, of Chilwell, Nottingham, was today receiving more treatment in hospital and was unavailable for comment.
My Comment: Isn't that great and sweet ? It's great too see the becks making charity works and try to help people  from time to time ! Becks Rules ;)

+21st July 2002
1 more  Mel B pic from PITP(THX Blazin Bad Zula)

Return of Geri The fame Junkie (thx Schizophonic_Spice)
Sitting alone in her LA Apartment, the exhausted Blonde tucks into her favourite food - rice cakes.

Hidden away from the bustle of nearby Hollywood, the bird like 7 stone figure, beads of perspiration on her brow, has just finished her grueling daily 2 and a half hour non stop session on the treadmill.

But with not a friend in site, and only her little shih-tzu dog Harry for company, the spartan post-exercise meal of rice cakes is just one peculiar dimension in the solitairy world of the increasinly eccentric Geri Halliwell.

Following years spent revelling in the Showbiz limelight, geri's fall back to earth has perhaps, predictably ended with a igominicious bump.

After spending 15 months in the US - prompted by a disasterous last solo album - the woman, formerly known as Ginger Spice has seen her life become a blur of group therapy sessions, religion, vigorous bouts of exercise, periodic vows of celibacy and lonely evenings in.

A recent romance struck up with 27 year old American playboy Damian Warner,whom she met in a rehabilitaion clinic, has reportablty become on - off. And with her family who remain in Britain, showing no inclination to visit her, Geri has cut an increasingly lonely figure.

But despite leading such a solitairy existence, Geri is about to attempt the seemingly impossible - an all-out assault on the UK charts and a bid to reclaim her place in the celebrity spotlight.

She is set to return to Britain, where she will try her hand in yet another high profile role - this time on out TV screens as a judge on the second series of 'Popstars'.

She has already secured herself the Television deal. which itself will bring her a cool half a million,and has also drawn up a secret plan to once more unveil a new Geri - to coincide with the relaunch of her pop career.

Following the disaster that was her last solo effort, the lacklustre album 'Scream If You Wanna Go Faster', Geri is taking no risks this time. She has employed producer Pete Waterman to mastermind her comeback album. Her third solo effort, it will hit the shelves just as the Popstars programme reaches its climax later this year. Waterman gave Neighbours star Kylie Minogue her first Musical success - and Geri must hope for a similar reinvention.

But there is more. To coincide with her return to our screens, she will be issuing a secons Yoga video - entitled 'Geri Body Yoga. The first video sold some 400,000 copies and become the top selling fitness video in the UK.

And the finishing touches are also being put to her 2nd autobiography, with publishers happy to take on the project, despite the fact the singer is still just 29 years old and that her first autobiography was released just a couple of years ago.

To be published just before Christmas, 'Just for the Record' will chart Halliwell's life after the Spice Girls and include amounts of her troubled relationships - with disc jocky Chris Evans, polo player Jamie Morrison, singer Robbie Williams and, most recently, Coffee Republic founder Bobby Hashemi among others.

However, the books provocative front cover has led many to question whether the star has ever truly recovered from the eating disorder that dogged her throughout her early adulthood.

Dressed in only a pair of PVC knickers, a smiling Miss Halliwell has her arms folded accross her chest while her tiny frame is wrapped up in a tape measure.

The image has already drawn fierce criticism from eating disorder groups who have accused her of trying to cash in on her Bulemia by being pictured looking worryingly underweight.

Deanne Jade, of the National Centre of Eating disorders, said:'The picture itself sends out one very strong message - 'I am a slave to thinness'.

It seems to emphasise that her bid to 'recliam superstardom could yet come at a heavy cost'.

'Geri leads quite a lonely existence and throws herself into her work, at a cost of her own personal happiness, ' said one source close to the star'. Her time away from the media spotlight has not - as some hoped -been spent in trying to find the the inner peace she craves and so patently needs, Instead she has worked hard on her greatest talent: Public Relations.

But can Geri's sharp business acumen and penchant for publicity coups compensate for the terrible loneliness of her life?

What friends she once had have, in many cases deserted her, alienated by the bizarre, and demanding behaviour of a deeply insecure young woman.

