SITE MAYBE CLOSING!!!I have been thinking about closing my site because it gets no traffic, I don't really write much anymore, maybe because of lacking interest, or maybe I'm just a bum, either way my work isn't wonderful. Isa Belle, if you get in contact with me, I'll find someone to host you. Unless I see a major change, then this site is gone...Which is fine. Just let me know at, Thanks! If I still don't get word by the end of June, I'm closing.
My Stories- This is a section of all of the BSB stories that I have written...Check it out! Click Here>>>>To vote for my stories if you like them. =)
Hosted Stories -I got my first hosted story, so go check it out, YAY! Be sure to email her too, and if you have time and read some my stuff email me, or if you are looking for a host, email
But before you do that, I have a few simple requests. So if you are instrested copy the following questions and answer them in an email to
1.Did You Use spell check? (If not just do it now kay? and have someone proof read alright?)
2. Is it already at some other site? (If yes; send me a link I'd happily post it!)
3. BIG BIG THING: Did YOU write it?
4.If you said No to 3 Stop now, you'll be wasting your time.
5. What's this story called?
6. Tell me a little about it:
7. Do you have a nickname that you want to use? (i.e. Mynina, my nickname.)
8. And would you like an email address posted with it? If yes what is it?
9.Do you have dolls for your characters? If so, and I decide to host, I'll have you send im to me.
Um well that's all I can think of for now, if I think of more I'll add them. THANKS!!!!
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