My Stories

My Stories

SITE MAYBE CLOSING!!!I have been thinking about closing my site because it gets no traffic, I don't really write much anymore, maybe because of lacking interest, or maybe I'm just a bum, either way my work isn't wonderful. Isa Belle, if you get in contact with me, I'll find someone to host you. Unless I see a major change, then this site is gone...Which is fine. Just let me know at, Thanks! If I still don't get word by the end of June, I'm closing.

These are all my stories. I have a few other things that I will be posting very soon. But for now try to enjoy these first stories. Thanks so much for stopping by!!

I have found new inspiration in the aftermath of death of one of my favorite female singers, Aaliyah. I will be venturing into Non-BSB writing, but will not post it here on the internet. I would prefer to mold it and attempt publish it some day. So yes this means Less updates for My BSB stories. As a writer I feel compelled to learn and grow all the time, and this for me looks like the next step to growing and learning to become a better more respected writer. Thanks for listening.Good Bless You All, -NINA-

BTW Legal Crap Time: No I do not know any of the BSB, and the other people in the stories I either know, such as Nikki and Andrea, then others are 'made up' but kind of based on friends, family or just characteristics I see in people that are different. And while I am at this legal crap, don't copy my stories, I have plently of friends that would tell me if they found out. So please be nice and don't copy. These all took me a good amount of time to write, so please just leave them here.

Challenging Love- This is a story about 5 different relationship and the trials and tribulations that they must face while on tour. Send me some of your comments. Please?

Challenging Love 2- This is the squeal to Challenging Love, that's about it, if you like the 1st one you'll probably like this one too.

Challenging Love 3- Yes I know, I'm crazy, insane and not right in the head, but this squeal was just staring me straight in the face and I couldn't resist! You guys know me! =)I just HAD to do it. Ok well if you can find it in your heart to Forgive me, maybe, just MAYBE, you want to read this if you read the others. BOUT THE STORY: This is set in the future, find out how everything ended up, is this Leigh chick still around? How's Shawn now? and MANY MANY other NEW People to read bout! HAVE FUN AND MOST IMPORTANT EMAIL ME OR SIGN MY GUEST BOOK, PLEASE????? THANKS!

-This is my sorry about one of the guys falling for the "Girl On TV". Enjoy.

NEW STORYSo Hard To Say Goodbye- A story about how the guys truly learn to say good bye. I can't say much more without telling you the me and tell me what you think. This is NOT a love story and the first time I've written anything like it. FIRST SHORT STORY. =^)

Lil' Sister- AJ discovers he has a sister... and she has talent.

NEW STORYStuck In Between- A story featuring Nick and Howie. They've both set their sights on the same girl and that's leaving not just her but the guys Stuck In Between the two as they try to figure out the next step.

Forbidden Love- Summary on the Index, page, sorry I don't have time right now.

-What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful-No sure about where this story will go, I am thinking about taking it down. If you'd like to see it stay up email me or sign my guest book. Thanks.

Nina's Poll
Which story on my site do you enjoy most? (You may pick more than one answer
Girl On TV
Challenging Love
Challenging Love 2
Challenging Love 3
All Challenging Loves
Lil' Sister
What Makes You Different Makes you Beautiful
All except Challening Love
All Except Girl On TV
All Except Lil Sister
All Except What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful?
All Except CL2
All Except CL3
Not Sure.

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