Bedding A Backstreet Boy

I remember it like it was just last night. Probably because it was, just last night. I, Sasha McAllister bedded a backstreet boy. What? You don't believe me? Well, read my story, and at the end you decide if it could happen.

I had heard through a good friend of mine, that the boys would be staying at the posh Hilton Hotel, in Reno, and decided I would put my plan into action. You probably wondering how I found out. Let's just say I have an incredible family,(haha). I called about two weeks earlier, and reserved a room for the night of the concert. Actually, I had my uncle do it. He was a very influential man here in Reno. See what I mean by incredible family. The night was July 15th, and it was scorching. I sat in my hotel room, trying to decide the best way to appraoch one of them. Any of them. Although I only had two to choose from. Kevin-married, and kind of freaks me out now-a-days. Brian-married, and ever since that's happened, he just doesn't seem fun. And last but not least, Howie-doesn't do a damn thing for me. Now, don't get me wrong, Howie is an extremely great looking guy, he just doesn't give it to me the way certain others do. So, that left me with two. Alexander and Nickolas.

My way of thinking was this, we all know what kind of man AJ is. He's a partier, he likes the night life. So, what better place to find him at, then the great bar downstairs? And Nick, he's just turned twenty one in January! So, he's probably relishing in the fact that he can "legally" drink. I know when I turned twenty one the first thing I did was run down to the store and buy a twelve pack of Budweiser.

I think it was about eleven thirty when I finally made my way to the bar. I had carefully picked out what I was wearing. I didn't want to look like I had gone down to the bar, just to pick someone up. I had on a pair of tight, dark blue flares. A white tank top, with a spilt neck, with pink and red roses on it. And my favorite black boots. I had braided my long, black hair that day and when I took it down it was crimpy and wavy. I sprayed some gel in it, scrunched it and loved it. Now, for makeup. Very subtle. I don't ever wear makeup, and when I have to I don't wear much. Except for one thing. Red, cherry lipstick. It looks amazing with my colorin. And do you realize how many men I picked up just by wearing this lipstick? Anyway, back to the story. I was sitting in the bar for about an hour. Wondering to myself if they were ever going to come down. Maybe I was wrong, maybe they all decided to go out. Maybe they weren't coming down here at all. And thats when I saw him. 

He looked amazing. He was wearing black leather pants, so tight. An amazing black cut-off shirt and a black leather duster. Oh my God. That is Alexander James McLean! Chill out Sasha, just chill out. Sit here, act like you don't even see him. Easier said then done, the whole entire time he was the bar, which was about fifteen minutes, I couldn't take my eyes off him. But, there was a problem Amanda. Yep, I had forgotten he was with her again. So, that leaves me one. Where was he anyway?
It was nearing one o'clock and I had just about given up on my mission. I was a bit tipsy, and I could feel a headache coming on. I stood up to leave, and that's when it happened. Someone bumped into me, and cold liquid hit my chest. I mumbled something under my breath, did I mention I'm Italian? Well, half Italian if you really want to get technical, but I know enough curse words to get me through New York. I turned to the bar, and grabbed a few blue napkins, trying to soak up the mess that was sure to ruin my favorite shirt.

"Damn, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" A soft voice came from behind me. I dropped the napkins. Is that who I think it is? Is that Nick "fuck me" Carter? I turned around slowly, and yep sure enough it was the tall, blonde God that had spilt his drink down my shirt. I shook my head. 
"No, its okay. Theses things happen." What was I saying?!
 Nick laughed, Kill me now! and said, "Come on. Let me buy you a drink. Its the least I could do." He directed me back to a stool, and we ended up getting three or four rounds before the last call came.

"Damn, I can't believe how late it is." Nick said, as we walked out of the bar into the lobby together. 
"Yeah." I returned. What are you doing Sasha? You sound like a fukcing idiot! I forced a smile to my lips, and was rewarded one of his famous grins. I about died. We walked to the elevator together. 
"What floor are you on? I could walk you to your room."
 Oh God yes. Walk me to my room, walk me in my room, walk me to my bed! "I'm on the sixth floor." He smiled and pressed six. The whole entire, twenty second ride was in complete silence. The alcohol he spilt on me back in the bar didn't stain my shirt too bad. I figured I could take it to the cleaners, and it would be good as new. My mind was racing, Do something! Do something! We exited the small box, and we walked down the long hallway. We came to my room, 625, and stopped.
"Well, hey. Thanks for keeping me company." He said, running a hand through his beautiful blonde hair. I smiled at him like an idiot, and said "No problem". He smiled, and leaned forward into a hug. I wrapped one arm around his neck and felt his strong arms encircle my waist. I heard him breathe in deep, inhaling my perfume. I relaxed, and brought my other arm around his neck. We stood like that for a few minutes. He pulled back first and smiled. 
"Would you like to come to my room? You know, chill for a little while?" I smiled at him, and nodded my head. Yes! Yes! Oh MY GOD YES! I asked him to hold on, so I could change shirts, and invited him in. He sat on the bed, while I ran into the bathroom. Frshened up and changed into a black tank top. I walked back out, and he stood. 

