*~Angel Of Mine~*

AJ opens the door and just as they are about to step outside they see Mandy standing there with Jake getting ready to knock on the door, (Kevin) Geez, what a surprised to find the two of you together. (Mandy)- We are not together, he pulled up about the same time as I did so I waited on him to come to the door. (AJ)- Well, why are you here…what do you want? He asked as his eyes met Jake's. Kevin put his hand on AJ's shoulder to keep him calm because he could tell that it was all AJ could do right now to not just knock the shit out of him for what he had done to you. (Mandy)- Well, I don't know what Jake is here for, but I just cane over to hang out since Nick was still here. (AJ)- "Great" he said sarcastically, his eyes never leaving Jake's. (Kevin)- He's in the living room, go on in. Mandy walks between them and goes into the house as Kevin turns his attention to Jake. (Kevin)- What do you want? He said to him with a seriously pissed off tone in his voice. (Jake)- I came to get *****, what the hell is wrong with you two? (AJ)- We know you hit her, that's what's wrong with us and that's funny because I don't remember her calling you to say she was ready to leave yet. (Jake)- I should have known she would run right over here and tell you about it. She didn't call me but she has been with you long enough and her and I need to talk. (Kevin)- She didn't tell us about it, in fact she lied and tried to cover it up, but that black eye she has now is kind of hard to miss. (AJ)- And why is it that you get to decide when she has been with us long enough? Last time I checked, she was an adult and we were her friends. (Jake)- She may be your friend as you like to say, but she is my girlfriend. He says as he looks at AJ. (AJ)- Yeah, well maybe she shouldn't be. (Jake)- And why is that, so you can fuck her more than you are already or is it because if we broke up, then you wouldn't have to hide it anymore? (AJ)- You know, I am about as tired as she is of telling you that there is nothing going on between us but a really good friendship…maybe you just have a guilty conscience so that makes you suspicious of her. Besides that, she deserves someone a hell of a lot better than you. (Jake)- Like who, you? Not even close pal. I don't see her finding someone else's clothes in our hamper like I did this morning. He says as he throws AJ's boxers and T-shirt to him that you had worn last night. (Kevin)- She slept in those last night because she took a shower and didn't have anything else to put on when she got out. (Jake)- Yeah, like I am supposed to believe that after the way those two were all over each other at that club last night, that they came back here and just slept right? They sleep on the same couch, under the sane blanket, and she comes home wearing his clothes but they did nothing, give me a break. (Kevin)- It's not like they were alone to do anything, the rest of us stayed here too. (Jake)- Well somehow that doesn't seem to mean a whole lot considering that all of you want her away from me and with
AJ. (AJ)- I wonder if that could have anything to do with the fact that you treat her like shit. (Jake)- The hell I do, you think that she didn't deserve what she got this morning after what I saw between the two of you last night? That was all AJ could take and he couldn't control his anger any longer. He drew his fist back and punched Jake with a blow that sent him flying across the porch. He then walked over to him and said, Hell no she didn't deserve it but you did deserve that and if you ever even think about hurting her again, you won't need a doctor when I get done with you, you will need a priest to pray over your body. Kevin walked over to where Jake was on the porch and gave him a hard kick in the rib cage before he could sit up and said, It's not much fun to fight when the odds are not in your favor is it? Now you see how it is when you hit *****, you are twice the size she is. Jake sat and wiped the blood from his nose and lip and was just about to go at AJ when you all come from out of the house because you heard all the noise. (Kristin)- What is going on out here, I thought you guys had left? (Kevin)- It's ok honey, AJ and I were just handling a little business, that's all. (Nick)- What is he doing here? You saw AJ's clothes laying on the porch that you had put in the hamper that morning and you knew all too well why he was there. (AJ)- It seems that he arrived with your girlfriend, didn't she tell you he was here? He said as he looked over at Nick. (Nick)- No, she didn't he said as he looked at her. She just smiled at him while she continued to hide quietly in the corner hoping that what she had done last night would not be found out. (Jake)- I am not going to stand here and play these dumb little games with all of you. I came here to get ***** and take her home so that we could finish a talk that we started this morning and that is what I am going to do. He looked at