*~Angel Of Mine~*

Right there in front of you stood a man with two of the biggest, most beautiful horses that you had ever seen. One of them was black with a white stripe down his nose and white around his hooves, the other one was brown with a few black spots over his body. The man handed AJ the reigns to the horses, and told him that he would meet him back in this same spot to retrieve them when he was done, just to call him when he was ready. AJ thanked him and as the man walked away, he turned his attention back to you. "Go ahead, you can pet them. I know you want to." he said while smiling. He was rather pleased with himself due to the fact that you were still standing there in disbelief, your mouth practically hanging open. "How did you find him?" you asked as you walked over to the black horse and petted it's nose. "Who?" AJ asked, pretending not to know what you meant. "The guy with the horse" you told him as you gave him a look that said "don't play dumb with me." He laughed slightly, then said "He's kind of a friend of mine. I met him when I was down here once before, and I remembered that he owned some horses, so I thought that since you love them so much and since you've always wanted to go riding on the beach, that I should give him a call." "I can't believe that you remembered something like that. Jake would never have thought of something like that and he was my boyfriend." you said as AJ walked over to where you were and began to stroke the horse's nose with you. "Yeah, well, he may have been your boyfriend, but he sure as hell wasn't worth your time. All he ever did was hurt you and make you cry, and I'm sorry, but NO man is worth your tears. The only one who is would never make you cry." he replied, staring deeply into your eyes and touching your cheek with his hand. You smiled at him, bringing your hand up and placing it on top of his, then you looked away. You both stood there in silence for a moment, then thinking that he had made you uncomfortable, AJ changed the subject. "So, are we going to ride these horses, or are we just going to stand here and pet them all night?" he asked playfully. "Are you kidding? Of course we're going to ride them!" you said excitedly. "Which one do you want?" AJ asked, already knowing the answer to the question before you told him. "I want the black one. Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted to own a black horse just like this one." you said with a dreamy look forming on your face. "I know" AJ replied softly, more to himself than to you. He knew all about your love for horses and your desire to own one someday. For now though, just riding one would have to do. You climbed up onto the black horse's back and watched in amusement as AJ got on the brown one and tried to figure out what he was supposed to do next. He wasn't exactly the riding type and he would have been more than happy to just sit there on them, but he would do this for you. A small giggle escaped your lips and AJ looked up to see that you were laughing at him. "What's so funny?" he asked, beginning to laugh himself. "Not a thing" you assured him. "Yeah right! I know you better than that. You are laughing at me smartass!" he protested. "I was just wondering if you needed some help, that's all" you admitted as you bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from laughing even harder at him. "Hey now! Just because you are better at this than I am doesn't mean that you have to rub it in little girl!" AJ defended. "What's the matter Bone? Can't you handle the fact that such a "little girl' is better than you are at something?" you teased. "No, maybe it's just that you've had more practice riding things than I have" he shot back with a sly smile on his face. "Bite me" you said, trying to look offended by his joke. You couldn't hide your laughter though so it didn't work too well. In an effort to keep AJ from seeing you laughing, you gently tapped on your horse's side to get it to start walking. "Maybe later" was the response that you got to your last comment once he saw the game that you were playing with him. As you started to move, you looked back to see AJ nudging his horse to get it going, and within a few seconds, he had caught up to you and was riding right along side of you. The two of you rode the horses in the surf of the moonlit beach for what seemed like miles before finally turning to come back to the place where you had started out. When you got there, you both climbed down off of the horse that you were on, and as AJ took his cell phone out to call their owner, you patted them one last time on the nose, then went over and had a seat on the long rock wall that had hidden them from you earlier. You pulled your knees up to your chest as you sat there thinking and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sides of the wall. Within a few minutes, the man had come to pick up the horses and AJ had come over to join you on the wall. You smiled at him as he sat down next to you, but you didn't say anything. Although you had tried really hard all evening to put your questions out of your mind about what happened last night and just enjoy yourself, you suddenly found them creeping back into your head again, this time stronger than ever. You really wanted to know, and you knew that AJ was the only one who would have your answers, but you were afraid to hear what he'd say, and of his reaction to your inability to remember what went down. Knowing you the way he does though, he immediately picked up on the change in your mood and your sudden quietness, and it wasn't too long before he was asking "****, is something wrong? Is there something that's happened tonight that you didn't like? It wasn't that crack that I made about why you can ride horses better than me was it, because you know that I was only playing with you." "I know you were, and it has nothing to do with tonight. Tonight was absolutely amazing and perfect and it was so sweet of you. No guy has ever done anything like this for me before." you said very seriously as you looked him in the eyes. "So what is it then, because I know it's something. You know that you can tell me anything." he persisted. "I know, but I don't know if I can tell you this." you replied, now looking away from him once more, almost ashamed of yourself for not remembering. "Why not? Is it something about last night?" he asked worriedly, thinking that you were going to tell him that you had made a mistake or that you regretted it somehow. "How did you guess?" you asked curiously. "You just seem like you are uncomfortable today, like maybe there is something that you want to tell me but think you can't." he answered. "In a way I guess that's right" you said, trying to work up the nerve to just tell him that you couldn't remember anything about the night before. "Ok, so what is it that you think you can't tell me?" he asked softly, almost afraid to hear your answer. "I just don't want anything to come between us and ruin our friendship, that's all." you replied. "Well, neither