*~Unbreak My Heart~*
Thanksgiving came and went before you knew it. AJ continued to call but you refused talk to him. The Monday after Thanksgiving the boys were in Nashville and counting down. They only had five shows left before the end of the first leg of the tour. Kevin kept daily tabs on you. You hadn’t gone through with the abortion as of yet. You did exactly as you promised Kevin you would and that was to think it over and not rush into anything, however, you were both aware than you couldn’t wait much longer. You were at the station sipping juice and making faces at Wes as he stuck his finger up his nose in an attempt to make you laugh. He wasn’t sure of exactly what was going on with you, but you seemed tired and pre-occupied....definitely not yourself. He liked to blame it on that “pansy fag Backstreet Boy.” You would smack him on the head every time he called AJ a name and then you would tell JD to “Shut up, jerk-off.” He’d laugh and gently remind you that he was your boss and to please address him properly and with respect, so you began calling him, “Master Mr. Jerk Off.” It turned out to be a day that you would never forget. You would clearly remember the bank of green blinking buttons, one for each of the thirty phone lines flashing merrily on the phone panel in front you. When Bailey told you to pick up line seventeen, you had no idea it was AJ. The time was 9:24 a.m., the image of the wall clock would forever be scorched into your memory, the second hand slowly, methodically ticking away. “*******, don’t hang up,” was all he said. You pulled off your headset and picked up the receiver, motioning to Bailey that it was a personal call. "DO NOT PUT THIS ON THE AIR!" “Are you ok, AJ? Is Kevin ok?” you asked worriedly. You felt like her heart would beat out of her chest waiting on his response. Even when you were seeing each other, AJ rarely called you at work. There was silence for a few seconds before he finally answered you. “We’re fine. How about you? Kevin told me about the baby". “I’m okay.” you said, deliberately ignoring his comment about Kevin as you continued. “Just getting ready for the holidays. So, I guess you and Sarah have big plans?” “Don’t start *******” AJ groaned. You simply held your tongue. You weren't “starting” as he liked to call it. Whether he believed your or not, you were trying to be nice...to be civil...to be adult. His response hurt your feelings. You wanted to scream “I love you! I want you to be happy!” but you didn’t. “*******, I uh...was calling because I didn’t know if you needed money" AJ explained. “What!?” you questioned angrily. “Money. I don't know, it’s the least I could do. I mean, ya know?” he said, sounding genuinely concerned. Of course, he also sounded as if he expected a million "thank you's" for his generous offer. The roaring in your ears was deafening. You couldn’t believe what he was saying to you. Your stomach was churning bitter acid mixed with orange juice. You couldn’t reply for a few seconds, afraid that if you opened your mouth, you would begin to throw up. With your voice barely above a whisper, you mumbled, “Are you offering to pay for me to get an.." You stopped yourself short, afraid that Bailey might hear what you said. The last thing you needed was the entire station knowing that you were pregnant. “******, baby, let me help you. I’m gonna give you an address. Have the doctor send the bills there. Everything will be taken care of, I promise" AJ pleaded. “******?” he said softly when he got no response. “*******, I’m sorry. I know what you’re trying to do. Just let me help you, please?”
The realization that AJ was not calling you to profess his undying love, but instead to thank your for keeping his secret and to offer to pay for you to get an abortion was more than you could stomach. “I don't think you know me at all" you managed to spit out, the tears forming in your eyes threatening to start falling at any time. “******, come on” he persisted.
You could barely speak because the pain and anguish that you were feeling at that moment was almost paralyzing. “Don’t call my work anymore. I’m not sure, but I think once you’ve been warned, it’s actually against the law to harass someone at work. Don’t call me again” you said, and without another word, you returned the receiver to its cradle and held up five fingers to Wes who was talking away and doing the show almost on auto-pilot, signaling that you were taking a break. He could tell that something was very, very wrong. You ran from the booth, down the hall to your office and locked yourself in. For the first time since AJ had broke-up with you, you broke down. When you were finally done crying, you made a phone call. Your appointment at the clinic was set for December 7th and your abortion was scheduled for the following Thursday, December 13th. After that phone call, your mind was definitely made up, however, you never took AJ up on his offer.