you and said, Go get your stuff and let's go. You just stood there because you didn't know what to do. You couldn't believe that he was there at AJ's house, much less that he had been fighting with AJ and Kevin. You knew that if you refused to go with him it would piss him off even more and you would pay for it when you did go home, but you also knew that if you left with him now, he would finish what he started this morning and it would be much worse because he would take it out on you because of what had just happened. (Jake)- What are you just standing there for? I said let's go NOW! (AJ)- She isn't going anywhere with you so I suggest that you leave now while you are ahead. (Jake)- Oh, like I am really going to leave her here so you can do what you did last night again right? (Kristin)- What are you talking about, they didn't do anything last night but go to a club and have some fun and then come back here and watched a movie…Big Deal!!! (Jake)- Yeah, they were having some fun at the club alright, if that is how you act with "just a friend" then I would hate to see what you do with a lover. (Kevin)- You weren't even there so how would you know what went on? (AJ)-Yeah and earlier you said something about us sleeping on the same couch and under the same blanket but how would you know that because I am pretty sure that ***** wouldn't have told you because she knows how you get. Even though we didn't fall asleep on purpose, you never would have believed her. (Kevin)- Good point, I can't believe that we didn't pick up on that earlier. (Jake)- I have my ways. (Nick)- I bet you do, what are you doing following her around like Mandy seems to be following me around lately to see what I am doing? (Jake)- Maybe you should spend a little more time with your lady keeping her happy, then she wouldn't have to follow you and you would know how I know. Mandy was shaking her head at Jake as if to say "be quiet, don't tell them" when Nick turned around to look at her, she quickly tried to cover it up when she saw him look her way but he still saw her. (Nick)- Is there something that I should know? (Kristin)- Yeah, you two have been pretty friendly lately, maybe you two are sleeping together and that is why you both are thinking that everyone else is doing it. (Mandy)- Not even close and no, there is nothing that you should know. She said as she looked at Jake giving him a hint to shut his mouth. She knew exactly what would happen if you guys found out that she was the reason that Jake saw what he did. (Jake)- Let's just say that I got a tip from an insider as to what was going on and that is how I have the information that I do and also how I saw what I did. (AJ)- Like we are supposed to believe that. There is no one standing on this porch and no one that we were out with last night that would have told you anything, especially about something that meant nothing. (Jake)- That just shows how much you know. I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you. It was then that all of you realized it. You all looked at Mandy who was still fidgeting in the corner. She had been way to quiet all night and that added together with the body language between her and Jake that Nick had noticed just gave her away. (Mandy)- Come on you guys, this is stupid. Who really cares how he found out. That was all you could take and for the first time since you had come out on the porch, you opened your mouth to speak. (U)……
(U)- I care and this is my life you are messing with so if you did something that you shouldn't have or that I need to know about then you better tell me. (Mandy)- I don't have to tell you anything. (Nick)- Yes you do have to tell her and me too because that I want to know and I swear to you that if you have if you done something else to intentionally hurt someone, especially someone that I care about, we are over with. (Mandy)- Fine! I will tell you but I didn't do anything to hurt anyone. I did what I did to Keep someone from getting hurt. (Nick)- So, what did you do? (Mandy)- All I did was call Jake from the club and told him to come out and see the way his so-called girlfriend was laying all over AJ behind his back and he did. I thought that if he came there and saw her and what she was doing, that he would drag her home and then AJ would give Lacey a chance. I mean let's face it…as long as Suzy is around no one else can get close to him and even if they did he wouldn't notice because he is too busy fooling with her. (Kristin)- You did what!?!?! (AJ)- Why am I not surprised? (U)- You are such a bitch Mandy! (Mandy)- Maybe so, but I was not the one laying all over a "friend" like some little slut while my boyfriend was sitting at home waiting on me. That was all you could take and much to everyone's surprise, you walked over to Mandy and slapped her across the face as hard as you possibly could. You hit her hard enough to knock her back a few steps and as she brought her hand up to her face, she