On their beginnings:

"It's where we all met, where we all struggled, where we all started our vibe at. Youngstown was that place." -Sammy, on how they got their name

On their roots:

"One day I passed this studio where these people were dancing and I picked up the steps really fast. I was dancing a hip-hop dancing mixture. Kinda like MC Hammer. It was exciting to be onstage." -Dally on how he started

"I started out just singing to the radio. And one day a friend of mine said I sounded good and he said I should pursue that, and I said, 'All right!' I was around 13, and ever since then I started shuffling my way into it and meeting people, this that and the other thing. And it just turned into this." -DC, on how he started singing

"I kinda grew up singing gospel. And I was doing a lot of fine arts competitions against different kids in the U.S. all through my high school years. I did a lot of solos -- I sang solos at all kinds of stuff, weddings, even a funeral a couple of times." -Sam, on his start

Pickup Lines

"Hey, Sammy here. How is everybody doing at Zoog?"-Sammy being a flirt

"We're just doing what we enjoy doing and we're enjoying it!"-DC

"What's the dilly?!!"-DC

"Helloooo, Nick sweetie!"-Dallas

Embarassing Moments

"I was leaving a friend's house and trying to act all cool, but I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I walked right into the pole. It was really embarassing." -DC

"I totally stripped while walking up the stage one time!" -Sammy

"I was once out dancing at a club and trying all these intricate moves. Somehow, I smacked my head and knocked myself out."-Klutsy Dallas


"Hello! I'm Dallas!" -Dallas' famous greeting

"No! But we would like to! They seem like nice guys!"-Dallas, when asked if ever met BSB

"Yes! I have a dog named Samurai! We call him Sammy for short. He's a mutt."-DC, making fun of Sammy

"I played in my day. I'm lookin' to settle down, you know? I'm a sweetheart. I'm straight up. If you lay your cards on the table, you ain't got to worry 'bout no drama.” » Sammy

Quotes Said To Me And Friends

"I've have just been violated!" » Dallas to Felicia and me, after I made Felicia grab his butt!

"Oh my God!... Take it again!" » Dallas after I showed him a pic of himself

"I was the one with the poster." » me
"Oh, okay. Yeah! I was looking for you and I couldn't find you!" » Sammy

"It's Sammy's Poster Girl!!" » some girl
"Great! I've been labled!" » me
"But I want you to be my poster girl!" » Sammy

"Sammy, do you remember me?" » me
"Of course I do!!" » Sammy
"'Hi Sam! I love you!' I forgot it though." » me
"That's okay. I know it's still in your heart and mine!" » Sammy [this was followed a big hug and a picture!]

"Bye Bryann! I love youuu!" » Sammy [03.25.01]

"It's my POSTER GIRL!!" » Sammy, as he hugs me [03.25.01]

"Out of all the ones that girls have taken of me doing that, I like yours the best." » Sammy talking about my kissy face pic of him [03.25.01]

"Why were you elbowing me?" » me
"Cuz Sammy was talking about your picture. He loves youuuu!" » DC being a dork [03.25.01]

"He grabbed my butt!" » me
"Don't deny it. You know you liked it!" » DC
"Don't let him hear that!!!» me *Sammy smiles really big*

"I love youuu!" » Sammy to me [4.26.01]

"My FAN!!" » Sammy [4.26.01]

"What did she do to us?!" » DC
"I don't know! LoL!" » Tommy
"I did this!" » me [as i put bunny ears on them during a picture]

"It's like, they ask me 'Do you like brocolli?' and I say, 'Yes, but I don't like green beans.'" » DC

"That was a fru fru kiss... that's the kind of kiss I give my dog." » DC
"You slip your dog the tongue?" » me [long story... u had to be there]

"Tell Sam I love her..because shes mah biggest fan...besides my mom." » DC

"Mic check! One... two... ahh!! They work!!" » Dallas

"There's no reason why the two of us should be alone..." « yt
"WHY NOT?!" « me

"Met her on a Saturday, 5'9", curly hair... hey!" « DC 2 me

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