do I" said AJ. "Nothing that happened last night should be able to do that either. It wasn't that big of a deal." he continued. "How can you say that AJ?" you demanded. "*****, you were drunk off your ass and I wasn't that far behind you. Not that it's a good excuse or anything, but you sure as hell weren't thinking clearly... were you?" he inquired. "I guess not, and now what if something happens because of it?" you asked on the verge of tears. "Something like what? What could possibly happen from...." he started, and then it hit him. "She said that Nick doesn't remember anything from last night because he had so much to drink. Was she just pretending that she knew what happened when she asked me earlier if I remembered?" he thought to himself. "From what?" you asked, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "Baby girl, be honest with me...do you remember exactly what happened last night or do you just think that you know?" he asked gently, no hint of anger or hurt in his voice at all. You took a deep breath and looked down at the ground, then said sadly "I can't remember anything past the middle of our poker game AJ. I'm sorry." "You don't have anything to be sorry for, but why didn't you just tell me that?" he asked. "I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid that it would hurt your feelings" you answered. "Why would that hurt my feelings?" he asked inquisitively. "Because I can't remember all the details of you and I...." you managed to get out before he cut you off. "Wait a minute!!!" he practically screamed with laughter. "You don't think that we had sex, do you?" "NO!!!...well, maybe...oh, I don't know" you sighed. "But I found your shirt under my bed this morning, and these hickeys on my neck, so that has to mean that we did something." you told him as he went into a fit of laughter. "What the hell is so funny? Do you mean to tell me that we didn't do anything and that I was worried about it screwing up our friendship for nothing?" you questioned, a bit confused by his laughter. "I'm not saying that we didn't do anything at all, but we certainly didn't have sex." AJ spit out in between breaths. As he tried to recover from his laughing, he filled you in on all of the evening's events from the middle of the card game, all the way up to where he went to bed, answering any questions that you had along the way to help you fill in the holes. Finally, you had the answers that you had been looking for all day, and it turned out that all of your worrying about losing your best friend was over nothing. "God, I feel like such an idiot." you said while laughing when AJ had finished his story. "Hey, don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us sometimes." he said reassuringly while giving you a killer smile. "But does that mean that if you wouldn't have had to puke that you would have slept with me?" he teased. "Shut up!" you said as you punched him on the arm. "Just checking" he said as you rolled your eyes at him. "Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out." you joked playfully. "So let's go so I can find out then." he shot back while getting up. "You know what I meant AJ!" you smirked. "I guess that we should be heading back to the hotel now though...it is getting pretty late." "Yeah" he agreed, helping you up off of the wall. He put his arm around your shoulder and you smiled at each other as you took the short walk back to the hotel together. AJ walked you to your room and as you opened the door to go inside, you turned around to face him and said "Thanks for a beautiful night. It was just like a fairy tale." You smiled at him warmly as he looked into your eyes and said "It was my pleasure sweetness. I'd love to do it again sometime." The two of you stood there in the doorway of your room and just stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. Finally, AJ took your face in his hands and kissed you, sweetly and tenderly at first, then more forcefully, pushing his tongue into your mouth when you didn't fight it. Instead you just wrapped your arms around his neck, running your hands through the hair on the back of his head. You kissed long and slow until you both were out of breath and he had no choice but to pull back. He smiled at you and you returned his smile, then he said "I'll see you tomorrow." "You know it" you replied and slowly shut the door, leaning against it from inside your room with a huge smile on your face. You had truly just had the best night of your entire life, and something inside told you that this was only the beginning of what was to come.CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO: The next morning, you awoke fairly early, a smile still on your face from all that had happened last night. You decided that you should find something to do to make the most of your day since you were in one of the most beautiful places in the world after all. Crawling out of your bed, you went into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, then you put your hair up into a loose ponytail. When you were done, you came back out of the bathroom and headed towards your dresser to find something to wear, only to be interrupted by the phone ringing. You flopped onto your bed, lying on your stomach and answered the phone on it's 3rd ring. "Hello" you said casually, assuming that it was Kristin calling to question you about last night because Kevin had probably told her about you and AJ going out. As your best friend, she was always one to want details. "Hi *****" came the female voice on the other end, who, much to your surprise was not Kristin. "Hey Nikki. What's up girl?" you asked cheerfully, realizing who it was. "Oh, not too much really. I just had today free and I was wondering if you might want to get together and do something." Nikki replied. "Sure. That sounds great! I was just trying to figure out what I was gonna do today anyway, so your timing is perfect." you said as you
twirled the phone cord in your fingers. "Cool. Any ideas on what's fun to get into around here?" she questioned. "I am here alone and I have never been here before so I am totally clueless." "Well, I have never been here before either, but I have a friend here with me that has been here a few times before so he should know of something that we could do. I could ask him if you'd like." you offered. "Yeah, that would be fine. Do you mean that guy that you were with yesterday that I met? What was his name? Nick?" Nikki questioned. "Yes, that was his name" you laughed. "That's not who I am talking about though" "You mean that you are here with two different guys?" she asked, sounding a little shocked. "NO!" you spit out through your laughter. "I am here with a whole group of people. It's me, Nick, my best guy friend AJ, Kristin who you already know and her husband Kevin, then there's my friend Leighanne and her husband Brian, then my friend Claudia and her boyfriend Howie." you explained, calming down a little now from you laughing fit. "Kristin's here too? And she's married?"