looked over at Nick and said…Nick, did you see what she just did to me? Don't just stand there do something about it. You are my boyfriend you know. Everyone just stood there and looked in amazement, still shocked by what you had just done. (Nick)- Yes Mandy, I am going to do something about it…something that I should have done a long time ago and that is let you go. You don't have a boyfriend anymore, or atleast not this one because I am leaving you. With that, Nick turned and walked into the house slamming the door behind him and leaving Mandy standing there with tears rolling down her face. (Mandy)- I can't believe that he just said that…I am going to talk to him. (Kevin)- No, you need to just leave him alone to cool off. Besides that, you got off really easy. You deserve a hell of a lot worse than that for what you have done. (Jake)- Why are you even surprised? You should have known that he would take her side…he is probably fucking her too. (Kevin)- I am warning you man…you had better back off and quit while you are ahead. (U)- No Jake, better yet why don't you just fuck off and take this little bitch with you…we are finished. (Jake)- Like hell we are…you can't leave me because I won't let you. Just then and before anyone could see it coming, Jake lunged at you, grabbing you by your hair and hitting you with a blow that almost knocked you out. You went flying backwards and into the concrete wall of the porch, causing you to hit your head. You were bleeding from the mouth and nose already and Jake was hovering over you getting ready to hit you again. He drew his fist back but just before he could hit you, Kevin pulled him off of you and AJ stepped in between the two of you to protect you. You were feeling really dizzy so you slid down the wall and set on the ground. Kristin knelt down beside you taking your hand and the guys continued to fight. (AJ)- I warned you asshole…if you want to somebody, you hit me. He said as he slugged Jake across the face with his fist tightly clenched while Kevin held him. The two of them continued to take turns…first AJ would hit him while Kevin held him and then they would switch. It was an unfair fight, but after what he had done to you they both knew that he more than deserved it, especially since he wasn't even sorry. Between the two of them, they totally knocked the hell out of him and when they felt that he had enough, they just walked away from him, leaving him bleeding and on the ground. Kevin walked back to the steps on the porch, got Jake's jacket and threw it to him on ground where he was still laying and he just waited to see what Jake was going to do. Mandy left the porch and went down to Jake to see if he was ok and to help him wipe himself off but he angrily knocked her arm away from him. He stood up and wiped some of the blood from his face onto the sleeve of his shirt. For a second, he thought about coming at you again, but he changed his mind when he saw that AJ and Kevin were standing at the bottom of the porch steps watching him and keeping you safe. He turned to leave but before he did, he looked at you and said… This is not over by a long shot and you have not seen the last of me. We will finish this sooner or later and the next time, your friends won't be able to help you. With that, he turned and walked away. Mandy took one last look at the front door hoping that Nick had changed his mind and came back, but all she saw was a closed door, just the way he had left it. She sadly turned around and started to walk away when Kristin said, I hope that you see all the hurt that you have caused because you can't keep your nose in your own business. All that happened here tonight is because of you. For a second, Mandy thought about giving her a smart comeback, but decided against it and just walked away to her car and left. Now that Mandy and Jake were gone, Kevin and AJ came back up on the porch to check on you. Kristin, being the good friend that she is, was still on the ground beside you. Kevin reached down to her and pulled her to her feet and she brushed herself off as AJ took her place beside you. He looked you over as he asked if you were ok, which other than a busted lip, a bump on the back of your head from hitting the wall, and what would soon be another black eye to match the one Jake had given you this morning, you would be ok. (U)- I will be ok …what about you…are you guys ok? (Kevin)- We are fine…don't worry about us (AJ)- Yeah, let's just get inside and get you cleaned up. He said as he helped you to feet. The four of you walked inside and there you found Nick sitting at the bottom of the steps with his head in his hands…