"Ready?" He asked, I nodded and he opened the door. We re-entered the elevator and chatted about things. His family, his friends. My family, my friends. It was good conversation. We made it to his floor, went through security. Brian stopped us on the way to his room, and Nick introduced me. 

"Brian, this is Sasha. Sasha, Brian." We quickly shookhands. His third finger on his left hand held a small, gold wedding band. Boy, if you weren't married, the things I would do to you. I smiled friendishly, and Brian smiled back. If only you knew what was going on in my mind, Littrell. Nick excused us, and we found our way to his suite. I threw my purse on a table, and sat down on a large, beige couch. Nick walked into the bathroom, and emerged in a pair of shorts and a tshirt. 
"I hope you don't mind, I wanted to be comfortable." I shook my mind. I don't mind at all, less I have to deal with when undressing you. I smiled, and he asked if I wanted anything to drink. 
"Well, what do you have?" He went to the small refrigerator and pulled out five small bottles of liquor, two cans of coke and two glasses. "Rum and coke, on ice?" 
"My favorite." He mixed the drinks and we talked. It was nearly three thirty when Nick made his first move. He scooted a little closer, and told me I could take off my boots, to be more comfortable. I complied and sat indian style with my white socked feet hidden under me. I casually licked my lips, and bit the lower one. Watching him as he talked about his band, or something. I can't say I was paying much attention. He looked at me intently, he seemed as if he was trying to decide what to do. I decided I would let him make his move. I leaned back onto the arm of the couch, stretching out. I arched my back, and pushed my chest out. Pretending I was only "stretching". Come on Nick. Come on. Finally he did. He unfolded my legs and spread them out. He laid himself in between them, and looked at me. His gorgeous blue eyes were connected with my chocolate brown eyes.
"Has anyone ever told you, that you have mysterious eyes?" I shook my head. "Well, has anyone told you, you have the most seductive mouth?" I shook my head again. "One finally question. Has anyone ever told you, you have the most kissable looking lips?" I shook my head and he brought his mouth to mine. Oh yes! Oh God yes!! The feeling of his soft lips on mine was exquisite. His tongue slowly entered my mouth, and massaged mine. I brought my hands to his hair, and ran my fingers through it, the softness of it was amazing. He broke the kiss and lowered his mouth to my neck. My nerves were on fire. The feelings I was getting were electrifying. He ran his hands down my sides, sliding the black tank top up, his warm hands causing goosebumps to appear on my flesh. I felt my nipples harden and I arched my back. Nick broke from my neck and looked at me. I arched an eyebrow in question and he smiled.
"Would you mind, if I asked you, if we could move this to the bedroom?" I smiled and nodded at him. Fucking finally! I've been waiting four hours to get to your bedroom! He stood, and extended his hand. I grabbed it and he led me to his room. 

