***Tour Bus***
Nick, Brian, Leighanne, AJ, Kevin, Celeste, and Howie were all in the back of the bus. "Hey you guys don't forget tomorrow you've all promised to come to my movie premier."
"I promise you that Kevin and I will be there and I'll make sure that Kevin looks good too. No skirts! Right Kev?" Celeste said kissing his cheek.
"Uh huh right baby." He responded squeezing his wife's hand lightly.
"But Leigh there won't be anyone my age there! I hate going to these things!" Nick whined.
"Quit whining Nick! Jeez I can't believe you're still this whiny." Brian snapped not wanting to ruin something so special for Leigh.
"Calm down Nick. There will be people your age there. I promise you. So don't get too worked up. I wouldn't ask you to go if I didn't think you'd enjoy yourself." She said slightly hurt but understanding of Nick.
"Ok. Sorry Rok." He said flipping on the TV.
"Young love...isn't it sweet? It is until He cheats on her with another woman. And She decides to get revenge! Leighanne Littrell, Joshua Jackson, and Macaela Williams in "Payback of The Ex". In theaters on March 30th. " The commercial announced as clips from the movie flashed on the screen. Nick stared at the screen wide-eyed watching the clips of Macela Williams.
"Nick, see, both of the actors you saw in the clips with me are around your age. In fact I think Macela is the same age as you."
"Uh huh." He mumbled not listening to what she said.
"Ok Welcome back to TRL and if you're just now tuning in this is our special guests from the movie "Payback of the Ex.", Joshua Jackson and Macela Williams. Nice to see you again Josh and it's a pleasure to meet you Macela." Carson sped through his lines doing most of it by improvisation Instead of reading the cue cards.
"Thank you Carson." Macela said softly into the microphone.
"So Macela what was it like for you to work with Josh and Leighanne?"
"Oh I had so much fun. This is my first movie and they were both so sweet to me. Well I mean Leighanne was Josh was just a big pain in the butt." She laughed.
"Josh, what'd you do man?"
"Me, a pain in the butt? I think I'm the sweetest guy around! I don't know how to be a pain." He said and all the girls in the room screamed.
"Well we have to get to the number 8 video so would you like to introduce it Macela?"
"Most certainly, Here we have the always sexy 98 degrees with "My Everything" at number 8!"
"Why didn't you go with them Leigh?" Nick asked slightly confused.
"I wanted to spend some time with Bri. So I told them that I wasn't up for going to that one promotional gig." She said as she snuggled into Brian's arms.
"Oh, When is this movie premier?"
"It's May 26th. You'll have a good time there Nick, I promise. If you want I'll go around and introduce you to people since I know how shy you can be at times." Leighanne said reassuringly.
***May 26th***
"You ready to go sweetie?" Brian asked as he tapped his fist lightly against the bathroom door.
"Yeah in just a second Bri." She said stepping out of the bathroom in a lavender dress that fell just above the knee. Her hair was down and she had on a pair of lavender strappy high heel shoes on.
"You look amazing!" he gasped. He thanked the lord every day for Leigh.
"Thank you Bri! You are so sweet!" she said kissing his cheek.
"Let's get going my love. The guys all said they'd met us there." He said wrapping his arm around her waist.
"Hey Kayla! I want to introduce you to someone." Leighanne Wallace said as she walked up to Macela.
"Hey Leigh! Hey Bri! What's up you two?"
"Not too much." Brian said smiling warmly with his arm wrapped around Leigh's waist, holding her close to him.
"Kay, I want to introduce you to Nick, Nick this is Macela, Macela this is our very shy Nick Carter."
"Well it's nice to meet you very shy Nick Carter." She said laughing a bit. As she reached out for his hand.
"Nice to meet you too." He said shyly as he shook her hand.
"Hey Leigh, Kayla, Brian." Josh said grinning as he walked up to the group.
"Joshua, where have you been?" Leigh said hugging him.
"Around. How are you ladies this evening?"
"I am doing pretty good." Leigh said smiling still.
"And how is my Kay girl doing this joyous evening?" as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I am great Mr. Jackson."
"Glad to hear that Ms. Williams." He replied grinning at her. "Come on, Tyler wants us all together for pictures and his big speech."
"Ok, hang on Josh. I'll be back in just a second ok Bri?"
"Ok Sweetie. I'll be some where, probably wiping the drool off Nicholas's face here." He said laughing good naturetly.
"I love you Bri."
"Love you too Hon." He said kissing her gently.
"Bri did you see that girl? She is so hot."
"What girl?"
"Macela Williams." He said sounding almost dreamy.
"Kay? She is like a daughter to me so no, I didn't think she was hot. You'd really like her if you got to know her. But Nicky boy that requires saying more then 'um yea hi.' Talk to her, she isn't scary or intimidating at all."
"Yea I guess."
"Yea, I know. Just talk to her, maybe you two will click." Brian said smiling as a reporter walked up to him and Nick. *Pop star life kicking in once again.* Brian said to himself silently.
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