Nikki cried, almost screaming in your ear. "God, I haven't seen her in so long!" "I know. I can't believe that I forgot to mention that when I ran into you yesterday." you said apologetically. "It's ok. There was alot going on just then." she assured you. "So, you are dating Nick?" Nikki asked, sounding a little disappointed. "No girl! I am not seeing anyone right now and neither is Nick. Him and I are just really good friends so we do alot of things together. It's kind of a long story but I'll explain it to you later for sure. Right now I should really call AJ so we can make some plans for the day. What are you up for?" you inquired. "Anything really. I don't care. If any of your friends want to come along, that's cool with me too. The more the merrier, plus I'd love to meet them." she said simply. "Ok, I'll see what I can do, but I'm sure Kris will want to see you. She'll die when she finds out that you are here! Why don't you meet me here at my room in about a half-hour and we'll go from there, ok?" you suggested. "Ok, see you then." she replied, then you both hung up. You dialed AJ's room first to see if he had any suggestions on what you guys could get into so that you could let everyone else know what the plan was when you called. It would be rather hard to make plans if you didn't know where you were going after all. AJ suggested that you all go to the amusement park at the end of the boardwalk, which sounded like a great idea to you, so after the two of you chatted for a bit, you got off the phone so you could get dressed. You couldn't really have people coming over to your room and you still be in your night clothes, now could you? You rolled off the bed and once more walked over to the dresser, digging through it until you found a pair of black jean shorts to wear. You put them on, then went into the bathroom to get your bathing suit top to wear with them, figuring that a little sun would do you some good, not to mention that there were probably alot of water rides since it was so hot there. When you were done dressing, you went back to your bed to call the rest of your friends. First you called Howie and Claudia's room but got no answer, so you counted them out. "Just like them to be off somewhere and not tell anyone" you thought to yourself with a smile as you dialed Kevin and Kristin's room. Kristin answered, and as you filled her in on how you had run into Nikki yesterday, and how you guys were planning to spend the day together hanging out and catching up, she excitedly agreed that her and Kevin would go, happy to see one of her best friends again. When you finally got her off the phone, you called Brian and Leighanne's room. Brian told you that he was sorry, but he and Leigh had made plans to do a little sight-seeing today, so they couldn't go. That just left one person to call, and you knew he would go before you even picked up the phone to ask him, just because Nikki was going. You giggled to yourself at the thought of Nick's little crush as you waited for him to answer. "Who Dis?" Nick said as he finally picked up the phone on
the 5th ring. "What the hell kind of way is that to answer the phone?" you teased. "You sound just like AJ when you do stuff like that" "God help me" Nick said, laughing at your joke. "So, whatcha up to?" you asked innocently. "Not a damn thing and I'm bored as hell" he complained. "Nick, it's only 10:15 in the morning and you probably just got up if you are even out of the bed yet. How can you be bored already?" you asked. "I don't know. I just am." he replied. "What are you doing?" he inquired, hoping that maybe you had something exciting for him to get into. "Oh, not much. I'm just going to the amusement park with Jay, Kev, Kris, and NIKKI." you said, stressing the name Nikki. "Nikki? You mean the pretty one from yesterday?" he asked. "Yep. That's the one." you teased, trying to hold back your laughter. "Well when did you talk to her. Where was I? Did you find out if she has a boyfriend?" Nick questioned, firing his questions off
one after another, almost forgetting to stop for air. "This morning, I don't know, and sort-of." you replied, laughing at his excitement over the subject. "Why didn't you ask her?" he demanded, continuing his line of questioning. "She said that she was here alone, but that don't necessarily mean that she don't have a boyfriend. Besides, what would you have me say...Nikki, my friend Nick has a massive crush on you. Do you have a boyfriend?" you joked, laughing even harder now. "HA HA. Very funny smartass!" Nick shot back. "Can I atleast come to the amusement park with you guys so that I can get to know her a little?" he asked, practically
whining. "Why do you think I was calling Nicky? Do you think that I would ask everyone else to go but you?" you said, unable to hold out any longer. "YES!!!" was the response that you got from his end of the phone. You laughed slightly at his cuteness, then said "Everyone is gonna meet here at my room around 10:30. Can you be ready by then?" you asked. "Sure thing!" he replied happily. "Ok, I gotta go. Someone's at my door. I'll see you in a bit." you said, then hung up the phone, walking over to get your door. You opened it up, and there stood AJ on the other side. "Hey you!" he said with an incredibly sexy smile on his face. "Hey" you replied, smiling back at him as he walked into your room and you shut the door. He sat down on the edge of the bed as he looked you up and down, obviously liking your wardrobe choice for the day. "I just gotta get my shoes and then I'll be ready. Everyone else should be here any minute." you informed him as you
wandered off to the closet to get your shoes, oblivious to the fact that he was still looking at you. You grabbed your blue Nike's because they are good for walking (and all you ever do at an amusement park is walk...lol), then you walked back over to the bed and sat down by AJ to put them on. You
were just finishing up tying your second shoe when there was a knock at your door. "I'll get it" AJ offered so that you could finish what you were doing. He opened up the door and saw that it was Kevin and Kristin. He stepped back to let them in as Kristin blew by him to come and sit with you, giving him a quick hello as she did. "AJ, what a surprise to see you here. Did you spend the night last night?" Kevin smirked as AJ shut the door. "I'm not going to dignify that with a response." AJ said, turning away and rolling his eyes, a small smile forming on his face at the thought of it. The two of them joined you and Kristin in the living room and the four of you talked for a few minutes until Nikki showed up, and then Nick who was last as usual. You made all of the necessary introductions and Kristin shared a hug with Nikki, regretful that the three of you had allowed yourselves to fall out of touch over the years. You all agreed that you would not let that happen this time, now that you had found each other
again. With all of that now out of the way, the six of you set out on the short walk from your hotel, down the boardwalk to the amusement park. Everyone was talking and laughing with each other and generally having a good time, but you noticed that Nick was being unusually quiet, probably due to the fact that he was being shy around Nikki. You had a plan to take care of that though, and soon him and her would be chatting up a storm with each