He wasn't crying or even hurt about him and Mandy breaking up, he just felt bad and partly responsible for what had happened to you because of her. When he heard you guys coming in the door, he looked up and started to tell you that he was sorry, but the site of you looking the way you did on top of Kevin and AJ's torn up clothes and their cuts and bruises from the fight caught his eye. (Nick)- What the hell happened to you guys? What did I miss after I came inside? (Kristin)- Oh, not much really…Jake went after ***** because she broke up with him so Kev and AJ beat the shit out of him for it and at the same time they got a little cut up themselves. (Nick)- And that's not much huh? He said as he turned to you. You broke up with him?…Good girl. It's about time and I am glad to hear it. (U)- Yeah, well I could say that to you as well…it's about time you got rid of her. You say as you both smile at each other and then share a hug. (AJ)- Ok, as much fun as this is and as much as I would love to stand here and keep doing it, I need to get her cleaned up. He said as he pushed you into the living room. Everyone laughed and followed behind you took a seat on the couch as AJ dashed off up the stairs. He came back with wet wash cloths, towels, ice, band-aids and just about anything else that he could find that might be useful. He threw a wash cloth and a towel over to Kevin so that he could clean himself up as he sat down next to you and began to tend to your cuts. He handed you some ice wrapped in a towel to put on the back of your head as he gently wiped the blood from your face with the wash cloth, paying careful attention to your lip which split open and very sore. Kristin was doing pretty much the same thing for Kevin across the room on the other couch as Nick just sat there taking it all in. (U)- Jay, I am fine really…I can do this. Go and clean yourself up. (AJ)- I don't need to clean myself up. He said as he continued to doctor you up, completely ignoring his busted knuckles and the cut above his eye brow and on his nose. Kristin just laughed at that typical AJ stubbornness and continued to clean Kevin up. When she had finished, she said, Well it's getting late and we have had a lot of excitement over the past two days so I think that Kev and I are going home and get some rest. (Kevin)- Yeah, sounds good to me. *****, do you want to come and stay with us until things cool down and you find a place of your own? (U)- Thanks, but I think that I will just stay here since I am already here and my stuff is scattered all over the place…lol. (AJ)- You guys can stay here too if you want. (Kristin)- Thanks, but I think it will be nice to sleep in our own bed again. We will stop by or call tomorrow and see how things are. (U)- Cool. You guys walked them to the door and as they were leaving, Kevin looked at AJ and said, If anything happens, or if she needs anything, call me and I will be here to help you out. (AJ)- You got it man, thanks. You hug Kevin and Kristin and thank them both for their help with the whole situation and for being there for you. (Kevin)- Don't mention it. (Kristin)- No problem girl, glad that we could be there for you. You smile at them and turn back to the house to go in when Nick comes bouncing out the door. (Nick)- I gotta go too guys. Thanks for the party AJ, it was awesome, and *****, I am sorry for all this. (U)- Don't be sorry Nick… it wasn't your fault. (Nick)- She was my girlfriend though. (U)- Maybe so, but you couldn't control what she did. Plus it's not like you would have let her do it if you had known about it and I know that. (Nick)- That's for sure. (U)- We both should both be happy now because we are free and away from what was making us miserable. You said and smiled at him. He hugged you and said, You couldn't be more right about that. He let go of you and shook hands with AJ like guys do with their buddies and Take care of her. (AJ)- You know I will with that, Nick left and you and AJ went back into the house.
(U)-Thanks for letting me stay with you and for protecting me tonight Jay…it really means a lot to me. (AJ)- Don't even mention it girl. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want to. You are my best friend and I am not going to let anything happen to you. He said with a smile. You hugged him tightly and then said. I need a shower. He laughed at your sudden changing of the subject and then said, I guess you need something to wear again? (U)- Actually, I do even though the last time I wore your clothes, it got me into a lot of trouble…lol. I mean, I brought some extra clothes with me in my bag today incase we ended up doing something after the pool party, but I wasn't planning to spend the night again so I didn't bring anything to sleep in. (AJ)- Typical woman. He said as he laughed and led you up the steps to his room. He got into his dresser and got you a t-shirt that was long enough on you to be a nightgown. You had everything else that you would need in your bag so you headed toward the bathroom to take your shower. (AJ)- Do you mind if I just hang out in here and lay on the bed and watch t. v. while you are in there?…I need to get one when you are done. (U)- Of course I don't mind…it's your room, just no peeking in the bathroom. (AJ)- Sure, just spoil all my fun why don't you?