She used to be seen reguarly in the company of Kenny Goss, the gay lover if Pop superstar George Michael with the pair occasionally dining in the Ivy Restaurant in LA.

However a spat with Michael led to a decline in the frequency of the social outings. Another one time friend or lover - said some reports - was singer Robbie Williams.

For a while the two were inseperable, and both hinted that they had been more than friendship. But Williams become exasperated by Geri's childish demands ans possessive behaviour which prompted a revealing comment about her state of mind.

''She turned into a demonic little girl'' playing with dolls and a tea set''. Williams said after that their friendship came to an end. 'She started speaking like a psychotic child and developed this possessed look, it was genuinly scaring me''.

With few friends, Geri has spent more and more time in LA attending various group meetings. 'In a way she uses the meetings as a sub-stitute for a social life, said one friend, 'For example she is speaking at a group therapymeeting this wekend but to many of these people around her, it is a odd way of life.

And after a long period on her own, she recently struck up the relationship with Damian Warner, whom she met at a drugs rehabilitation unit.

Their passionate fling initially led doctors at the exclusive Cottonwood de Tucson centre- known as a 'rehab clinic to the stars' - to express concern that their 'guest' wasn't focusing on his problem and he was promptly asked to leave.

The pair reportedly moved in together and it remaind unclear whether the on-off romance will survive Geri's return to the UK.

Geri has also sought solace, in religion. On return trips to the UK, she has visited the Holy Trinity Church in Londons Knightsbridge. Once there she attends the Alpha Group, a trendy course on evangelical Christianity and a magnet for a large number of the capital's wealthiest young professionals.

She has also trued Yoga, exercise, eccentric diets and even celibacy to see if they could provide the answer to what one Alpha group member calls 'the void at the heart of life'.

But as she prepares to return to the UK,herlifestyle is once more expected to revolve around maintaining strict control of two things - her body and her public image.

She will return to her plush flat in London's Notting Hill - not so far from the Holmes Place fitness Centre in Fulham Road where she continues to put herself through daily vigorous workouts - with an uncertain future anhead of her.

But as she begins the inevitable whirlwind publicity blitz, she may find herself with only one true companion.

'Her greatest friend',said one source, is her little dog'

Mel hath no fury RUMOUR( thx Blazin Bad Zula )

Mel B turned really scary and got in a fight with a woman in front of music industry bigwigs after being called "a slapper". The SPICE GIRL went wild when she heard the insult from the next cubicle while she was in a ladies' loo.

After grappling with the woman in the toilet the scrap spilled out into a
pub where a party was being held. A source in the loo told me: "Mel was furious. She overhead one girl say, 'Have you seen who's here? Scary Spice - and she looks like a right slapper'. Mel just snapped. She stormed out and started banging on the door of the next cubicle. She was shouting 'I heard that. What are you saying behind my back you whore? Come here and say it to my face'. When the girl came out Mel pounced. They were both screaming and lashing out at each other. The girl shot off into the bar but Mel followed her. As Mel grabbed her again a man stepped in and pulled her off. Everyone was staring as there was a real commotion."

The brawl happened at a party at the Goldborne Pub in Shepherd's Bush, West London. Mel was there with her boyfriend JAMES HOWARTH, a chief of the public relations firm Darling Department. The party, for James's colleague Tom March, was attended by some of the biggest names behind the scenes of the music business.

He is general manager of the PR firm, which looks after FATBOY SLIM and SO SOLID CREW. Mel has been dating James since May when they met at a showbiz bash. The pair went public at a BEVERLEY KNIGHT aftershow party where Mel introduced James as her boyfriend just four weeks after her split from Tom Jones actor MAX BEESLEY. She and Max broke up after months of fights and rows. The pair had been together for two years following Mel's split from hubby JIMMY GULZAR.

Mel is well known for her hot temper.

GERI HALLIWELL quit the SPICE GIRLS after constant rows with Scary Spice. And Mel also had a massive fall-out with telly presenter CAT DEELEY in 2000 after she and EMMA BUNTON appeared on SM:tv together. Mel accused Cat of pulling faces at her former bandmate Emma after a row that saw Baby Spice flee the show's studio in tears.