other. You smiled to yourself over what you were thinking about and before you knew it, you guys were at the park with your tickets purchased, and ready to have some fun. Once inside the park, you all agreed that your first order of business would be to get something to eat since all of you
had taken off without grabbing anything, and it was getting to be lunchtime. Plus, this way, you wouldn't have to stop for it later. Pizza seemed to be a unanimous choice, so you guys found a vendor that had pizza, ordered some, along with some drinks, and found a nice spot to sit down and eat. As usual, you and AJ could not be expected to behave and it was no time at all until he was throwing pieces of sausage from off his pizza across the table at you. You laughed at him, but refused to take part in the food fight that he was trying so hard to instigate. Finally, he gave up, throwing one last
piece at you that hit you on the forehead and left some pizza sauce in your hair. "I'm gonna get you later, you know that right?" you asked coyly as you took a napkin and wiped the sauce from your hair. "I wouldn't have it any other way." he replied sweetly as he helped Kevin to gather up the trash
and throw it away now that everyone was done eating. It wasn't typically what he would have came back with, but he was trying to be polite...for then atleast. "We should probably let our food settle a little bit before going on any rides" Nikki suggested as you girls got up to join the guys who were waiting for you over by the trash can. "Yeah. I don't need to see anyone throw up." you agreed. "Hey, why don't we go play some games and look in
the shops for a while before we get on the rides." Nick offered while looking at Nikki. She smiled shyly back at him as Kevin said "Good idea", rather impressed with Nick's suggestion. Normally, Nick wouldn't have cared
that he just ate and he would have been all over the rides, but today was different. Today, he was trying to impress somebody.CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE:For the next hour or so, you guys wandered around the park from game to game trying your luck, but for the most part it was a waste of money because they all seemed impossible to win. AJ had managed to win a nice sized Pooh Bear from the color wheel game that he immediately gave to you since he knew that Pooh was your favorite. It surely wasn't a coincidence that out of all the prizes to choose from, that's what he picked, and everyone knew it. Kevin and Nick were empty handed so far though, and although Kevin didn't really seem to mind, Nick was not too happy about it at all. "It's ok Nick" you
assured him playfully as you all walked away from the stand. "We can always come back later and try again." Whatever!" he groaned as he followed along behind the rest of you, heading towards the rides. "He'll loosen his ass up when we get on that." AJ said, pointing towards a large roller coaster that sat partly in water. Your mouth dropped as you looked up to see what he was talking about. "You two have fun then, because I am NOT getting on that!" you informed him rather simply. You had never been one to like roller coasters, and AJ knew that all too well. "Oh the hell you aren't you little chicken shit!" AJ protested. "You're gonna take your little ass right on up in that line with the rest of us." "You THINK I am" you shot back. "Come on *****." said Kevin. "It's really cool because not only is it both a roller coaster and a water ride, but it's dark and scary on the inside too. It's pretty wild." "Oh, and that was supposed to help honey?" Kristin said
while laughing. "Yeah, really" Nikki added with a smile. "Well, I don't see you ladies helping us talk her into it." Kevin defended. "They ain't gotta help us. She's getting on and that's it." AJ smirked. "Really? You sound pretty sure of yourself on that one." you replied. "You gotta go
*****. The thing seats two people per seat with no single riders allowed. If you don't ride, then one of us has to stay off too, and we all want to get on." Nick whined. "Or ride with someone we don't know." Nikki said. "UGH!!!! Fine, I'll get on." you finally agreed reluctantly with a long, loud sigh. "I told you she was getting on." AJ said proudly, looking over at Nikki. "Yeah? Well, you can just bite me McLean!" you fired back, trying to act mad. "Name the time and the place. I'll be there." he smirked. "Pervert" you replied, no longer able to keep from smiling. "I knew they were just too well behaved at lunch for it to last all day." Kevin said, not able to help laughing at the two of you going back and forth. "So, who is riding with who?" Nikki questioned as you stood in line. "I'm riding with Kev of course" Kristin said while looking up at Kevin. "Why don't you and ***** ride together, and let Nick and AJ go together?" "No way!" you objected before Nikki could even say a word. "No offense girl, but if AJ's making me ride this, then he's damn well gonna sit with me and hear me scream." you said, smiling at her. "No problem. I hear ya. I guess it's you and me then Nick." Nikki said, smiling sweetly at him. "Looks that way." he replied, returning her smile. After about another 20 minutes of waiting in line, you guys finally got to go and just like you thought, you hated every minute of it. You and AJ got stuck in the front seat and come off the ride completely soaked. The next few hours were spent riding the rides and throughout the day, you kept the same riding partners which gave Nick plenty of time to talk to Nikki and get to know her. You were quite happy about that since it was just how you had planned for it to work out earlier in the day. It was now early in the evening and it was starting to cool down because of the breeze coming off of the ocean. Since you all were pretty well wet from all of the rides, everybody agreed that you should head back to the hotel to change now. "Ok, just let me grab an ice cream cone from over here, and I'm good to go." you said as you skipped off toward the vendor. Nikki and Kristin joined you while the guys went to sit on the bench. "So, what do you want to do when we get back?" you asked your friends while waiting for your ice cream. "Well, Kevin and I are going to a 9:00 movie, so I can't really make any other plans. He wants us to spend some time alone together while we are here, as well as with our friends." Kristin answered. "Ooooh" you teased, knowing just what that was supposed to mean. "That reminds me though. You know those black jeans that you have that zip up the back?" she asked you. "Yep" you replied simply as you paid for your cone. "Can I borrow them to wear to the movie tonight?" she wondered. "Sure. Just come on over and get them when you are ready for them. I usually never lock my door." you told her as the three of you started walking back towards the guys. "What about you Nik? You wanna do something?" you asked Nikki in hopes that she would say yes. "Oh, sorry. I can't. I ummmm...I have plans." she said looking down at the ground. You and Kristin both stopped in your tracks. "I thought that you didn't have to work at all today." Kristin objected. "I don't." Nikki replied. "But I
thought that you didn't know anyone here or anything to do" you added. "Well, I didn't...until today." Nikki stated with a smile. "What does that mean?" you inquired. "Yeah, don't hold out on us girl. Spill it!" Kristin demanded playfully. "Ok, Ok! Nick asked me if I'd like to go for a boat ride on the ocean with him tonight when it got dark....and I said yes." she shared excitedly. "Oh my god!" Kristin squealed. "That's so cool. When did this happen?" you asked happily. "When you made us sit together on all of those rides today." Nikki teased, hitting you playfully on the arm. "So, you like him huh?" you questioned. "Well, we had alot of time and I think he's really sweet. I'd like to get to know him a little better while you guys are here." she told you. You were smiling from ear to ear almost at