…lol. You hit him playfully on the arm and then ran off into the bathroom to take your shower. While you were in there, a lot of things were running through your mind but the one thing that stuck in there the most was what Jake had said to you as he was leaving. You knew that he meant every word he said and you were even a little bit scared of what he might try to do. At any rate, you finished your shower and got dressed so that AJ could get in there and get his. (AJ)- It's about time. He said as you came out of the bathroom. I thought that I would never get in there…now you see why I don't have a girlfriend…lol. (U)- Shut up…I wasn't in there that long and you know it. (AJ)- Yeah, if you are counting that in hours. (U)- Ha Ha,…You are so funny I forgot to laugh. You said as you sat down on the bed and began to brush out your hair. (AJ)- That's because I am the man. He said as he went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. You smiled to yourself as you crawled up on the bed and began to flip through the channels on the t. v. you laid back on the pillow and got under the covers since you were only in AJ's t-shirt and your underwear and you decided on Stir of Echoes on Showtime while you waited for AJ even though you knew that it would probably totally freak you out. A short time later, AJ came out of the bathroom in only his boxers and a towel around his neck. It wasn't like you had never seen him like that before, but you still couldn't help looking at him and that fine body of his. He was obviously comfortable walking around like that in front of you and besides that, you weren't dressed much better yourself. He jumped up on the bed beside you and just looked at you for a minute. You noticed him watching you so you said, What?…why are you looking at me like that? (AJ)- Nothing. I was just looking at your face…I still can't believe that asshole could do this to you. He said as he reached out his hand and lightly touched your cheek. He ran his thumb over the spot under your eye that had already bruised from the nights events. You flinched a little from the tenderness but all the same, it comforted you to have him touch you like that. You looked down to the bed and tucked your hair behind your ear. Trying to ignore the strange feeling that you had inside caused by the touch of his hand, you said, I am not surprised by it at all…I guess that I should have seen it coming. (AJ)- Don't blame yourself like that…none of us saw it coming. This is not your fault *****. You didn't ask for him to hit you and no matter what you did or said to him, you didn't deserve what he did to you. If anybody is to blame for this whole mess it's Mandy for calling his ass from the club last night because that is what really started all of this in the first place and then it just grew from there. (U)- Maybe, but if I hadn't done all the stuff that I had done, she wouldn't have called him because there wouldn't have been anything to tell. (AJ)- You didn't do anything wrong…we didn't do anything. We went dancing and we fell asleep watching a movie…where is the harm in that? Besides, even if we had done something, it was none of her business. (U)- I know. You said still looking down. AJ took his finger and put it under your chin lifting your face up so that you would look at him. He looked you deep in your eyes and said, So what's wrong then what is it? You have never been able to hide it from AJ when something was bothering you and you knew he wouldn't let it go until you told him so you figured that you might as well just tell him and get it over with, even though you wanted to just forget about everything that had happened that night from the time you guys went into the house on. (U)- I am just afraid of what he might try to do to me…or to you. (AJ)- Well don't be…you don't have to worry about me and I am damn sure not going to let him hurt you again…I will kill him first. (U)- AJ don't talk like that. (AJ)- I am not kidding…I should have never let him get to you tonight like he did. (U)- You couldn't help that…like you said no one saw that coming. (AJ)- True…do you want to talk about this anymore right now? (U)- Not really…I would kind of like to try and forget about it. (AJ)- I know, but that will be easier said than done. (U)- Yeah, I was afraid of that. (AJ)- It will be ok…I promise. (U)- Thank you for being here for me and for being such a good friend to me. I don't know what I would do without you. (AJ)- Well I am glad you feel that way because you are stuck with me…I would be lost without you too. Now why don't you try to forget about all of this and get some sleep. I am not letting you back out on our plans tomorrow so don't even try…lol. (U)- Oh God. You said with a little laugh. (AJ)- Now there's that smile I love so much…it does look pretty good on that face of yours. (U)- Well thank you,…you are such a sweetheart. Too bad it isn't going to get you