
SITE MAYBE CLOSING!!!I have been thinking about closing my site because it gets no traffic, I don't really write much anymore, maybe because of lacking interest, or maybe I'm just a bum, either way my work isn't wonderful. Isa Belle, if you get in contact with me, I'll find someone to host you. Unless I see a major change, then this site is gone...Which is fine. Just let me know at ShortNinaSite@hotmail.com, Thanks! If I still don't get word by the end of June, I'm closing.

JULY 2, 2002

Hey All,

What's up? Another update but not for my stories. Isa Belle sent me a new chapter on June 27th....After I had already updated...So I decided rather than make you all wait any longer for this new chapter that I'd post it now. It's good...Great little twist in the story...Maybe we'll see another chapter soon?? Email Isa Belle and maybe she'll be motivated.

Anyway on the home front...I am currently working on revision of CL3 and it's going to be some huge changes to hopefully improve that story. Thanks to Nikki. And maybe I'll get her to help me fix up the rest of CL...If yall are lucky. She is making some awesome changes. And lastly (I don't care if Lastly isn't a word..it's mine.) Chapter 8 of Girl On TV should be finished soon. Well that's it Good night.




JUNE 27, 2002

Hey Yall,

What's going on? I have an....Update *GASPS*. I AM alive. For real. =-) Anyway I been workin real hard on Girl On TV and got TWO new chapters in the last two days. I am about to start Chapter 8 tonight. So hit me back with some your opinions and I'll get this next update out real quick. BTW sorry it's taken so long...over 2 months since my last update. I'm reworking So Hard To Say GoodBye too. And I will try to really wrap up CL3 quick. There are more things that need to be answered in that story than I thought. Laterz.



P.s. if you want to be added or taken off my email list let me know at ShortNinaSite@hotmail.com.


APRIL 12, 2002

Hey All,

What's goin on? I have a new story...yes ANOTHER. It's called So Hard To Say Goodbye and I really went out on a limb writing it. It's kind of a sad story and is NOT a love story. So I hope yall will be interested enought to pop on over and check it out then send me a email...Please? Thanks!




APRIL 5, 2002

Hey All,

What's up? I have a new story and I hopefully will be posting the rest of CL3 soon. I have to find chapters 13 and 14...I sorta misplaced them. Hopefully Nikki still has 13 and I can easily re-write 14. Any way I posted a new story called Stuck In Between and posted the first chapter. I hope yall enjoy.




MARCH 31, 2002

Hey All,

Happy Easter!! What's up kids? I'm pretty bored hanging out here at home. Still haven't gotten the 5 comments and I am totally disappointed. My ego does not exist at the moment at all. It's been like over a month and I've still only gotten 2...Well 3 maybe...I'm losing count...not because they are coming faster than I can count be cause it's taking so long.

OH well right? I will post the rest of CL3 soon without the comments but I'm holding out a while longer. And the real update is that I have finished a new chapter for Girl On TV I hope yall enjoy. New Chapter

God Bless,



MARCH 10, 2002

Hey All,

Yall I aint getting much of a response for my last request of 5 comments....Didn't realize it was THAT difficult. I have gotten 2...C'mon three more and you got the REST of CL3. I have it FINISHED. But like I said it won't be posted until I find out what the heck is up. Ok on to the Updates.

Yes I finally have a site of the month for March. Go to Links to check it out. I love the site and I am sure you will too. And a New CHAPTER, Yay? It's a new chapter for Girl On TV. I hope yall enjoy and maybe send a comment or two my way...I'd be your friend for life. Thanks! Well that's bout it. Except it might be a little more time between updates because I'm in an after school Lab for Sports Medicine and will soon be starting drivers Ed...Wish me and the teacher (ESPECIALLY THE TEACHER) luck! Laters!




FEBUARY 22, 2002

Hey All,

Yes there is an update but first I must put in a few plugs. First Go See the movie "Queen Of The Damned" that movie looks SO frickin awesome. And Check out my links hopefully this weekend I'll get my 2 new links up for yall. And there is a NEW Quiz. Go the Page My Stories and vote.

Ok On to the Updates...Notice it took me longer this time to get out a update...Guess why...NO FEEDBACK...If yall write to me and say 'hey enjoyed the chapter It was hella funny when Denise came out lookin hoochie!" or "Man you have had some better days for writing, the whole thing with AJ and Andrea.., that's some crap...I'd consider a REWRITE." Whatever...just email me, sign my guest book, sign my slam book...DO SOMETHING PLEASE? I am hoping to finish CL3 soon and change a CL1 a little...so if I get some feed back...it'll end sooner and you'll get to see all the other crazy things my twisted mind has come up with. Well gotta go, I'm sleepy.Nighty Night!!!