WARNING: This chapter deals abortion. If you find this topic objectionable or if you are easily disturbed by it, then I highly advise that you DON'T read it! AN~ Please note that the events of this chapter DO NOT reflect my personal beliefs on this subject, nor do they reflect what I would do in this situation in real life. THIS IS JUST PART OF THE STORYLINE!
You took a deep cleansing breath and forced a smile at the physician’s assistant. The Clinic was beautifully decorated and plush...a fact that almost surprised you. In your mind, places like this were dirty, back of the alley, makeshift clinics. Places that you had always referred to as "Doc in the Box or fastfood surgery centers" Perhaps you had just seen too many bad movies. Thankfully, it wasn’t anything like what you had imagined. The actual procedure wouldn’t take more than ten or fifteen minutes. It was the waiting that was going to be the hardest. There wasn’t supposed to be any pain, but when a local anesthetic was injected into your cervix, you began to cry. The needle hurt. Now you waited. You waited for the Valium to kick in….you waited while the opening of your cervix was gradually stretched. As you laid there on the examining table with nothing else to do, your mind began to wander back to happier times. Back to the time before AJ ripped your heart into a million pieces and left you to deal with the pain.
Your smile was born of genuine delight. You were the first to hear AJ’s newest song...his newest creation. Little did either of you realize that before the night was over, there would be yet another creation born of your passion. He could tell by the way you studied his face and his every feature as though you were seeing him for the very first time that you were listening with your soul. AJ could feel his own desires rise as your wonder and unconditional love wrapped itself around his heart. It was only a silly love song, but to you it was as sensual as the most poignant love story. His first kiss was always so tender. Simply his mouth upon yours. Then, his tongue would gently slide over your lips, probing and beginning a slow waltz. Wrapping his strong arms around you, he would draw you closer and time would begin to slow. As he would gently push your gown from your shoulders and kiss your neck, he could feel tiny little shudders course through you. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of knowing that he could bring you so close to climax without ever really making love to you.
Feeling the strength of his bare shoulders, your prolonged desires would become almost intolerable. You ached to feel him in your body, gently delivering you to the outermost limits of total euphoria. Your secret surrender was more than just a physical act. It was not animalistic sex, but it was lovemaking. The union of two bodies made to enjoy the delights that only love could bring. You and AJ were two people who loved each other with your minds and hearts as well as with your bodies.
*********End Flashback**********
Kelly had dropped you off at the clinic early in the morning. When the procedure was over, she’d be back to pick you up. You were half-asleep and lost in your thoughts of AJ when the door abruptly swung open. “How are you feeling, ******?” your doctor asked as she getntly laid her hand on your shoulder. “Drugs are a good thing” you replied, forcing a joke and eliciting a chuckle from the doctor. One after the other, a series of increasingly thick dilators had been slowly inserted to stretch your cervix. “You’re almost there, hon. Hang in there. Are you feeling any pain or cramping?” the doctor asked. You just shook your head and answered “A little pressure, that’s all.” The doctor reassuringly patted your arm. The Valium was working its magic on you, transporting you back to the invisible warmth of AJ's love. Once again, you were burying your face in the muscles of his chest and breathing the heady mixture of his cologne and his essence. Once again you were feeling his lips seize your nipples with tantalizing possessiveness and his hand sliding along your belly. There was never anything timid about your lovemaking. In its place was very grown-up desire...surges of energy and electrified passion. You could feel his firmness as you slowly massaged him. You trembled under his touch as his hand would move between your legs, separating you, easily finding that swollen spot that would push you right off the edge of sanity. Shivers of delight would make you quiver under his touch, every movement driving you further into a frenzy of sensation. A tiny moan would escape as you gave herself to him, allowing him for that intimate moment to become not only you friend and lover, but your master as well. You granted him full permission, accepting his every passionate intention. He definitely held the power and skills to awaken every primordial urge in you. He was a master at giving raw sexual energy in form and being and in giving, he also received. Before you realized it, you were being interrupted from your thoughts once more. It was time. A tube attached to a suction machine was inserted through the cervix and into your uterus. Hannah, the physician’s assistant, held your hand as tears welled in your eyes and rolled down your cheeks. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. You were acutely aware of the humming of the machine as it was turned on, gently suctioning and emptying your uterus and reducing yours and AJ's love to a clinical statistic. As the realization of what was happening swept through you, you began to sob. Tears filled Hannah's eyes as well as she witnessed your simple, heartbreaking confession. “I love him so much.” you cried. The doctor and nurse both did their best to comfort you. There was no stopping now. It was never supposed to end like this.