this news as you shared a hug with her. You were soon interrupted out of your happy moment though by a voice saying "Can you three kindly hurry the hell up so we can go? You can gossip later." You rolled your eyes when you saw that it was AJ, and you then realized that you still had to get him back for the pizza incident earlier. This was it...your chance was right in front of your face as he asked you "Whatcha eating?" "Cookies and Cream. Want a bite?" you asked him, since he was eyeing it anyway. "Thanks" he said with a smile. As he leaned in to take a bite of the ice cream that was still in your hand however, you brought your hand up, pushing the ice cream cone into his face. It was all over him and you started to laugh so hard that you just let the cone fall to the ground. Everyone else was lauging with you, even the guys. It was truly a site to see. "I guess I had that one coming." AJ chuckled. "I told you I'd get you later sweetie, and paybacks are a bitch!" you laughed. "I know they are, and that's why you'll
love this" he said as he grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arms around you so that you couldn't get away. Once he was sure that he had you securely, he took his face and rubbed it all over the back of your neck, and the side of your face, leaving you now with about as much ice cream on you as he had on him. "Damn you AJ" you laughed, struggling to get loose from his hold. When he finally let go of you and everyone stopped laughing, the two of you went into the bathroom (separately of course…lol) to clean yourselves up and when you came back out, the six of you made the journey back down the boardwalk and to the hotel. About halfway there, you whined that your feet were tired from walking all day, so AJ let you have a piggy-back ride the rest of the way. Once you were there, everyone said "goodnight", and went to their rooms to get ready for what they had planned
for the evening, leaving you and AJ alone in the hallway once again, neither one of you wanting to call it a night so early. "Maybe I'll stop by in a little bit and we can watch a movie together or something....if you want to." AJ offered. "Sure, that sounds good. Just give me time to shower and
change, ok?" you replied, happy that he had mentioned it. "I will. I gotta shower too." AJ said. "Yeah, well just remember that my shower takes a little longer than yours does." you laughed. "I know. I'll give you atleast three hours." he teased. "Shut-up!" you shot back as you turned to go into your room. "See you later." you called after him as he walked down the hall to his own room. "Ok" he called back, then disappeared behind his door. Once you had your door shut, you immediately went for the shower. Not only were you completely sticky from the ice cream, but you were rather chilly and you needed to get out of your soaking wet clothes. You threw them in a pile on the bathroom floor for the time being, and then hopped into the warm water. About 20 minutes later, you got out, hung your clothes over the shower rod to dry, and then went to get dressed. You put on a pair of plaid baby blue and gray cotton boxers that you usually sleep in, and a baby blue
t-shirt. You then grabbed your brush and ran it through your hair, and no sooner than you were finished, you heard a knock on the door. You figured that it could only be one of two people and as you opened the door, you saw that you were right. It was AJ. You let him in and he smiled gratefully,
making his way to the plush chair in the corner of your suite. "My room is similar to yours ya know? You should come and see it sometime." he said as he sat down. You laughed at him as you walked past him and into the bathroom once more. "I'll be back in a minute, I just gotta dry my hair a
little." you called to him from the doorway. "Cool" he replied as he grabbed the remote to the TV and made himself comfortable. When you returned from the bathroom, you took a seat on the bed and laughed in amusement at the site of AJ sitting there in the chair, aimlessly flipping through the channels. Finally, he got irritated and threw you the remote as he got up and walked over to your mini-bar, bending over to raid it. "There's never anything good in these things." he complained as he stood there trying to find something of interest. For some reason or another, you couldn't take your eyes off of his butt, and it was as if he sensed you were looking at him. He turned his head to look at you, his body still bent over the mini-bar, and said "Like what you see? I can show it to you if you'd like." You just continued to stare at him with a small smile on your face,
your right eyebrow raising over his offer. Leaving the bar open, he walked over to where you were and sat himself down on the bed next to you. "Do you want to see?" he asked again, all joking aside. His eyes surveyed your face as he quietly took your hand. You didn't say anything, you just stared at his beautiful face. He brought your hand to his lips, kissing it softly. His eyes never left yours. His lips were lethal, hungrily tasting your fingers. His right hand stroked your cheek tenderly, and you closed your eyes, his touch sending chills through your body. When you finally opened your eyes again, his face was dangerously close to yours. "You do know that Kristin is coming over to borrow my jeans, right?" you asked. His right hand moved from your cheek to your lips, one finger covering your lips to silence you. "Right now, it's just me and you." he replied carelessly. He leaned forward, letting his forehead rest against yours. "So, what do you say? Do you want to see my nicely toned ass?" he asked, a sexy smile growing on his face as he waited for your answer. "You're crazy" you said, smiling back at him. "Maybe, but in a good way. Do you know what I want to see?" he sighed, rubbing his nose against your cheek. "What?" you answered in almost a whisper, your chest already heaving in anticipation....CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR:"I want to see your nicely toned ass. Will you let me see it?" he asked, total seriousness in his voice. His fingers entered your hair at the base of your neck, pulling you into a sitting position. His warm breath danced across your face as he whispered into your ear "Let me see that and more." He nibbled your neck lightly, waiting for any sign that you wanted more while your fingers matched his, the heel of your hands resting at the base of his neck. "No one has to find out if you don't want them to *****. It can be our little secret." AJ assured you as your ability to resist him grew weaker. Your conscience was yelling "No, don't do it. He's your best friend and you'll ruin what you have.", but your body was telling you something completely different. "Our little secret" you
