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Meeting Girls Aloud

Webmaster - CherylTweedy(dot)TK

Yay! I finally met the girls! Thursday, 29th May, the Girls did an album signing at HMV in Dudley. They also cut the ribbon for the official opening of the shop. Over 1200 fans came to see the girls but only the lucky 500 who had previously obtained wristbands could get to meet them.

I personally queued for 2 and a half hours but it was definitely worth it. The girls were sat around their table, Cheryl on one end, then Nadine, Nicola and Sarah along the back then Kim on the opposite end to Cheryl.

We got to Cheryl first and she was so nice! She and Nadine were talking to us and their accents are so wicked. Cheryl was blown away with the drawing I'd done of the band and Nadine said "You're so talented!". It was so amazing to be told that by someone as talented as Nadine. I asked if I could have a photo with them so I went round the back of the table and crouched between them. Everything seemed so surreal!

I also had a chat and a photo with Sarah and she asked me what my fave song on the album was. I thought about it and said "Don't Want You Back" and she said "Yeah, I like that one".

Unfortunately we didn't have very long with the girls and the security guards were ushering us away. We didn't mind though, I'd been able to meet them and I'd got the picture I'd drawn of them (which they absolutley loved) signed, a photo of them and their album signed. It was definatley one of the best days of my life. :)

The pic I drew that the girls signed - click to enlarge!

You can see some more of my personal pics HERE!

Webmaster - SarahHarding(dot)TK

I also met Girls Aloud in HMV in Dudley! It was one of the best days of my life too :) I didnt really say much to the girls as I was busy taking pictures but I had my photo taken with Sarah and it was so amazing! They are all so tiny and beautiful!

They signed my album inlay for me and it was a day I am never ever going to forget!

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