+20th July 2002
New victoria pic and article from the sun ! (angie and Tamir! )

IT’S all hands on Becks as David Beckham carries his son Brooklyn AND a pirate cutlass.

England captain Becks, 27, and wife Victoria, 28, took the lad to Legoland in Windsor, Berks.

But Brooklyn, three, became tearful as he was 3ins short of the height limit to ride the roller coaster.

Kindly Becks soon cheered him up by buying him the toy sword. 

+19th July 2002
Becks to star in film as assassin ( thx Pebbs )
DAVID BECKHAM has landed a top movie role as a superhuman assassin who can shoot bullets round corners.

The England ace — famous for his ability to bend shots with a ball — will feature as a lethal gunman who overcomes being half blind in British gangster flick Red Light Runners.

Becks’ role is central to the movie. The other characters give him a big build-up, though he only briefly appears on screen.

David’s wife VICTORIA has also been asked on board — producers want her to sing a gritty gangster song on the soundtrack.

MICHAEL MADSEN — Mr Blonde in cult film Reservoir Dogs — will co-star in and co-produce the £8million cops and robbers movie.

Posh and Becks will also be joined by MARTIN KEMP and SARA COX and possibly DENNIS HOPPER, MICKEY ROURKE and HARVEY KEITEL.

Bosses want to start filming at the end of the year and expect Becks to sign the contract soon.

They are being tight-lipped about details of the script but one source said: “If you imagine Reservoir Dogs set in London then you’re some way to getting the picture. It’s going to be massive.”

Becks has already briefly appeared in a hit movie. He had a cameo role at the end of mega-hit Bend It Like Beckham when he and Victoria were seen walking through Heathrow airport.

Red Light Runners producer Clark Westerman says: “The character is an assassin with a damaged eye. He compensates with his other senses and has the ability to control his bullets and direct or bend them to his target.

“The character is given a lot of build-up with the other cast members talking about him a lot so when he appears the impact will be huge.

“With Michael Madsen and Martin Kemp confirmed and the likelihood of Harvey Keitel and Dennis Hopper coming on board soon, Becks will be surrounded by a quality, bad-boy cast.”

Posh and Becks are listed in the prospectus for potential investors in the movie. An insider said: “They haven’t signed on the dotted line yet, but the deal’s as good as done. David’s role is very interesting.”

The film will be directed by British music video maker NICK EGAN, who has worked with OASIS, KYLIE MINOGUE, INXS, ALANIS MORISSETTE and DURAN DURAN.

The offer to Victoria will throw her a crucial lifeline. She is without a solo deal at the moment. Posh was dropped by Virgin earlier this year after failing to make a mark as a solo artist.

The movie’s producers have stressed the Beckhams must come as a package. If Victoria is to sing on the soundtrack then David must take the part.

Producer Clark already has plans for the sound of Victoria’s track to go with the movie.

He says: “We’d like to have Victoria work with MARCO PIRRONI from ADAM AND THE ANTS and SEX PISTOLS drummer PAUL COOK and get a really gritty tune for the soundtrack.

"It will most likely include contributions from GAVIN ROSSDALE of BUSH and SIOBHAN FAHEY of SHAKESPEAR’S SISTER. They’d take her in a direction that would blow her fans away.”

+18th July 2002
GERI HALLIWELL to judge new version of POPSTARS|( thx Giesel )
Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell is in talks to become a judge in a follow-up to the popular British TV series Popstars, appearing alongside Pete Waterman, who featured on the spin off Pop Idol.

“Geri is the perfect choice for the programme because she was a major part of the biggest and most successful girl band in the world,” says an insider. The judges will be responsible for choosing band mates and then helping launch them onto the pop scene.

The new show will be based on a different format to the two previous editions, focusing upon the creation of two separate bands, a boy band and an all-girl group. The two outfits will then go head to head in the battle for success, releasing their first record on the same day in a struggle to see who reaches the number one slot in the charts first.

Apparently the details of Geri’s £550,000 contract are still being thrashed out, and it is still not known whether the former Ginger Spice will be working with the girl band or the boy band. “She’s a real fighter so once she’s chosen her band there’s no doubt she will push them all the way,” said one source.