repeated, finally giving into his seduction. You looked up at him questioningly, searching those mesmerizing eyes of his for some type of reassurance as to what you were getting ready to get yourself into. He answered with a soft kiss, just barely brushing your lips with his. Electricity shot through your body as he kissed you again, longer this time, drawing your lower lip into is warm mouth, sucking on it gently. AJ climbed onto the bed, pushing your legs apart with his hand. He knelt between your legs, his lips never leaving yours. He pulled you to him until your thighs rested against his while his tongue traced your ear. "I want you *****. I know you want me too. I saw the look in your eyes this afternoon at the amusement park. It's ok...I want you to want me, to need me like I do you. Tell me what I want to hear." he said breathlessly. His hands roamed your back, stopping playfully at the elastic waistband of the boxer shorts that you had on. He pulled away from you asking "Can I?" before his mouth re-claimed it's territory. You moaned into his mouth, letting him know that for tonight atleast, your body was his. You were so caught up in the moment that the world could have ended right at that moment and you would not have cared in the least. Looking up at AJ once more in the dimly lit room, you could clearly see the desire in his eyes. He took you in his arms and gently laid you down, crawling up next to you on the bed. "Wait AJ! Should we be doing this?" you said unexpectedly, frightened by the intensity of your feelings for him at that moment. "We could mess up everything that we have...our whole relationship because of this one night." Your words held no conviction though because the truth was that you wanted AJ more than you had ever wanted anything in your life. He laid down beside you and put his hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer to his body. Stroking your hair, he gazed deeply into your eyes and said "All I know is that I want you so much right now, it hurts." He lightly ran his fingers over your lips and your whole body vibrated with his touch. He then leaned over you and began kissing your neck with soft, wet kisses. Your body responded on it's own, pressing against his. When he slipped his leg between yours, you could feel him hardening against you. Then, something let go in you. Some yearning, an exquisite aching for him. "Kiss me" you whispered into his ear. He took your face in both hands and your eyes locked. You could feel the heat radiating from his body. He kissed you sweetly and tenderly at first, then more forcefully and roughly, devouring you. His tongue pushed into your mouth as you moved your hands under his shirt and caressed his warm flesh, feeling every inch of his smooth chest. He pushed your t-shirt up and off over your head, exposing your lacy blue bra. "Beautiful. God, you are absolutely beautiful." he said. Just then, the door to your room flew open and you and AJ both turned to see Kristin standing in the doorway with her mouth hanging open in shock. Neither you or AJ moved as Kristin fumbled for the words she was looking for. "I was just here to get... ummmm. Oh my god...sorry you guys...I didn't know you were....I'm just gonna go now." she said while closing the door. You and AJ
looked back at each other with a small smile on your faces, and as if nothing had ever happened, you went right back to what you were doing before you were interrupted. AJ took his left hand and pinned both of your arms above your head, as he unhooked your bra, pulled it off and tossed it onto the floor with his right hand. He lowered his face to your breast and slowly began circling it with his tongue before switching to the other one. "Do I turn you on?" he growled in a hungry voice. "More than you'll ever know." you replied as he trailed kisses down to the waistband of your boxers, then back up your stomach, then to your neck, and finally to your
ear. He took your earlobe in his eager mouth and sucked hard, teasing your inner ear with his moist tongue. You were quickly losing control. "Let me go." you said, struggling to get out of the grip that he had on your wrists. "I have to touch you." He just laughed and kissed you hard once
more, thrusting his tongue into your mouth while biting and sucking your lips, neck, and face. He then leaned down and whispered in your ear "Say please. I want to hear you say it." "Please" you whispered hoarsely. Your skin was on fire. AJ was still fully dressed and you wanted him out of those clothes now. He let go of your wrists and you pulled his shirt off and flung it onto the floor. You then pushed him down on his back and yanked at his pants. He laughed and reached out to touch you again, but you pushed him back down. Giving in, he lifted his hips up off the bed and you tore off his pants, now realizing that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. You gasped involuntarily at the size of him. You had never before seen a man so well built, except for in a porn film. Much to AJ's surprise, you grabbed the base and put as much of him in your mouth as you could. He moaned loudly as you swirled your tongue around the tip, then trailed down to the underside and back to the head. Slowly, your mouth moved up and down the shaft. When you had taken it in as deeply as you could, you sucked in your cheeks and started humming, causing him to nearly lose control right then., but as you felt him moving and heating up, you stopped. "God, don't stop now. What are you doing to me?" he cried as you looked at him lying there, squirming and hot. A thin film of sweat covered his body as you stroked his chest, savoring the texture of his flesh. Then, in one quick move, AJ sat up, grabbed you by the shoulders, and flipped you on your back. He pressed his body into yours as you ran your hands through his hair. You then wrapped both of your arms around his burning body and felt the sleek smoothness of his hips, his ass, and the small of his back. He reached down and pulled off your boxers, as well as the panties that you had on underneath, then positioned himself between your thighs. Hungrily, you pulled him down to you, covering his sweet mouth with your own and forcing your tongue between his teeth. You arched toward him and whispered into his ear "I want you now." He held himself just at the entrance of your body, then lifting his right hand, he waved his finger in front of your eyes. "Uh-uh. Not yet." he said slyly, a sexy smile on his face. You tried to force your body against him, but he lifted away and suddenly you felt his warm, wet tongue snake it's way down your body...around your breasts, down to your belly button, and then to your stomach. You writhed beneath him as he shifted down on the bed and got between your thighs. He looked up at you with those gorgeous brown eyes and smiled playfully. "What do you want me to do?" he asked. "I want you.