AJ's breathing was heavily accentuated by muffled groans. You both knew that it was time and were both ready. You positioned herself before him, your legs spread, eager to feel AJ's love deep inside of you. Not only were your bodies ready, but your souls were ready as well. AJ thrust into you with one firm movement, causing you to cry out. For a moment, he became very still as he felt the warmth of your muscles encircle him...clutching him in a wet embrace. He felt dizzy as he withdrew a little, then began to plunge deeper and harder and faster into you. The rhythm of your lovemaking was exquisite. The tempo increased, leaving your hearts pounding. Your cries of ultimate delight merged and you both were united as one. Time just seemed to stop. You didn’t need any words. You both knew that you loved each other. As they laid there in each other’s arms, you were embraced by a deep feeling of peace. It was love in its purest form.
*********End Flashback**********
Finally, it was over. You were told that you would need to remain at the clinic for about an hour, then you could go home. Turning on your side, you buried your face into the small pillow and wept. Part of you wanted to dress as quickly as possible and run. Another part of you felt that you needed to stay, out of respect for the baby’s death. Getting the abortion may have been the right thing to do in your mind, but you never anticipated the heartache that you would feel because of it. “******?” Hannah called, her voice gentle and compassionate. “You doing okay?” Without saying a word, and never opening your eyes, you nodded your head yes. “I wanted to let you know that your friend is here to pick you up. When you feel like getting dressed, you can leave. Just be sure to stop out front and pick up your prescription and instruction sheet, ok?” she told you softly. “Okay” you whispered in reply. “Tell Kelly I’ll be there in a minute” “Take your time sweetheart” said a voice other than Hannah's from inside your room. You opened your eyes and saw that It wasn't Kelly who was there to pick you up at all. Instead, it was Kevin who stood at the edge of the bed, tears streaming down his face. You willingly and gratefully folded into his loving embrace. “It’s okay to cry, *******. It’s gonna be ok” he said softly as he held you.
Kevin was a very busy man. While Brian and AJ planned their futures, maneuvered press releases and information leaks, and anticipated the inevitable changes their lives were about to take publicly and privately, and while Nick struggled with growing up and getting out, Kevin and Howie kept right on working. Sometimes you wondered if Kevin ever stopped. You knew he slept because you had seen him, but his energy seemed endless. His dedication and passion to his career didn’t stop just because the first leg of the tour was over, and hee worked hard at being not only a Backstreet Boy, but an active part in his new charity as well. Unlike AJ or Brian, Kevin seemed to be able to juggle the love in his heart in addition to his love for his career. A day didn’t pass that you didn’t thank God for Kevin befriending you. True that at first, you were terribly hurt that AJ had forgotten he’d invited you to Atlanta, but now you realized that everything does happen for a reason. If AJ had remembered and had a car waiting for you, then you and Kevin probably would have said nothing more to each other than an amiable “hello” backstage. Even though his schedule was tight, Kevin squeezed out the weekend to be with you. It turned out to be a quiet one. Usually, the of you spent a lot of time chattering and trying to make each other laugh, however, this weekend there seemed to be an unspoken regret and sorrow. After all, you had just lost someone that you knew, but still loved. You returned to work the following Monday and shocked everyone by volunteering to pull the holiday shifts alone, back to back if necessary, so anyone who wanted to be off to be with their family could do so. The best medicine that you could think of for a broken heart was to stay busy. It was almost 7:30pm by the time you got home on December 23rd. You had worked the morning show, then the mid-day show and even helped engineer the late afternoon show. On you way home, you stopped at the pet store and bought Dakotah some Christmas presents and then stopped at a drive-thru and got a burger for your dinner. It was dark and the damp roads were beginning to ice over. Thankfully, it was a clear night...just very, very cold. As you pulled into the driveway, you noticed a package sitting on your porch. It was undoubtedly a present from your brother who lived in New York. You and Dakotah shared your burger and fries, then after dinner you took a hot bath and then watched some christmas cartoons on tv. That’s when you remembered there was a package on your front porch. “Look Dakotah…check it out!” you smiled at your dog. The box wasn’t terribly large and it was very light. “I betcha Uncle John sent us some popcorn again. Yummy! You like popcorn, don't ya?” you said playfully. Dakotah danced around your feet as you dug