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What's in a sign?

JC as a LEO - Born with his Sun in Leo, Chasez was born to be a star. Leo is the Sign of the Performer and its sunny, dramatic energy lends itself well to being in the spotlight. Those born under its influence feel a deep yearning for appreciation and popularity, which can make them seem somewhat self-centered. Leos are also great lovers of family and children, however, and treat their loved ones with great generosity and kindness. For Chasez, the more self-involved, vain aspects of Leo's character may not be so apparent; his Sun Conjuncts Saturn, lending him a strong sense of duty that infuses all his deeds, and Trines Neptune. This harmonious aspect with the Planet of Illusion deepens Chasez's spiritual side; he may even have psychic abilities, and always feels a strong sympathy for others, especially those in need.

That Sun Conjunct Saturn instills in Chasez a sense of duty, but with a Stellium of Planets in Virgo, it's easy to see why he's the most responsible member of *NSYNC! His Communication Planet (Mercury), Love Planet (Venus) and Passion Planet (Mars) all lie in this practical, hyper-analytical Sign, resulting in a highly logical and possibly rather reserved nature. Virgo is all about details, which can lead to nitpicking; it also makes for a very sharp mind, however. As this kind of exacting energy touches his communication style, love life and his passions (including his sex drive and his ambitions), Chasez is a great planner, an efficient worker and is very systematic about attaining his goals. Venus in Virgo may make for a rather nitpicky lover who criticizes his mate's faults, but his Mercury Conjunct Venus and Venus Sextile Uranus help to soften Virgo's reserve. A Mercury-Venus Conjunction is also the aspect that lends him that sweet, crooning voice! This aspect is generally associated with amiability and a natural popularity. Venus's Sextile to Uranus heightens the romance for Chasez; this aspect may result in love at first sight and rather short affairs, but they'll always be sweet.

With Jupiter in Taurus, it seems that Chasez will continue to be successful in a financial way. Like his band mate Joey Fatone, who shares this placement, Chasez's best luck comes to him by way of money and other assets. Interestingly enough, Chasez and Fatone share several placements in their charts, all related to success and their positions in the world: Like Fatone, Chasez's Saturn lies in Leo and is Trine Neptune and Sextile Pluto. Saturn is the Karma Planet and in Leo, it issues a warning not to become overly self-involved or arrogant. This isn't likely to be a problem for Chasez, however; his Karma Planet's aspects to Neptune and Pluto indicate a deeply spiritual nature that truly wants to do good in the world. Chasez is more attuned than most to others' needs and to the world at large; furthermore, he recognizes the possibilities that living in the public eye create. His *Stars* are urging him to do good work for the world and make it a better place for all to live in.


Leo (astrology), the fifth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by a lion. Astrologers believe that people whose birthdays fall from July 23 to August 22 are born under the sun sign of Leo. The sun rules Leo, which is a fire sign. Astrologers believe that Leos have regal, self-centered, generous, and warm-hearted natures. Leos are said to be protective of people close to them, especially children and those who are weak. They also have a strong need to be the center of attention, and may be surprisingly sensitive. Astrologers think that Leos tend to be inordinately fond of praise and can be swayed by flattery. They consider Leos to be creative and dramatic. Leos also have strong organizational skills and make natural leaders.

According to astrologers, Leos love to enjoy themselves and believe that life is not worth living unless it is filled with some degree of elegance and class. Night life, games and parties, and gambling appeal to the Leo sense of the showy. Leos are said to believe they deserve the best, and often this belief attracts good things to them. The typical Leo makes bigger and bolder plans than other signs do. Even if these plans fail, Leos can usually look on the bright side, sometimes to the point of being unrealistic. Professions associated with the sign Leo include entertainment, including performing and promoting; the arts; beauty and cosmetics; speculative investing; and gambling.

. jc .