…" you started, struggling beneath him. "Tell me what you want." he said. "I want you to..." you started again, but you didn't get the words out. You felt his hot breath just inches from you, then his tongue touched you. He licked and sucked your most tender spot, gently at first, then harder. Then, you felt his finger slide inside of you. Your muscles contracted uncontrollably as your grip on him tightened. He slid his finger in and out, teasing you, bringing you to the brink of orgasm and then pulling away. Your body felt as if it would explode. With all of your strength, you pulled him up on top of you. He pushed your legs apart and locked his mouth on yours, thrusting himself into your body at the same time. You groaned into his wet mouth, lifting your hips to meet his. He filled you up completely and your mind went crazy. All you knew...all you wanted to know was the feeling of him inside of you. He pulled almost all the way out, then pushed into you again, slow and easy. "Ahhhh, you feel so good baby." AJ said. "We fit together so well." You wrapped your legs around his back and bucked against his body, wanting to take every inch of him into you. Again and again, he pushed into you as far as he could, then he stopped. You pushed against him, your body held hostage to the pleasure. "Don't move" he commanded. He looked deep into your eyes and held you there. "You're torturing me." you said in agony. " I want to move." "Don't move" he whispered again as he pushed your hair out of your face, tracing your jaw line with his finger. "Tell me what you want. Say it!" he said. You were losing your mind, trying to shift your body beneath his. He smiled slyly and asked "Do you want me?", all the while keeping his hungry eyes locked on yours. "Yes!!! I want you more than anything. Please!" you begged as your body convulsed. AJ slowly withdrew from you, then in one powerful motion, he slammed back into you. "Oh god" you moaned. You felt weightless. "Uhhhh" AJ moaned. His breathing was ragged and labored as he asked "Do you like it rough like this?" "Yes baby, I love it" you answered, almost screaming. The pleasure he was giving you pushed you over the edge, and suddenly you were there. You grabbed the back of his hair and pulled his head up to look at you. "I want to see your face....when....I...OH GOD!!!!" you screamed. "Come on baby. That's it" AJ said breathlessly. Your orgasm raced over you like a tidal wave and as your
insides contracted, you could feel AJ's body tense. He drove into you as far as he could one last time and held himself there as his orgasm took over his body. "OH YEAH!!!" he cried out. He closed his eyes tightly as he threw his head back, his lips slightly parted as ecstasy bathed his angelic face. You gasped at the sheer brilliance of him in that moment. AJ laid himself down on you gently as you both tried to catch your breath. You stayed locked together for a few moments, then he rolled over onto his back, pulling you into his embrace. Exhausted, you laid there situated in each other's arms until you both fell asleep.CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE:Kristin quickly closed the door to your room and just stood there on the outside for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Had she really just walked in on what she thought she had? Had it finally happened? "YES!" she squealed in excitement to no one in particular as a huge smile spread over her face. She skipped off down the hallway towards Leighanne and Brian's room, realizing that what she had just witnessed was far too good to keep to herself. After all, the girls had been wanting you and AJ to "hook up" for so long now that she knew they would be more than happy to share in her excitement over the situation. Almost at the end of the hallway, she reached her destination and knocked on the door loudly, impatient for someone to answer. A moment later, the door swung open to reveal Brian looking at her curiously. " I thought that you and Kev were going to the movies." he questioned. "We were...uh...we are, but I need to talk to Leigh about something first" Kristin replied, walking past Brian and into the room once she spotted Leighanne sitting on the bed. "Come on in Kris." Brian joked as he closed the door and followed her into the room. "Hey Kris. What's up?" Leighanne greeted her friend, looking up from the movie that she was watching. "Everything!" Kristin exclaimed, gigglinglike a school girl. "Can you come outside with me for a second?" "Sure" Leighanne replied while looking at Brian curiously. "Is everything ok?" Brian asked. "Oh yeah. It's more than ok." Kristin assured him. "Just some girl talk that needs to
be shared." "Great" Brian said as he rolled his eyes, watching Kristin grab Leighanne by the arm and drag her out of the room. Once the door was shut, Leighanne looked at Kristin and said "What's going on girl?" "Something really big just happened. You'll never believe it." Kristin told her, the excitement in her voice growing steadily. "So tell me!" Leighanne demanded impatiently. "I will, but first we need to go and get Claudia because she would want to know too, and I don't want to explain it all twice." Kristin explained. With that said, the two girls set out for Howie and Claudia's room, hopeful that they were there. Once again, Kristin knocked on the door loudly and waited for someone to answer. "Hey guys!" Claudia said with a smile as she opened the door. "Want to come in?" "Is Howie here?" Kristin asked before answering Claudia's question. "Yeah, he's here. We were just eating our dinner, why?" Claudia asked curiously. "Because Kris has something that she wants to share, but she don't want to do it in front of the guys...any of them." Leighanne explained, dying to know what the news was. "Oh, I see." Claudia said. "Yeah, so get your ass out here and shut the door so I can tell you" Kristin laughed as she pulled Claudia into the hallway, not giving her a chance to tell Howie who was at the door or where she was going. They pulled the door shut and took a few steps away from it, then gathered in a small huddle to talk. "Wait!" Leighanne said before
Kristin could start. "Where's *****? Shouldn't she be in on this?" "Well, typically I would say yes, but she is kind of pre-occupied at the moment, and this has to do with her. Actually, her and AJ both." Kristin informed her. "Oh really?" Claudia asked, now highly interested in what Kristin had to say. "Yep" Kristin replied, smiling wildly. "So, tell us already, god!" Leighanne protested. "Ok, it's like this. Kev and I are going to the movies tonight so I was going to borrow that black pair of jeans from ***** that I like so much, right?" Kristin began. Claudia and Leighanne both shook their heads, awaiting the rest of the story. They listened intently as Kristin continued. "She told me that it was cool with her, to just come to her room and get them when I was ready, so that's what I did. Well, I should say, that's what I tried to do." "What happened?"
