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:: Fast Facts ::
Name: Joshua Scott Chasez
Birthdate: August 8, 1976
Hometown: Washington DC area, (Bowie, Maryland)
Nicknames: JC, Shazam, Big Daddy
Height: 5' 10 1/2"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Parents: Roy and Karen Chasez
Siblings: Heather, Tyler

:: Favorites ::
Place: "My bed because I love sleep!"
Musician/band: Sting, Seal, Brian McKnight, Stevie Wonder and Boys II Men
Movie: Indiana Jones and Star Wars
Actor: Harrison Ford
Actress: Meg Ryan
Book: Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat
TV shows: X-Files and South Park
Color: Orange
Drink: Water
Food: Chinese
Subject in School: P.E.
Hobbies: Music, Sleep

:: Fun Facts ::
*JC loves to talk to girls, but keeps what he does for a living underwraps as much as possible.
*JC really though that the Y2K problem would mess up computer everywhere and complicate people's lives.
*JC takes care of the personal stuff, like making sure his band-mates are eating healthy meals and getting enough sleep.
*JC loves to browse through shopping catalogs while one the tour bus, or update phone numbers and address in his palm pilot.
*JC has been asked to be a male model many times, but he won't do it because he wants to concentrate on his music.

. jc .