Darkness draped the room, I couldn't see Nick, but I could feel him. His hands over my body, his lips on my face, my neck. He lifted the shirt from my body and ran his figer down my clevage slowly. I closed my eyes briefly, and he swoooped me up and laid me on the bed. He buried his head in my chest. Sweet Jesus! I arched my back, and he slid his hands around my back to undo the clasp of my black bra. It obeyed and he pulled it from my arms slowly. When it was off, he tossed it on the floor. Where it landed, I couldn't tell you. He slipped his shirt off and pulled me to him. His burning flesh against mine was driving me insane. I kissed him, hard. Our mouths melting together. His tongue moved in ways I didn't know possible. His hands worked their way over my breasts, caressing, and rubbing. Tweaking my nipples to painful hardness. He moved his hands down my stomach, causing me to jump a little. I'm very ticklish. He fumbled at the button to my jeans, but finally got it done, and slid the zipper down with a whisper. I lifted my hips up, and he slid them off. He took each sock off with slow movements.I swear, I'm going to die! He kissed up my leg and licked me through my black panties. I shivered beneath him, my arms were searching for him. He stood and pulled his shorts down, he stood before me in dark blue boxer briefs. He eased his weight onto me, and kissed me softly. With that kiss, he was asking permission. And I allowed him. I kissed him forcefully, passionately. He returned it with 100% force. His hips grinded into me, and I could feel his erection on my pelvic bone. God, I want him inside me now. I thrusted up with my hips. He brought his hand from my face and latched a finger into the the waistband of my panties. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, he pulled them down. I moaned against his mouth, he had no idea what he was doing to me. I spread my legs even further, and wrapped a leg around his back. Trying to push him closer to me. He brought the hand that had discarded my panties up the inside of my thigh. I panted, I clawed, I prayed he would hurry. Don't fucking tease me! He smiled and inserted one of his long, thick fingers inside me. "Oh my God!" Hushed words fell from my mouth. I felt him pump his finger into my tight hole. Slowly, he inserted another. I felt on fire. I moved my hips to the rhythm he was creating with his fingers. "Hmmmmmm, uh-huh." I mumbled against his lips. I felt him removed his fingers from my body, and I whimpered. He kissed me quickly, the word "shhh" escaping his mouth. He tugged his boxers off, and opened a drawer. Good he has condoms. I forgot mine. He ripped the package open, and quickly he was on top of me again. I widened my legs, and he slowly slipped inside me. I arched my head back, and felt his thick cock stretching me. Grunts and moans escaped my lips. He began a slow, steady pace. The thrusting painfully slow.

"Damn Sasha. You feel so......UH!" He said in my ear, grabbing my ear lobe with his tongue he sucked on it. I began to match his thrusts, trying to coax him into moving faster. He moved a hand to my waist, and held me down. He picked up his pace a little, not much but enough to make me behave. I felt his hands at my breasts, his tongue at my neck. I dug my nails into his back, and moaned. Suddenly, without warning, he drew back almost coming out from me. And slammed back in. He continued this movement until I thought I would die from the feeling. Screams erupted from my mouth, low growls escaped his lips. Sweat trickeled down his forehead, and down the cleft of my breasts. I could feel my walls clenching, and I knew my orgasm wasn't far away. 
"Nick! Oh Nick, I'm going to cum." I panted, my nails were surely leaving marks. He slammed into my harder and faster. I lifted my legs up, trying to get him deeper inside me. 
"Come on Sasha, come baby. Cum for me, come on now. Cum for me. I want to hear you scream for me." He growled in my ear. I felt my toes curl, my knees go weak, the fire build in stomach, and spread through my body. My eyes rolled back into my head, and I threw my head back. 
"Ahhhhh, Nick!!" I screamed, my throat sore from the forcefullness of my scream. I heard him grunt, and finally, he moaned loudly. He withdrew and peeled the condom off, lying on his back with his hands stroking my stomach. I was trying to resume normal breathing. I glanced at the clock, it was almost five. I just fucked Nick Carter. I just fucked Nick fucking Carter! He was looking at me, I rolled to my side and looked at him, his eyelids getting heavy. I knew he was tired. I kissed him quickly and snuggled up to him. I would stay here until he fell asleep. He wrapped one of his strong arms around me, and kissed my forehead. 
"That was great Sasha." I nodded and his breathing soon became deep and even. I lifted his arm off of my slowly and slid from the bed.

How I found my clothes, I have no idea. But I was dressed and ready to go in ten minutes. I walked into the bathroom, to r-eapply my lipstick. I covered my lips a few times, smacked them together and looked at myself in the mirror. Getting an idea, I uncapped the lipstick again and began writing on the mirror. When I finished I kissed the spot next to my name. I read it, and smiled. In cherry red writing, I had left Nick a message:

Thanks for everything! It was amazing!


I smiled again, and re-applyed more lipstick. I walked into the bedroom, the sun was just beginning to come up and I made my way to Nick. I leaned down slowly, and left a bright red kiss on his cheek. I giggled quietly and left the room. I walked down the corridor, waved at Steve, the security guard at the elevator and got in. Riding to my floor I thought back on the events that had just happened. I entered my room, grabbed my suitcase and went to check out. Walking across the lobby I giggled at the sight of AJ and Amanda just coming in. I went to the front desk, checked out and handed them my key. Walking outside was great. The fresh, cool air hit me and invigorated me. I walked slowly to my car and threw my suitcase in the trunk. Starting my car, I thought about the things I had done. And I didn't have any regrets. I mean how many people can say they bedded a backstreet boy?

