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Meeting Girls Aloud

Danny Hi - I met Girls Aloud at Thorpe Park when they were promoting their new single. It was great... they were really friendly and I got to take pictures with a few of them and got all their autographs!

They went on a few rides like Tidal Wave and got totally soaked! I've got pictures of them when they just came off and are really wet and look pretty cute! :D

Stefan Hiya, I met Cheryl last week at the Newcastle friendly match. I would have emailed you sooner but I've only just come across your site! I think Cheryl is MINT. She's proud to be a geordie - just like me. She kicks a$$

Liz Hiya, I'm Liz and I have been a Girls Aloud fan for AGES!! I had been waiting for ages to meet them by entering competitions and going to places where they were appearing but I never got the chance to meet them. But my day finally came on Friday the 15th of August! I was so excited. It was the Capital FM roadshow at Greenwich the Naval college. I got up at 7am and arrived at the place at 9am. I was all ready to see them, I was the first person to arive with my mum and sis.

I walked right up to the front of the stage and and made it MY place! I couldn't wait - I was SO excited. I knew they wouldn't be there until about 1.30pm but hey they're SO worth the wait! Unfortunately, Cheryl wasn't there :( and Cheryl is my fave!

I was well excited and nervous about seeing them on stage and I was up at the front! I held up a poster I took with me of lovely Cheryl and I wrote on it "WE LUV (heart) U!!". As I was at the front I could see Sarah and Nicola on the side of the stage and I cried my eyes out! I was screaming their names and they were waving back at me that was the best feeling ever. Then i saw Nadine and Kimberley! Then they walked on stage and we all screamed! It was such a good feeling it was the best day of my life seeing my fave band ever! I was SO excited i took LOADS of photos! Sarah noticed my poster of Cheryl and she went "Awwwww" and pointed at me and smiled! That made me the happiest gal ever! I was SO excited I can't put it into words.

They performed 2 songs: "Life Got Cold" and "Sound Of The Underground". They sang live and it was brill. After they performed Kimmi, Sarah, Nadine and Nicola came down to us and signed autographs! Only kimmi came down to the very front area where I was and she signed the poster I had of her and even posed fpr a pic with me! I was SO happy. I asked her if she could give my love to Cheryl and she said "Yeah, course I will" and smiled at me. I was on a total high the whole day! I love thinking about the day... they all waved at me and smiled. It was brill. I hope one day I get to meet them all again! That was the best day of my life!

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