Dear Nick,
You've been gone for two days, two days and I'm already missing you like crazy. I want you to know how the meeting went. Believe it when I say, that it was hell. My mother went balistic when I told her I wanted to stay here and live. She couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to come back home to New York. I told her, I thought it would be better, you know. Get a fresh start, depend on myself. She got even madder when my father said he thought it was a good idea. He even offered to pay my rent until I get a job, and get on my feet.
I think Dr. Shields likes the idea of me wanting to live on my own, he even told my mom that. She told him he was crazy, and she couldn't believe he was incouraging this. He told her, that I was eighteen years old, and I could make my own decisions. That's where my mother told him, that all the decisions I'd made on my own, got me into trouble. She was crying and yelling. It's a wonder he didn't sedate her. Ha, ha. I love my mom, but she's wrong. I haven't told them about you yet. I don't want them to think your the reason I've decided to stay. I mean, you are one of the reasons, but not the only reason. And I want them to see how dependant I am of myself, and not someone else. I hope this doesn't bother you. If it does, tell me. I'll figure somthing out.
Nick, I miss you so much.I feel so alone now. I hate to bring you down, but I do. And I hope, your missing me as much. How is work coming along? Any ideas for your next video? It'd better be good, and you'd better not be smooching any hot models either! I will find out! I miss you......I can't wait to get out of here. I get released the 15th of July. Do you realize that's in less than three weeks. I can't wait to see you, and the guys too. Tell them I miss them, and your mom! Tell them I love them.
Well, I guess this letter is long enough to put you to sleep. Dream of me okay!
I love you, Dannon