FEBUARY 13, 2002

Hey All,

WOW I can not believe I have another update THIS soon...Jeez I need to get a life. But Anyway I figure it's cool be cause this weekend I am actually GOING somewhere. So yall won't hear from me at all for at least 3 days. That makes me seem a little less pathetic right? Well it's another update for CL3. Chapter 10. I am SO SO good. So here it is from me to you, Happy Valentine's Day and Enjoy!!





FEBUARY 11, 2002

Hey All,

I have a new chapter for Challenging Love 3!! YAY!!! I really want to know what yall think bout it so email me please? I'll be your best buddy forever!!! Ok well I'll keep this short. TTYL.




JANUARY 27, 2002

Hey All,

I finally posted the new chapter for How Do You Know? I have had them for a while now and I read them and got to enjoy them but I've been holding out on yall, So go ahead and read them now cuz they are good and I'm lovin the story. No new updates for my stories..sorry I know how disappointed yall must be....LOL Right?




JANUARY 24, 2002

Hey All,

I have an update for Girl On TV and A little note that I will hopefully remember to add to the front page. but if not Basically it'll say Welcome Home USS Carl Vinson Espeacially my big bro Mike Smith. Obviously since we stood in the FREEZING COLD for 8 HOURS. Anyways The update.....I am sorry it took so long. I got a request for a new CL3 Chapter and I told yall I would work my best off request So that just shows yall that I was honest. So request and I'll work on that story Arrite? Kae well I hope I get all this up tonight.




JANUARY 13, 2002

Hey All,

I'm gonna keep this short. I updated CL3 Chapter 8 and hope to have a new chapter for Girl On TV some time within the week. We'll see since I do have finals (MID-TERMS) coming up. And please if you stop by the site and like what you read vote for me and sign the guestbook and or the Slam book if you have to choose I'd really like it to be the Slam book. Kae well thanks for the time and bye bye.




JANUARY 6, 2002

Hey All,

I hope yall great new years. I have an update for the story CL3 Challenging Love 3; Chapter 7 so enjoy. I also have signed up for a lil list that I am hoping you all vote for me on. Soon I hope to have links to it all over my site. So PLEASE if you like my stories vote for me. =) Oh and I also got a new slam book so go sign that Home on the home page. Well guess that's it.

God Bless

P.s. PLEASE email me with feedback; and email saying which story you would like updated I'll make sure it's the next story hopefully by next weekend.


DECEMBER 30, 2001

Hey All,

Wow! I actually have an UPDATE!! Amazing huh?? I finished a new Chapter for "Girl On TV" and posted it. Tonight I will work on either CL3 or Lil Sister and Maybe, just maybe I'll have a new chapter ready in time for tomorrow. But I have to spend a lil time studying spanish too now so I don't fail. Well I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and now you can enjoy a new chapter. Kae well Later.




DECEMBER 22, 2001

Hey All,

It's been a long time since I last updated. I have written a little more but have not finished a new chapter. However Isa Belle has. The girl is putting me to shame. The year is almost over thank the lord, and I hope next year is a brighter one than this one has been. 2001 to me has been a tragic one filled with ups and downs but to my dismay there were far more downs than ups. So now is the time for every one to make up for this year being so awful.....it's CHRISTMAS!! or whatever holiday you happen to celebrate. So make sure this year you really realize how lucky you are to have such great families.



P.s. maybe next year I'll write more.....we'll see.

OCTOBER 4, 2001:


Hey All, A LOT OF NEWS: Yes I took a break after Aaliyah's tragic death, I kept with that break through the tragedy of September 11th, but NOW I have returned with my very favorite story. I have a new chapter for CL3, CHAPTER 6. Awesome huh? Oh well maybe not. It's my personal favorite so far. (story not chapter.) Andrea and AJ make their first 'big' appearance in the new chapter but Nikki, Nick, Howie, and Jessica have not yet shown up...Maybe next time. GOD BLESS, NINA P.s. DO NOT ask when the next update is. I might be posting a new Short story, NOT BSB fan fiction. There might be more than one short story written for English. I'll only post it if I get a good grade ryte? K. LATER. GOD BLESS.