A spokesperson for Geri confirmed on Wednesday night that the 29-year-old singer has been offered the job with Popstars – The Rivals but said no contract has yet been signed. The show’s producers are hoping the new version will enjoy the same high levels of success as its predecessors.

Details of who will be hosting the new series are due to be announced within the next fortnight.

+17th July 2002
New melanie c pic with her Brother! ( thx h_brit! )
+ 16th July  2002
Emma Back to jade! RuMOUR ( Thx BurntOut )
According to todays Bitches column in the Daily Star, Emma is back with Jade. They were apparently spotted in a North London restaurent, Toast, onlookers say they were more interested in 'eating each others faces than looking at the menu'!
+ 15th July 2002
More Vic pic from Ok! Mag ( thx GuccibECKHAM )
+ 14th July 2002 +
Another pic of Mel B from PITP !

New Vic Pix from Ok! Magazine!

+ 13th July 2002 +
Geri Wax Model!! ( thx  * sunny spice * )
1 | 2

Bunton to play crim in The Bill ( thx  Patrckpang )
Baby Spice Emma Bunton is to make a guest appearance on The Bill, playing a mugger who prowls the Tube looking for victims. Pearson TV, the maker of the cops and robbers show, are keen to get the ratings boost that the ex-Spice would undoubtedly bring, and Bunton is thought to be keen to give herself a tougher image after years of wearing frilly pink and baby blue. 'It is a bit more edgy and she is keen that people have a more serious idea of her,' said a source. Amusingly, Bunton once appeared in EastEnders as a tearaway who got herself arrested. Let's hope she doesn't get typecast.

+ 12th July 2002 +
Melanie B To perform in Jubilee! RUMOUR!
Melanie b is one of the Celeberties to perform To the queen on her latest Golden Jubilee tour ! 

New Victoria Pic!

+ 11th July 2002+
Geri to break US again ! ( thx Jer )
Geri alert! While it's been quite quiet on planet Halliwell recently, you can expect lots more activity around October with the release of her second book For The Record.
Geri will be going head to head with fellow Spice Girl Mel B, who is also releasing her first book, To Catch A Fire.

Geri's also been back in the studio recording a thridd solo album. This time Geri plans to take us back to the 60s with her unique take on classics like Downtown and Long Live Love. Look out for that album in early 2003.

+ 10th July 2002+
Bigger Version of 'Just For The Record Pic!( thx aron )

More Melb Pix From PITP!

New Victoria and David Pic!

+ 9th July 2002 +
Geri and George Michael friends again ? ( thx Spice BeaTS )
Remember all the stories and reports that spread across the papers when George Michael confirmed that he did fall out with Geri Halliwell since she's one who likes to court the press and all?

Well, reports have now surfaced that suggest the two singers are friends again.

Apparently, Geri has been spotted staying at George's pad in LA where she is completing the second volume of her autobiography.

Also, it seems that a source close to the both of them revealed to the papers that we can expect two new tracks on Geri's next studio album from George which is due out early next year.

New Mel B Pix from PITP!

+8th July 2002
Mel B Presenting PITP pic

To Download The Videos Go to : Melanieb.net
+ 7th July 2002
Posh On Way Beck! ( thx angie! )
IT once looked like Victoria Beckham's solo career was doomed - but news
reaches me that she's about to bounce back.

She's been inundated with offers from three record labels.

And it looks like she'll be signing a megadeal with Craig David's label
Telstar in the next few weeks.

An insider revealed: "We've been holding talks and both sides are very

"Nothing's been finalized yet, especially the financial side, but everyone
is very optimistic."

Posh Spice Victoria parted company with Virgin after her debut solo album -
which cost £5million - sold only around 50,000 copies.

Emma's Pic From ABS Birthday Party! ( thx blondespiceuk)

+ 6th July 2002 +
2 More Experts From Melb's Book
1 2
+5th July 2002 +
Mel B's 'Catch A Fire ' Cover! ( thx Spice Beats )

Not Much news today , but there is a huge rumour published by the tabloids today about victoria's leaving the Spice Girls , I refused to post the article here . The rumour is based on Victoria's re-release of her book 'Learning to fly ' by saying that she was a member of the spice girls , comparing to the 1st version of her book saying that she is a member of the spice girls . In my opinion , Victoria is still in the Spice Girls and she's still in the band , don't believe everything in the paper , just believe the official statement made by Victoria only!