for scissors to open the box. You had already taken your contact lenses out and left your glasses lying on the sofa, so you didn’t pay any attention to the postmark. You assumed that the package was from your brother....you were wrong. When you opened the box, the first thing you noticed was the familiar pink striped paper from Victoria’s Secret. You pushed the tissue paper back to find some boxer pajamas, matching slippers and body care products, such as shower gel and lotions. Tucked inside one of the slippers was an audiocassette tape...there was no identifying label on the tape. You hit the “mute” button on the television and popped the tape into the stereo. The sound of AJ’s voice floated softly through the darkened living room, shocking you and seizing you in a bittersweet embrace as you listened to his message.“Hey *******. Merry Christmas! I knew you wouldn’t talk to me, and um...I wanted you to have this present. Alot’s been happening lately and uh, you’re gonna hear alot of stuff pretty soon. For that, I am truly sorry. I know you don’t believe me, but I do love you *******. I never said that I didn’t, I just said it was too late. There’s stuff going on with me that you don’t know about and I can’t talk about. Do you remember when I said that I didn’t believe in all that reincarnation stuff? Well, I still don’t, but a part of me really wants to believe it because that way I know me and you...WE....will be together someday. I know...that sounds nuts. Sorry! Anyway, on the flip side of this tape is your song....the song I wrote that night. Merry Christmas”
The next time you would see AJ would be on January 9th at the first Johnny No Name concert at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando. It was a radio promo gone bad as far as you were concerned. At the weekly staff meeting in early December, it was decided that the first contest of the New Year would be a “Win a trip to see Johnny No Name” contest. It sounded simple and easy. Five winners with their five guests would get an all expenses paid trip to Orlando for the concert on January 9th...AJ’s birthday. The rules to qualify were simple. Contestants called in during the morning show and pled their case as to why they deserved to win. The morning show deejays chose ten contestants a day for five days, then the listeners voted to pick the final winners. It was funny and all good until the third day. As usual, from the time the show started at 6am, the lines were jammed with contest hopefuls spouting off about how much they loved AJ and The Backstreet Boys. “I deserve to go because I totally love AJ. I have like thousands of pictures…” one girl was screaming into the phone line. You were only halfway listening as you scanned the news wire and traffic reports.
“You gotta pick me!” the girl shrieked. “Oh my God! I have the dirt on ******* and Kevin! I saw them together!” Wes had no idea that you even knew Kevin other than brief backstage meetings at sponsored concerts. “Ho, Yes!” Wes gloated while he was laughing and clapping and strutting around the studio like a rooster. “I love it! Dirt…come on…on our little *******?” Wes had his doubts about whether the caller was telling the truth or not, however, he had to play the hand. If it was true, this would be good for morning show bits for a really long time to come. The girl continued her story. “Yep. Okay…like, I was in the grocery store, um, right around Thanksgiving. First, I noticed ****** because I remembered her picture from that big billboard off the freeway and also from when she did that haunted house thing with Bailey, right? Then, I see her HOLDING HANDS with this dude and I’m like, ‘Oh my God! He must be ********’s boyfriend’ because they’re tight, ya know, but the dude looked way familiar, so I nonchalantly waltzed by them and oh my GOD, it was Kevin! I was totally freaking out…” From that moment on, life as you knew it wouldn’t be the same for a long, long time. Within minutes, the station manager called with an executive mandate that you would accompany the contest winners. This was just too damn juicy for them to pass up. You had no choice but tell Kevin, have him tell AJ, and hope that they wouldn’t get mad. Afterall, you had no intention of interrupting AJ's show or his birthday. You were perfectly happy to watch the show from the general admission area with the winners...no special favors. The day of the concert had been an excruciatingly long day and you had the blisters on your feet to prove it. Part of the prize package for the winners was a day at Universal Studios. The logistics involved in moving a group of people through a theme park was mind-boggling. On top of your tour guide duties, you had to take the time to call in to the station almost every three hours to do a “live” broadcast from Universal. You also still hadn’t recovered from the shock of seeing AJ earlier in the evening, tucked in a dark corner upstairs at the Hard Rock. By his expression, AJ was just as shocked as you were. You managed to spit out brief hellos to most of the people you knew from the BSB camp, as well as one