any…lol. (AJ)- Damn, now you've ruined my fun again. You both laughed for a few minutes and then out of nowhere, AJ picked up a pillow and hit you in the face with it. (AJ)- That is for the way you woke me up earlier today…I told you I would get you back. (U)- Oh yeah. You said as you grabbed a pillow of your own and hit him back. The next thing you knew, you were into a major pillow fight. You both were standing up on the bed hitting each other with the pillows when AJ stops and says "ouch" and he covers his eye. You stop thinking that he is hurt and you ask him if he is ok. He says "I think there is something in my eye…can you look? Just as you lean over to look in his eye, he grabs your arm, pulls a pillow from off the bed and hits you again. (U)- Oh, you are such a cheater McLean…lol. You said as you dropped down on the bed and covered your head as AJ continued dominating the pillow fight. You both were laughing like crazy and finally you both just ran out of energy. AJ dropped down beside you and you both just laid there on the bed for a while looking up at the ceiling. (AJ)- I guess we should go to bed now huh? (U)- Probably. (AJ)- Ok, you can sleep here. (U)- No, I can't do that…where will you sleep then? (AJ)- I can either sleep on the couch or in one of the other rooms. (U)- No, I wouldn't feel right about that. (AJ)- It's no big deal…I insist. You reluctantly agreed, knowing that once he made up his mind there was no changing it. (U)- Fine, but will you do me a favor? (AJ)- Name it. (U)- Will you stay here and watch the rest of this movie with me until I fall asleep? (AJ)- Sure thing babe. AJ reached over and turned off the light and you smiled at him as you both got under the covers and settled down to watch the rest of the movie. You had a very big day with a lot of excitement and in no time at all you were falling asleep. AJ looked over at you to make sure that you were ok and he saw your eyes closed so he assumed that you were asleep. He got out from under the covers and got out of bed. He made sure that you were covered up and warm and just as he was about to open the door, he heard you call his name. (U)"AJ?" (AJ)"Yeah?"
(U)- AJ? (AJ)- Yeah? (U)- Where are you going? (AJ)- I thought that you were asleep so I was gonna go and crash on the couch downstairs. I didn't wake you up did I? (U)- No, you didn't…I wasn't all the way asleep yet. I seem to be having a bit of trouble relaxing myself enough to get there. You said as you sat up in the bed, the only light in the room coming from the t. v. that was still on. AJ turned away from the door that he was standing by and walked over to you. What's wrong? He asked as he sat down on the bed beside you. Are you ok? (U)- I guess so…it's just that every time I close my eyes I see Jake's face. It's almost like I feel him standing over me, just waiting to get me. (AJ)- Hey, I told you…nothing is going to happen again…I promise. (U)- Thanks, and I know you mean that. It's like you said though, it's not that easy to forget. (AJ)- Well, that's true, and besides that, you put up with his shit for so long that it's surely going to take you some time to get over it completely, if you ever do at all. (U)- Yeah, I did put up with it for way too long. I should have listened to what all you guys were telling me but I guess that I just didn't want to see it. I thought that he really loved me and that maybe it would change him somehow. Man, was I wrong. (AJ)- I hate to have to be the one to say this, but I told you so. He said as he stuck his tongue out at you. (U)- I know you did, and so did everyone else, but you don't have to rub it in you know. You said with a little smile. (AJ)- I know I don't have to but I don't mind really…lol. (U)- So I see. (AJ)- You know you love me. (U)- Whatever. (AJ)- Fine then, I am going downstairs so that we both can get some sleep. (U)- Don't go…please?!? I really don't want to be alone right now. You said turning serious again. AJ could see that you were still a little shaken up from earlier in the evening, even if you were trying hard not to show it. (AJ)- I will stay if you want me to, but it isn't going to take me much longer to fall asleep, and then how will I get to the couch? (U)- AJ, I don't care about you going to the couch. There is no reason that we both can't sleep in here. I mean, we fell asleep on the couch last night and this bed is atleast twice the size of that. Besides that, we are both mature adults who are very good friends…it's not like anything is going to happen between us. (AJ)- I guess you are right. As long as you are comfortable with it, it's cool with me. (U)- Me too. (AJ)- Ok then. With that settled, you laid back down and AJ crawled into the bed beside you and got under the covers. You guys watched t.v. for a little while and soon AJ was asleep. You were getting rather tired yourself and you finally felt like you could go to sleep so you turned off the t.v. and rolled over onto your