+ 4th July 2002 +
Victoria to face slander trial ( thx I*Y*W*H*S*F )
Victoria Beckham must face a slander trial over allegedly accusing shop owners of selling fake autographs of husband David.

Three Court of Appeal judges have given the go-ahead for the action over her alleged "loud and rude" outburst.

A family-run shop is claiming £500,000 damages against the former Spice Girl.

Timothy, Glynis and Anthony McManus and their company, GT's Recollections, claim that after Victoria's allegations at the Bluewater shopping mall in Kent, they suffered financial loss.

They say sales dropped dramatically after publicity in the press and gossip circulating in the trade.

The judges awarded legal costs estimated at £100,000 against the wife of the England captain.

James Price QC, representing the shop owners, had told Lords Justices Waller, Clarke and Laws at a hearing last month that the alleged words were spoken by Victoria in March 2001 when two shop assistants and at least three customers were in the open-fronted shop.

"What is alleged is that the defendant's manner of making these statements was rude and loud and unreasonable and such as to draw attention to what she said ... Our case overall is that this sort of thing said by a super celebrity in a public place is like setting a wildfire."

The case went to the Appeal Court after deputy High Court Judge John Previte QC struck out parts of the claim against Victoria after he ruled it was not reasonably foreseeable that she believed her alleged comments would go any further or be reported in the press.

Lord Justice Waller, giving the lead ruling, said if a defendant was aware that what she says or does is likely to be reported, and that a slander is likely to be repeated, there is no injustice in her being held responsible for the damage that the slander causes via publication.

Mel B Wont be working with Prince and Ja Rule ( Thx Tamir )
The latest rumours on melb working with prince and  ja rule are all fake ,  its the press that twisted what she said , she said that she would like to work with those people . 

Mel B to present this year's PITP ( thx Blondspiceuk )
Mel B will present Capital FM's Party in the Park.

She will host the show in Hyde Park alongside Matt Brown, Lauren Laverne and Darius Danesh.

The concert will be broadcast live on Channel 5 from 12.05pm to 7pm on July 7.

The line-up includes Westlife, Blue, Enrique Iglesias, Sophie Ellis Bextor, Shakira, Shaggy, Will Young and Gareth Gates.

Mel B said: "I am so excited about doing this event. The line-up is fantastic and I'm looking forward to getting back to presenting. It will be a new role for me, reporting from backstage instead of being on stage."

Darius added: "I feel honoured to be invited to present and perform alongside some of the world's greatest artists and I'm looking forward to performing my debut single."

The proceeds from the event will go to The Prince's Trust, which help thousands of disadvantaged young people.

Lauren Laverne and Matt Brown are also to present a new music show called Pop on Channel 5 starting in August.

+ 3rd July 2002 +
MelC Flies to US to finish her album RUMOUR ( thx Tamir )
Melanie c will fly to US to finish her 2nd album , and  she will stay there till september. Her new single will be released early 2003 a week before the album release and she may be touring UK in april which will follow a world tour including  the middle east and cyprus . 
+ 2nd July 2002 +
Geri's House's Still On Sale 
Geri Halliwells Buckinghamshire mansion is still on the market, a year after she first put it up for sale. And the desperate star has now been forced to reduce the asking price by a million pounds.
Geri initially wanted £4.5 million for the luxury property but has now reduced the price to £3.5 million. Geris estate agent Edward Rook at Knight Frank told heat, 'It surprises us that the house hasn't been sold yet but i have no doubt that by the end of the year we will have a buyer'

Excerpts from Mel B's autobiography ( thx Angie!!!! ) UPDATED

Victoria buys Brooklyn a posh new bed 
David Beckhams dreams of world cup glory might be over but Victoria has ensured little Brooklyn will be dreaming of the beautiful game every night by splashing out £10,000 on a footie themed bed.
The three year olds new bed has his name carved into the wooden headboard along with a pair of football boots. And Brooklyn will be walking ti the sight of his dd every morning, No matter where in the world Becks is playing As the bed also features a ten inch high image of the England captain in action.
Victoria also splashed out on a matching toybox, wardrobe and bedroom cabinets. Five craftsmen worked around the clock to have the furniture delivered in time for Davids return from Japan. So it seems that even though he's not bringing home the World Cup, Victoria and Brooklyn are still Golden Balls' number one fans

