
Full Name: David Yeager, Jr.
Nicknames: "D.C." "Dallas gave it to me. It stands for "Dazed and Confused." I forget things!"
Birthday: June 15, 1976
Astro Sign: Gemini
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue

food: Burgers and fries
time of day: Nighttime
songwriter: Babyface
Color: baby blue

..random stuff..

Best childhood memory: "When I was in a play at the Youngstown Playhouse, "Babes in Toyland."

Person who most influenced your life: "My mother"

Been singing/playing an instrument since: "13 years old"

Were or would have been voted "most" (i.e. most spirited) in high school: "Biggest flirt."

Most embarrassing performing experience: "I was on stage clapping to get the crowd pumped up when my ring flew off and hit someone in the crowd." (DC, I still have the bump to prove it! J/K!)

Most inspired musicall by: "Artists with longetivity"

Favorite place to visit: "Home"

Who would you like to meet-living or not? "Micheal Jackson and Jim Carrey"

Where were you when you first heard your song in public? "The Disney Store"

Book, video, and song that would keep you from going insane if you were stranded on an island: "A Stephen King novel, "Happy Gilmore", "Santeria"-Sublime ("I don't practice Santaria, I ain't got no crystal ball...sorry there!)

What is one essential item you take on tour? "My laptop"

Sports you play: "Golf and football"

Describe the other guys in Youngstown: "Sammy is the sensitive jock. Dallas is the intense musical perfectionist."

How long you practice (singing/instrument) every week: When we have a show or something we practice about 8 hours a day, 6 days a week."

The oddest place you've been recognized: "WalMart"

Do you ever get stage fright? If so, how do you get over it to perform? "Once in a while. I used to though now I just tell myself that this is my job and to go out and do it the best I can."

How would you best describe your music? "Fun, energetic, soulful. It can have you on the dance floor then crying on someone's shoulder the next."

..question & answer..

DC, if you could describe Sammy... "Sammy is a geek. (Laughs.) He likes to play basketball and he can't beat me...in video games. He's cool. He's my roommate. He's the youngest member of our group. He's the sensitive one and the jock, in some ways."

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? "I would be more motivated. I want to stay in the gym, keep my routine."

What's your favorite part about performing? "The fans. You could go up on stage totally tired and once you get up there, you're revived. I'm on. It's like a battery."

Do you prefer singing faster or slower songs? "I like slow songs."

Tell me about your album. "Let's Roll. We wrote five songs on the album. We produced three. It's very spread out. We have fans from four to 44. We have songs that are timeless. We have pop songs. It varies. It can have you dancing one minute and crying the next minute."

Why did you name the album "Let's Roll"? "Because we figure it was our first album. We just wanted to do our thing. We wanted to go with the flow, roll with it."

At times I find myself... "In the video game." (this cutie loves playing video games- who wants to challenge him?)

If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be? "I would be Roger Rabbit. He's crazy and off the wall."

Where do you see yourself in 20 years? "Relaxing with my video game room near a golf course. I already see it. It has a padlock on it so no one can get in there. Not even the kids." Dallas: "Can you tell he's an only child? He doesn't like to share."

Favorite phrase... "That's Dope." (recently... it's "aiight".. he's got me started now... aiighty?)

If you were going to the moon, what three things would you bring with you? "I would bring my Playstation, my Dreamcast, and my computer." (Don't forget the socket and the TV to plug everything into!)

How do you define romance? "I think romance to me is being able to connect with somebody."

Single? "Yes!"

Who's your ideal girl? "I would have to say a combo of few ladies. I like variety."

Hey DC. On your CD cover, you thanked Jim Carrey and some other comedians for your abs. What's that all about? "Because they make me laugh. Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, and Adam Sandler are my idols."

If you could chose your dream tour, who'd be on it with you guys? "Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, 'Nsync and 98 Degrees all on one huge tour. That would rock."

What kind of music are you listening to these days? "I listen to, like, Sublime and alternative [music]. I listen to all kinds of stuff, from country to rap to rock."

What's the best part about your job? "Probably the fans, and you get to travel. It's so weird to see all these people. It's like they heard our music, and it touched them in some way because they're showing us affection."

Message to the fans: "Stay young."

Click here to see a fact sheet filled out by DC

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