side with your back facing AJ. You closed your eyes and was just about to fall asleep when you felt AJ scoot over closer to you. He was still sleeping and not aware that he was doing it, but he got so close to you that his stomach was up against your back. You felt him wrap his arm around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder as he laid his head on the same pillow that you were laying on. You knew that if anyone could see the two of you right now, they would never believe that there was nothing going on between you, but all the same, instead of moving away from him or taking his arm off you, you put your arm on top of his around your waist and snuggled up into his embrace. A small smile formed on your face as you thought to yourself how good it felt to be there lying in his arms, how right it seemed for the two of you to be together, and you decided that even if you were too stubborn to tell him, you were definitely feeling something more than friendship for him at that moment and you were enjoy being there with him, even if it was only for this one night. You continued to lay there with your eyes closed, concentrating on AJ's strong arms wrapped around you and soon you too were asleep. The next morning you woke to the sound of the phone ringing and to find AJ nowhere in sight. You looked over at the clock and saw that it was only 9:30 am. Ugh, you said as you put a pillow over your head, hoping that the phone would stop ringing so you could go back to sleep. You were not nearly so lucky though and as the phone rang for the 7th time, you realized that AJ wasn't going to get it (wherever he was) so you reached over to pick up the one that was on his night stand. (U)- Hello? You said with a little annoyance in your voice. Well good morning to you too. Came the voice on the other end of the phone. It was Kristin. (U)- Oh, hey girl…sorry. (Kristin)- It's cool. I see that you made it through the night ok. (U)- Yes, finally. I am just tired as hell because I had a lot of trouble falling asleep last night. (Kristin)- Oh really? Why is that, did AJ keep you up all night?…lol. (U)- Ha ha. I wish that was the reason. (Kristin)- I bet you do. (U)- I didn't mean it like that. It's just that anything would have been better than seeing Jake's face every time I shut my eyes. (Kristin)- I can only imagine…I'm sorry. (U)- Thanks. It will pass in time I guess. (Kristin)- So, where is AJ? Kevin wanted to talk to him. (U)- Oh, I see how it is…he wants to talk so he makes you call and wake everyone up…lol. (Kristin)- Exactly. (U)- Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know where AJ is at the moment. I woke up and he was gone. (Kristin)- You mean, he's not in the house? (U)- I don't know…I haven't been up yet. All I know is that he isn't here in the room with me. (Kristin)- Where are you? (U)- In his room…he let me sleep in his bed last night. (Kristin)- I see, and where did he sleep? (U)- Ummm…with me. You said in a low voice. (Kristin)- No Way!!! (U)- Calm down…all we did was sleep. I just didn't want to be alone. (Kristin)- Damn. (U)- What? (Kristin)- Nothing, I gotta go but have AJ call here when you find him ok? (U)- You got it. (Kristin)- Ok, bye girl. (U)- Bye. You hung up the phone and rolled over to go back to sleep but before you could even shut your eyes, AJ came into the room completely dressed like he had been up for hours. (AJ) Aren't you up yet? (U)- No, and I'm not getting up either. You said as you pulled the blankets up over your head. (AJ)- And why is that? (U)- Because I am tired and it's only 9:30 incase you haven't noticed. Where were you anyway? Kevin called and wants you to call him back. Well, actually he had Kris call but anyway. (AJ)- I can't tell you where I was…it's a surprise, and yes you are getting up if I have to pull you out of that bed myself. We have plans today, remember? (U)- Yes, I remember but we have all day to get there. (AJ)- Come on you big whiner…get up…lol. He said pulling the covers off your head and giving you that look of his that you just couldn't resist. (U)- Fine, I'm up. You said as you crawled out of the bed slowly. (AJ)- Good. So hurry up and get ready and then meet me downstairs ok? (U)- Ok. AJ left and you headed into the bathroom to get ready. Since you had just taken a shower before you went to bed and had done nothing since, you didn't feel that you need to take another one so you just washed your face and brushed your teeth. You put on the spaghetti strapped sundress and sandals that you had packed in your gym bag the day before and you put your hair into a French Braid, leaving a thin strand hanging down on each side of your face. You put on a light coat of make up and when you were done and you were satisfied with the way you looked, you went downstairs to look for AJ and to see what he was into.
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Chapters 16-20
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