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Not on Her own Two feet....Yet

Nick unlocked the door to his home, and allowed Dannon to enter first. She had about three suitcases with her, clothing mostly. All her other things were in a storage center, her parents had shipped them down, as soon as they got back from the meeting where she told them she decided to stay in Florida. She entered a long hallway, and dropped her suitcase on the floor.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you?" She looked at Nick, who was struggling with her other suticases and two bags of groceries. 
"No, I have it. Don't you worry your pretty little head." He almost pulled it off, the feat of carrying four things at once. But, alas to his embarassment and Dannon's enjoyment he dropped the bags of groceries and everything spilled out.
"I guess its a good thing I didn't need eggs". He laughed and walked further into the house, dropping her luggage on the couch and going back into the hallway to gather the groceries. He saw her, she was kneeling on the floor shoving things back into the bags. He resisted the urge to pick her up and carry away with him. He watched as she brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and stood.
"Here you go, put back together". He took one bag from her, and together they went into the kitchen to put them away.

"I want to show you the house", Nick grabbed her hand and led her into the house. He showed her the living room, the game room, his "chill spot", his office while telling her she was not allowed in this room unless he was with her. She laughed at him, and promised she wouldn't dare go into the room. Finally, he led her upstairs.

"This one is my room, and I would show you it, but its a little bit messy". Dannon laughed and nodded. He squeezed her hand and led her down the hall. Showing her where the bathroom was, and another game room. 
"Okay, this is your room. Now, don't expect anything spectacular. I am a guy after all." She smiled at him, and he opened the door.
 Dannon stepped into one of the most beautiful rooms she had ever seen. A large, cherry wood canopy bed was in the middle of a light blue painted room. A light blue bedspread and large fluffy white pillows were on it. Matching wood nightstands on both sides, and a large entertainment center filled up most of the bedroom. 
"This door leads to your private bathroom, and that one over there is your closet. And these doors lead to your balcony." Dannon was left speechless. It was beautiful. He led her to the two doors and took her outside. The view was breathtaking. The ocean was right outside her window. She felt Nick come behind her, and circle his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him and smiled.
"Do you like it?" he questioned uncertainly.
"I love it. Thank you so much. Your going to make me not want to leave". Nick laughed evilly.
"That is my plan you beautiful woman". He turned her around to look at her. She looked so amazing. He couldn't believe he had her. His thoughts traveled back in time when he first met her. She was so cold, and indifferent. But, he was glad he had broken through that. 
"What are you thinking about?" Dannon asked, her brown eyes brillantly glowing with happiness. Nick looked down at her, he didn't have to do that much, she was only a few inches smaller than he was. He rubbed his nose to hers and a few pieces of hair fell into his eyes.
"I'm thinking how in the hell did I get so lucky". He kissed her softly, waiting for her to respond. She quickly wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him back. She opened her mouth, and she felt the most amazing feeling. He tugged lightly at her hair, and pulled her closer. She rubbed the nape of his neck and enjoyed the feeling of being in love. 

They walked back into the room, smiles on their faces and he turned to her.

 "I'm really happy you decided to stay with me". He hugged her, loving the way she fit into his arms.
"Me too. Now leave me, I want to unpack". Nick turned to walk out of the room, and quickly turned back around. 
"We're going out to dinner tonight". Dannon looked at him, and immediately put a hand on her hip. 
"And who exactly, is "we"..."? Nick looked at her and smiled. He quickly ticked the people off on his hand.
"Me, you, Brian, Leigh-Anne, Kevin, Kristin, AJ, Amanda, Howie and his friend Shannon." Dannon looked at him exasperatingly. 
"You couldn't let me have a night to get settled could you"? Nick shook his head laughing as he walked out of the room. From the hallway he yelled back to her, "And its a fancy resturant so dress up." She sighed and flopped onto the bed. She smiled to herself, thinking how happy she was she wasn't standing on her own two feet, yet.

Witnessing Love is Magical for Everyone
