Full Name: Samuel Lopez, Jr.
Nicknames/Stage Names: Sammy
Birthday: September 8, 1977
Astro Sign: Virgo
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown

Food: Lasagna [Yummy!!]
Time of day: Night
Songwriter: Babyface, Diane Warren,
David Foster
color: forest green

..random stuff..

Best childood memory: Niagra Falls

Person who had most influenced your life: Uncle Danny

Been singing/playing and instrument since: 6 years old

Were or would you have been voted "most" (i.e. most spirited) in high school: Most likely to succeed

Most inspired musically by: Michael Jackson

Favorite place to visit: Home

Who would you like to meet- living or not: Michael Jordan

Where were you when you first heard your song in public? The Disney Store in Virginia

Book, video, and song that would keep you from going insane if you were stranded on an island: Bible, Michael Jordan-"Come Fly With Me", "Dreamin" by Selena ('Cause I'm dreamin of you tonight...)

What is one essential item you take on tour? Deodorant

Sports you play: Basketball and football

Describe the other guys in Youngstown: Dallas- intense (perfectionist). D.C.-goofy

How long you practice (singing/instument) every week: 5-6 hours, 6 days a week

The oddest place you've been recognized: WalMart

Do you ever get stage fright? If so, how do you get over it to perform? Never (a little)

How would you describe your music? Very hype

Fav tune on "Let's Roll"? "Pedal to the Steel"

..question and answer..

Sammy, if you could describe Dallas... "Dallas is very outgoing. Always has a ot on his mind. He's pretty straight forward. He's very energetic and he's a cool person. And I can't forget, a perfectionist."

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? "Mine would be my attention span. My mind always wanders off and I can't let it go. I could be doing a stage routine, and I'll be thinking about something else."

If you woke up one morning and couln't perform, what would you do? "I would probably be in the NBA"

Do you prefer singing faster or slower songs? "I like it all."

At times I find myself... "Drifting into space."

If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be? "Batman. I'm a night person."

Where do you see yourself in 20 years? "Still be doing music. I would like to get into business. I want my own company. Either with a record company or own my own island somewhere."

Favorite phrase... "Umancahdbaba." (Say what?!)

If you were going to the moon, what three things would you bring with you? "A pillow, a peanut butter & jeely sandwich, and a book." (Awe, I hope you make that sandwich last, or you aren't planning on being there very long.)

How do you define romance? "A woman that would drive me to be a better person. She doesn't have to tell me to do it, I just do."

Single? "Yes!" [What a coinky dink...so am I!!]

Who's your ideal girl? "What was the question? (sammy's mind wanders a bit...) She would have to understand me. Romantic. Very outgoing with a great sense of humor." [Hmmm...rings a bell]

What's the best part about your job? "To be honset, just the way this first single is taking off and it's only been played through the Disney Channel and the Disney Radio Channel. For the recognition it's been getting, that's been really surprising to me."

What words of wisdom would you offer to young men or women starting out today? "It's tough at first because you think a lot of people won't believe in you. But I just say: Believe in the one who gave you the gift and stay humble and appreciative in life. Be patient because your time will come. Don't listen to anybody telling you that you can't do it or you can't make it."

What do you look for in a potential mate? "I look for a spiritual woman. I really do. It intrigues me the most. That's what led me to be who I am, and that's what I search for."

What's your favorite scent on a girl? "Being fragrant is one of my hobbies. I collect a lot of fragrance for men. And so if a girl walks by and I smell something on her, I'm just like, 'Are you wearing so-and-so?' There are just so many different kind of colognes that I love for women: Cool Water [For Women], White Diamonds, Gucci, Fendi."

What's your favorite cut off the album? "I would have to say 'Pedal To The Steel'."

Dallas said that. "Yeah, we all say it."

Why is that? "It's so much fun to perform. It's very energetic. It's a jumping song, and it's something you'll be pumping in your cars. It gets us pumping and i gets the crowd pumping."

Do you ever get starstruck? "Never. I don't know why. I think I would probably get starstruck if I were to meet Michael Jackson, being that he was such a strong idol, such a influence in my performing."

Message to the fans... "Thanks for your support. We love you all."

Click here to see Sammy's fact sheet filled out by him!

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