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Don't Diss my Future Husband, Bitch!

Nick woke up with the sunlight streaming directly onto his face. He buried his head under a pillow, but suddenly loud music began to shake the house. He leaped out of bed and ran down the stairs. Stopping in the kitchen he grabbed a spatula, ready to inflict pain on Dannon, certain she was the one who had woken him up with the pulsating beat of Papa Roach. He walked slowly into the living room and found her dancing around to "Broken Home". He laughed as she swung her head to the beat, her long brown hair flinging every where. Her body was dress in a pair of loose baggy jeans, and a white tank top. She jumped and screamed along with Coby Dick. Finally, the song was over and she was left with Anada Lewis talking loudly. She flung her head up and began pouting until she turned and found herself face to face with Nick. He stood against the wall in his blue boxers and white tshirt.
"How long have you been there?" she asked, blushing. Nick laughed and shrugged,
"Long enough to watch you head bang, and jump around with Mr. Dick." He laughed and turned back into the kitchen. He flung the spatula into the sink, and opened the refridgerator. 
"And what exactly, were you going to do with that?" she asked, pointing at the piece of plastice he threw down.
"I was going to inflict pain on the person who had the horrible music on so early. But then I came down, and you looked so cute jamming along with Papa Roach, I couldn't do it." He smiled at her as he pulled a jug of orange juice out. She crossed her arms and leaned against the sink.
"Did you just call Papa Roach, horrible music?" He turned to her and saw her eyebrow raised questioningly.
"Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" He looked at her. She shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. He shook his head and pulled a glass from the cabinent. All of sudden he heard a yell, and Dannon hit him with a couch cushion. He looked at her, and she hit him again.
"Never diss my future husband, bitch!" She threatened him with the pillow again. He was so shocked he couldn't say anything. She took one look at his face and let out a laugh.
"Oh Nick. I was just playing." She dropped the pillow and walked up to him. He was shaking his head with a weird look on his face. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and settled her head onto his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her forehead. She pulled away, and hopped up onto the counter.
"So, whats for breakfeast?"

Breakfeast dishes And afternoon Wishes