Claudia questioned. "Really. What is that supposed to mean?" Leighanne added. "It means that when I went to her room and opened the door, I found her on the bed with AJ on top of her, getting ready to get it on, so needless to say, I just shut the door and forgot about the jeans." Kristin finished. "No way!!" Leighanne exclaimed excitedly. "Are you kidding?" Claudia managed to spit out once she picked her chin up from off of the floor. "I swear on my life" Kristin told them seriously. "Do you guys
realize what this means? They HAVE to get together now. ***** means to much to AJ for him to sleep with her and then go on like nothing happened." Claudia said. The girls all looked at each other for a second and then began jumping up and downexcitedly. "AHHHHH" they all screamed in unison, the noise bringing Howie to the door and Kevin and Brian into the hallway to see what was going on. Kevin and Brian walked down to where everyone else was gathered and looked at the girls curiously. "What are you ladies up to?" Brian asked them suspiciously, a mischievous smile from each of them serving as the only answer he got. "Where have you been woman? I thought that you were going to *****'s room to borrow some clothes or something so that we could get ready for the movie." Kevin said, slipping his arm around Kristin's waist. The girls all giggled slightly as Kristin fumbled for an answer that Kevin would believe. "She uh...couldn't find the jeans that I wanted to wear." she lied, not caring to share her discovery with the guys. "If I didn't know you guys better, I would swear that you were up to something." Howie said, still suspicious of all of the giggling that was going on at the moment. "Yeah, me too" Kevin agreed. "We need to be going though, or we're going to miss our movie" he said as he pulled Kristin in the direction of their room. "And our dinner is getting cold" Howie whined to Claudia. "Oh, ok" she said as she stepped back into her room, telling Kristin and Leighanne that they would have to talk some more tomorrow before closing the door. Brian and Leighanne followed Kevin and Kristin down the hall and after a quick smile shared between the girls, they disappeared into their own rooms, set to continue with the plans that they had made for the evening. Meanwhile, while all of that was going on, Nick and Nikki had begun their evening on the boat, totally oblivious to all of the excitement that was going on back at the hotel. They had spent a good bit of time so far talking and getting to know each other and they were starting to feel very comfortable in each other's presence. "So, you did wear your bathing suit under your clothes, right?" Nick asked as he stopped the boat and dropped the anchor, motioning for Nikki to follow him. "Sure did!" she replied as the climbed off the boat. "Cool, because I'd hate to have to throw you in the water with your clothes on." Nick said with a laugh. Nikki just smiled at him with a look that said "I'd love to see you try" and kept
walking. "This is beautiful" she exclaimed a few steps later as they made their way to the cove that Nick had told her about. He would visit it every time he came to Hawaii. It was a little section of beach with rocks overhanging it above, just perfect for diving. You could climb the rocks fairly easily, as it almost looked like steps had been built into them. With the clear blue water and the white sand below, it truly looked like a little piece of paradise...not another soul to be seen for miles and nothing but ocean surrounding them. "Yeah, isn't it cool" Nick agreed as he sat their stuff down on the sand and pulled his shirt off. Nikki found herself
staring unconsciously as Nick asked her "Do you wanna go in the water?" "Ok" Nikki said with a grin, coming back to reality. "That is of course, unless you'd rather do something else. We are very much alone out here." Nick said jokingly. "No, I want to go diving." Nikki laughed as she took off her shirt and shorts. Then, taking Nick's hand, she said "let's go." They climbed up the rocks and jumped into the water, laughing when they landed. Nikki immediately began swimming around underwater, searching the ocean floor for coral, while Nick tried endlessly to start a water battle. The two of them goofed around in the water for hours, splashing each other, trying to out-do each other with dives from the rocks, and hunting for the best seashells, until their eyes were bright red and their skin was shriveled. Finally, the got out of the water, their teeth chattering from the coolness of the air since the sun had went down a while ago. "You like to swim as much as me." Nick laughed, handing Nikki a towel. "Yeah, my parents called me a fish when I was a kid." she said as she squeezed the excess water out of her hair. "I literally would spend all day in the water every summer between dive team and swim team." she said. "I definitely love you" Nick teased as they headed back to the waiting boat. Once they got there and put their dry clothes back on, Nick excused himself and went below deck for a minute, coming back with his arms full. Nikki watched as he spread a blanket out on the deck, then threw out a couple of pillows. Next, he sat down a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, followed by a fully stocked picnic basket. "We never got any dinner at the amusement park today, so I thought that you might be hungry." Nick said, looking up at her shyly. "Thank you so much" Nikki replied, highly impressed by his gesture and his thoughtfulness. "You didn't forget a thing." Nick smiled and said "this is what I was doing until it was time for me to meet you." Nikki returned his smile and they sat down on the blanket to eat, both hungry after their evening of playing around in the water. Once they had finished, Nick cleared the basket out of the way and they laid back on the pillows, looking up at the stars in the clear night sky. They began to talk some more and Nick finally discovered that Nikki was very much a single lady, much to his delight of course. She shared the details of her last relationship and the reasons for their break-up with Nick and he filled her in on the whole Mandy story. They were getting along so well and having such a good time together, that before either of them had realized it, it was well after midnight and they still hadn't even started back toward the hotel yet. Typically that wouldn't have mattered to either of them, but since Nikki had to be at work by 7am, they agreed that they had better call it a night. Nick drove the boat back to the pier and returned the keys, then him and Nikki made the short walk back to the hotel together. Continuing in his effort to be a gentleman and to impress Nikki, Nick walked her to her room so that they could say goodnight. "I had a really good time tonight. Thank you Nick." Nikki said as she opened the door to her room. "No problem" Nick replied. "I enjoyed myself too. I haven't had that much fun in quite a while." "Well goodnight" Nikki said with a smile as she leaned in and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. "Goodnight" Nick said, watching her shut the door to her room after she went in. He let out a sigh and headed back to his own room, a big smile covering his face the whole was there.© Copyright 2002
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this text may be copied or
reprinted without the author's permission.

Chapters 36-40
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