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...on JC

"JC is the daddy of the group. He's the one who is always saying things like, "I don't think we should go to this party tonight. We have a photo shoot tomorrow. We should stay in and get some rest." He really takes care of us."  ~Justin

"JC is pretty paranoid. He tends to really stress about how many records we're selling and what people think and all that. And sometimes at a photo shoot, he'll look at me or Joey and say, "So you stayed up late
last night you're going to look really good today, aren't you?"  ~Chris (on JC being a worrier)

"JC is the very serious one, and he likes to sleep alot."  ~Lance

"JC is a funny guy. We'll be driving somewhere, and we'll see a pretty girl on the sidewalk. The four of us will go, "Hey check out that girl!" And five minutes later, JC will go, "Wow, check out that dog. What kind is it?" He's nuts about dogs."  ~Chris

"JC is a very serious guy and sometimes a dictator, but we love him anyway!"  ~Joey

"He usually loses his mind when he gets tired or drinks a lot of caffeine. JC's real quiet most of the time, but then he'll just suddenly go crazy and we're like, shut up! "  ~Justin

"I can't believe how fast JC is eating, I will sit down, can get the food before he gets it, can start eating and two minutes later, he'll get his food and he'll be done before you are finished! Ask any of the other guys, they'll tell you he is the fastest eater. I've never seen anybody eat that fast before. I am like, `Dude, chew your food!'"  ~Joey

" I guess the intellectual one."  ~Lance

"I always collect a lot from what JC has to has to say about, about things."  ~Justin

"On stage he's most definitely the wildest one.  Which if you knew him and hung out with him everyday you would never think that. Cause he's so laid back. And you know, sleeps a lot huh, huh, but I guess he's
just saving up his energy."  ~Lance

"He's really into the writing the music really, really, really strongly into that."  ~Joey

"I love it if I've got an idea for a song, going to him about it and he gets hooks, he's really good at making up hooks."  ~Chris

"If he could have his own studio and his own time I don't think he would ever come out of there for months."  ~Joey

"He's pretty much quiet, um, You know he'll, he'll sit back and watch things, but on the other hand fifty percent of the time he's just crazy."  ~Lance

"JC's just cheesy. He's got all these really bad pickup lines, and I promise that the other day, he actually said this to a girl, 'So, do you come here often?' "  ~Chris

"JC is just fun to talk to. He's very smart and intellectual about different stuff."  ~Joey

"JC complains the most out of all of us "  ~Justin

"I don't know but I can tell you JC carries a blanket around like linus."  ~Chris

"JC is OBVIOUSLY the cutest member of the group!"  ~Carson Daly