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The life of the former singers...

Our first practice.

In some ways
        the girls are glad 
                    to be free
                           of practicing.                DO THEY LOOK LIKE THEY ARE 
Practices were often long                                  HAVING FUN? -->
                  And sometimes a pain in the neck
    ...or just very boring. 
The favorite black sparkley dresses!

These are publicity shots, 
     I guess. 
They were taken quite a while ago at the Music Acadamy of the West 
in Montecito. We used to have a practice room there, 
      and we used it for beautiful background while we still could. 
The girls are pictured here in their "sparkly" dresses.

They wore other things somtimes...

Just not very often.

Trail By Jury

The Nightingales got to be a part of a Gilbert and Sullivan show. 
It was fun. 
They played the bridesmaids, 
            so they got to dress up in big silly dresses. 
                       Beautiful, huh?                 

Christmas Time!

The following pictures were taken while the girls were caroling in the malls of Santa Barbara. THIS IS THE THING THEY WILL MISS MOST OF ALL!! Oh, the torment! They loved to sing Christmas carols. They loved the season, and they loved those outfits. So what if they couldn't fit into the coffee shops all at once? So what if they were a fire hazard?! (If you want more info about the Christmas CD, click on the following word) Christmas

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