snotty exchange with Leighanne, but when you saw AJ making a move toward you, you hauled your ass back downstairs. You couldn’t get back to the safety of the masses of fans in the general admission area quick enough. Using the excuse that you had a headache, you left your contest winners at the Hard Rock. They were all adults afterall, and they would be fine without you. Besides that, you had absolutely no intention of torturing yourself by running from AJ all night. Back at the hotel, you took a quick shower and then ordered from room service. As soon as you had eaten, you crawled into bed and went right to sleep. It was now well after midnight. AJ, with Marcus close behind him, knocked on your door for a good five minutes before he was able to rouse you to answer. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to get your hotel and room number, but all Marcus had to do was ask. The contest winners were more than willing to provide a Backstreet Boy with any and all information that they could about you…after all, Wes would have wanted it that way. Up until the time you opened the door to your room, AJ wondered if you would ever talk to him again. You stood there in the doorway not quite awake with a sunburned nose and “bed head.” When he saw that you were wearing the pajamas that he had sent you for Christmas, he had a feeling his prayers were answered. The two of you just stood there and looked at each other, as if searching for a silent signal. Finally, you took a step back and allowed AJ to enter the darkened room. He nodded to Marcus that he could leave, then quietly locked the door behind him…...
When AJ entered the room, you turned your back to him and began to remove your pajamas. For the first time since you had met him, you felt shy and awkward, but more than anything you were consumed with shame and sadness. AJ possessively wrapped his arms around you and you once again gave in, leaning back against his chest as he tenderly kissed the sensuous curves of your neck. AJ had so much to tell you...so many things he’d held inside for the past month, clawing and scratching at his soul. Drinking in your sweet fragrance, he spoke slowly and softly, caressing you with his voice. “I’ve missed you so much" he said. "This is so out of control. I’m scared and I'm confused. I don’t want to make a mistake. Losing you is a mistake and it’s happening. I can’t lose you..I just can’t”. You were paralyzed by the fear of letting him love you. As he nuzzled your hair, he hugged you tightly. “*******, this may sound crazy, but sometimes I feel like we’ve always been together...always. Like since we were little kids playing in a sandbox or since our first day of school. You were the calm in my heart when I was afraid or alone. You’ve been a part of my heart and soul my whole life. I swear I hear your laughter and I’ve felt your tears, and this is tearing me up inside because I can’t walk away from the commitments that I’ve made...I can’t. I know better!" he confessed.
You turned in his arms and faced him, and as you Looked into his brown eyes, you knew exactly what he was saying. In AJ's eyes, you saw home and that's where you felt safe. “Do you love her?” you asked simply. Your question was met with silence. “It’s a simple question AJ. Yes or No” you said. “I love you…both” he replied softly. “NO! Say it AJ. Tell me the truth…please?” you pleaded. Instead of answering you, he effortlessly picked you up and carried you over to the bed. As he sat on the edge, he searched your tormented eyes. It was as if a piece of you was missing. He tenderly laid his hand over your breast, closing his eyes and feeling the steady rhythm of your beating heart. It was as if he could feel the hurt weighing on your soul. “I love you” he whispered. For a moment, he thought that you were drifting off to sleep. He could hardly feel your breathing and your eyes were closed, but you were far from sleep. You were grasping for words…adequate words…to describe your pain, but you didn’t have any. Finally, you simply whispered “I’m so tired of loving you."
AJ felt as if you had plunged a dagger into his chest as you continued. “AJ, I loved you completely. I trusted my heart and I trusted your love. I thought I knew you, but I don’t. You’re a chameleon. You change constantly to fit in and blend with the people around you until, honestly, I don’t think even you know who you are. Do you have any idea how bad it feels to realize that you don’t make someone happy? It’s such a simple little word...happy. I can’t make you happy…” you said. “You do…” AJ countered. You fought and struggled to bring to the surface all the hurt and pain that laid deep within your soul, and AJ knew that he had to do something…he couldn’t lose you. He drew you into his embrace, holding you close to his heart…so close that it felt as though your hearts were beating in perfect unison. You trembled, knowing that you were losing what little control you had left. You hated yourself for wanting to surrender to him, for as much as you were afraid to let go of AJ, you were even more afraid to let go of yourself.