AUGUST 24, 2001:

Hey All,

Once again not too much to say, worked on little things, but the big announcment, is that I will be unable to update for a few days. So just realize there won't be updates until I get back. Well Have fun and stuff. Love ya and God Bless, Nina


AUGUST 22, 2001:

Hey all, Not much to say, I fixed a broken link, changed a background and added a few new links. OH and most important change, I have added a News Page. Check it out. Oh and anyone that sees this and is on my email list, Don't worry, I'm not sending this one out, too tiny of a change to bother all of you people. Love and God Bless, Nina


AUGUST 20, 2001:

Hey All,

What's up? Yeah I know I've taken a while to update. But I dont have much new done yet.

~New WMYDMYB Chapter 4 Up Now.

~ I will update Isa Belle's story tonight sometime, I've been really lazy, she sent me a couple chapters a few days back but I just haven't gotten them up. Sorry all.

~almost done updating my email addy, so make sure EVERYTHING site related goes to ShortNinaSite@hotmail.com, kay? THANKS.

Well that's about it, see yall soon. And anyone that knows me in RL See ya Thursday! Oh and Special Note to Andi and Jess, Bring my Cd and Movie please? Thanks

Have a great day and God Bless,



AUGUST 15, 2001:

Hey All,

I am going to keep this short and sweet my eyes are way too strained to sit here forever and a day explaining way I haven't updated in a few days...So I'll just get right into the updates.

~I will be adding a new chapter to CL3 tonight

~Tomorrow I will add a bunch of chapters to How Do You Know? By Isa Belle. She sent me a bunch but I haven't has much time to read them yet.

and sorry you guys if there are a lot of typos I will try to go back and fix them before I post it I am trying to type this with my eyes close because they are so strained, yeah yeah I know I need glasses and I'll get them soon, after I get my eyes checked whenever I find time for that. Well night I amsick of trying to type like this and you all probably think I am insane. Well night

Love you all and God Bless



AUGUST 11, 2001:

Hey All,

Yes I know I am very bad at this sending emails thing...I have updated, and decided I will just send you people the updates weekly. Since I update a little bit every day. Or almost everyday. Today I am totally wiped so I think I'll leave the site as is.


I added a NEW note on the index of WMYDMYB.

And A new chapter one CL3. Which very soon I should have Chapter 5 up.

I will add more links to the Dolls page soon so you all may see the characters. So that's all I can remember I have changed lately. Sorry if I forgot something I am SO tired right now. Sorry!! NIGHT


NINA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUGUST 9, 2001: Hey All, Another fairly slacker day for me. I added a new chapter to Lil Sister. Got this new email address, which will be posted on the site soon. I hope tomorrow. My other email address is getting too full, and I wouls rather keep that one for private use. So if yall have a letter that does NOT relate to the web site, use the other address, but anything site related, I want to come here. This also presents me with the ability to work on the web site when I have time. So please just do me this favor. THANKS. Oh and While updating my site I added one link that I want to mention, InTeRnAl FlAmEs it's my friend Jessica's web site for her band. Check it out. Oh and if you like punk rock, which i guess you are all pop fans but oh well check out my other friends page, NAYGOYA - PUNK ROCKERS It's a pretty cool site. Well I guess that's about it. Talk to you all soon. ONE LAST THING- Isa Belle's story, it's great so far, I am reading it before I post it as she sends it to me. It's awesome. You all should check it out. Total DRAMA...lol. So Props to Isa Belle. And Girl hurry with the next chapter I wanna know what Happens! lol Just playin'. Yours Truly Mynina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 8th: Hey All, Well first update is This...My Update Page. If you would like me to send you updates in email, email me and I'll add you to my list. ~I also updated How Do You Know? Hopefully I will finish putting up all that she has sent me. ~I have been working on a new chapter for Lil' Sister that I also hope to have up some time today. ~There is also a note posted on WMYDMYB.....It basically states that I am taking a break on that story for a while. There is no real interest for that story on either side, me as the writer and the few I have spoke to as the readers. ~I started a new chapter for CL3, but I am doubting I will get is up tonight So just check back soon. If you have any questions, email me at Shorty_Nina@hotmail.com. ~Oh and Jess, if you come here, reminder to email me your site URL so I can add it to links, THANKS.

My Favorite Web sites

Fan Fiction
Dedicated To Baby Girl

Email: ShortNinaSite@hotmail.com