+ 1st July 2002 +
Happy 6th GirlPower Day! 
6 years ago , On the first Monday Of July , a new song of a new band  'Spice Girls ' was released , it first entered at number 2 , the next week it topped theUK charts for months , to make them the biggest girlband in world ever lived! , After 6 years , on the first monday of july , hundreds of fans are wishing each other a happy girlpower day wishing to see the biggest girlband over lived on the top of the world!

Geri to Appear on London's Buses! ( thx SpicyRob )
The cover for Geri Halliwell's new book will be spread across the back of London buses to promote her new book 'Just for the record'. Her picture will also for one day only be on one side of Canary Whalf the day the book comes out 

MelB to Judge with Chris Evans ( thx blondspiceuk)
Melb is one of the stars that will be judging with chris evans in popstar2 , including  record boss pete waterman and  ozzy osbournes wife sharon . 

MelB to promote ' Catch  A Fire ' (Thx Tamir )
Melb is to promote her new book 'Catch a fire ' from September 4th to September 9th , she will be doing some book signing and may appear in some TV shows . 

New Melanie C Pictures (thx h_brit and Alex )

Becks Tears As His Posh Tells Him : It's A  Girl! ( thx ahung )
ENGLAND soccer hero David Beckham broke down in tears when wife Victoria
revealed their new baby will be a GIRL.

He threw his arms round Posh and hugged her close before excitedly beginning
to plan how to decorate his daughter's nursery.

The couple also told their three-year-old son Brooklyn that he will be
having a new baby sister in September.

A source close to the couple said last night: "Brooklyn was really excited.
His mum and dad have always tried to keep him fully informed about the new

Victoria was told her baby's sex after a routine check-up at London's
Portland Hospital, where she has been given three scans.

"The couple were over the moon that they are going to have a daughter to go
with their son," said the source.

"They feel so lucky that when the new arrival comes they will have a perfect
family unit. They've already started buying pink baby clothes."

Posh and Becks are now puzzling over what to call their daughter - but have
ruled out using another place name like Brooklyn.

"They have drawn up a short list of five or six names and haven't finally
decided yet," said our source. "But you can be sure she's NOT going to be
called either Geri or Jordan."

Favourite as a name is Jackie, after Posh's mother.

"Victoria is devoted to her mum and wants to have it as a tribute and a
special thank you," the source explained.

Posh revealed that she was expecting their second child back in February.

Showbiz watchers were surprised that she announced the pregnancy prior to a
vital 12-week scan.

Her manager John Glover said at the time: "This year has been such an
exciting year for us. England are in the World Cup finals, Victoria's had a
second Top 10 hit and now we are expecting a new baby. It's fantastic."

Last night a spokesman for the couple said: "David and Victoria have said
previously that they did not know the sex of the baby that Victoria is

"All that they care about is that their baby is born healthy."

Mel B: Spice Girls Will Get Back Together( thx Flymy )
The Spice Girls are getting back together, and even Geri Halliwell could be involved - but the reunion won't happen for another three or four years.

Scary Spice Mel B has stated that the girls are all enjoying a hiatus from the girl band, who were thought to have permanently split following their flop album Forever in 2000, following their hectic schedule, after becoming a pop phenomenon in the '90s - but the star insists the band will come together again.

She explains, "We're just taking time out and giving each other a break, but things will happen as a group, but not for another three or four years."

"When you've travelled the world for six years and you've seen so many different cultures and lifestyles, you're thankful that you've experienced that, but you're also thankful for a bit of a rest."

"I got married and had a baby, there were things that we all did individually because we managed ourselves for so long and we manage ourselves as a Spice entity now."

And Mel says that relations between her and Geri, who acrimoniously left the Spice Girls in 1998 in pursuit of solo stardom, have perked up - revealing that the pair have enjoyed three telephone conversations this year. 

Archives : July 02