AJ wouldn’t let you go and he held you even tighter, assaulting your heart and senses with his tiny whispered assurances. “Baby, I love you” he said.
You tried desperately to will your mind and body to overpower his love, but the longer he held you and the more he showered you with the assurances of his love that you needed so desperately to hear, the more an all-too-familiar feeling of peace began to wash over you. Laying you back on the bed, he looked deep into your eyes and it hurt him to see your pain. He laid down beside you and pulled you to his chest, securely wrapping his arms around you. By the way you trembled, he could tell how truly afraid you really were. He kissed you gently, bringing your lips to his, and even though you clung to him like a frightened child, he could feel your body begin to calm and give way to him. His kisses became more passionate and urgent, moving lower down your neck and suckling your sweet skin. At that moment, you realized that you hated AJ, yet you worshipped the ground he walked on. You loved him and despised him at the same time. You wondered if he touched Sarah like this. He made you sick, yet you craved his touch and his mouth and body upon you. You could feel his love wrapping around you…soothing and seducing you…comforting and caressing your soul. AJ moved his hand to your breast, squeezing it until he could feel your nipple pulse with your heartbeat. Closing your eyes, you succumbed to his love, your overwhelming fear of loving and losing him taking form in bittersweet tears that were welling up in your eyes. AJ knew what he was doing to you, but he had to do it. He couldn’t lose you.
He continued to tease and coax your senses until currents of wild pleasure were coursing through your body. With his mouth upon your breast, AJ began to lower his hand, feeling and massaging every inch of your soft skin. He knew exactly where you were most vulnerable and his attention never wavered. His tongue, flat against your stomach traced and glided downward, pushing you right to the edge of ultimate surrender. “Let go *******…don’t hold back baby…” he whispered. He dipped his tongue into you. “You can’t let go if you’re afraid….let go baby…” he said. Your hips came up off the bed when he slipped two fingers into you, sucking and licking your most sensitive spot. The tears that threatened to fall before now began to flow as your back began to arch, your body begging for release. Suddenly, you sat up. Your eyes met AJ's and the two of you held each other’s gaze for a moment before you tearfully whispered “Why are you doing this to me?” “Because I love you…” AJ murmured as he gently pushed you back down on the bed, refusing to give in to your pleas. As his hand pumped into you, you began to writhe beneath him. You tossed your head from side to side, arching your back and thrusting your hips against his hand. You wept as you lost herself over and over to AJ. When it was over, the two of you laid next to each other in silence. AJ held your hand, stroking your fingers with his. He took your face in his hands and looked you right in eyes. “I love you ******* ^^^^^^^” he said, then leaning in, he gave you a sweet, slow kiss. His kiss was unassuming and gentle, his tongue invading your mouth with sweet care, but his victory was short lived. The palm of his hand slipped down your tummy and rested on your abdomen and you closed your eyes. After a moment of silence, AJ softly asked “Was it a boy or a girl?” It took you a minute to respond. It broke your heart to say the words out loud and you had never told anyone. Finally, you whispered "it was a boy” AJ scooted down and buried his face in your abdomen. He kissed your stomach and then gently lay his head on it. You could tell that he was crying and you lovingly stroked his hair. The hatred and resentment you had felt for him previously was slipping away. All that was left now was pity. AJ was a man who was drowning in lost love. He lost his child and he knew that he had lost you too. Tonight, he’d done everything in his power to stay afloat because he was that desperate to ease his guilt and pain, but he had come to the realization that he'd been right all along…it was too late. It was almost dawn and AJ knew that he needed to leave, but also knew that once he walked out the door there would be no coming back. “*******…I’m gonna go ahead and announce the engagement around Valentine’s day” he told you. With that declaration made, the two of you once again sat in silence. Your eyes stung with tears that you fought to wipe away as quickly as you shed them. “Good. You need to do that…” you sighed. Once again, AJ leaned down and kissed you. “Tonight never happened, did it?” he whispered. You just stared at the floor, saying nothing. Your silence was your agreement...tonight never happened. In sixty seconds, it would be over...this was it. AJ paused before leaving, his hand on the doorknob. Looking back at you over his shoulder, he whispered “Stay sweet ******.....stay sweet”, and then he was gone.
© Copyright 2002
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this text may be copied or
reprinted without the author's permission.

Chapters 16-20
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