Quiet Evening in the Library(Alex/Kev) {AU}
"So, why're we here?"
"I have research to do."
"Research about what?"
"What kind of history?"
"The kind I need to pass my history course."
"I see... Is there any sex involved?"
"Don't act all innocent... I need to study!"
"But we're the only people here..."
"There are others..."
[looks around] "Nope, no one /SANE/ comes to the library on a Friday night."
"I do."
"Exactly." [devilish smile]
"What are you smiling about?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"No kissing."
"Can I lick you?"
"No licking."
"Okay fine... sit there and study... completely ignore me, I don't exist."
"What are you doing Alex?"
"Get your hand off of that!"
"But Hercules is all hard... and lonely... can I fix him?"
"No... stop... Alex... no...." [moan]
"Can I kiss Hercules?" [kiss]
"No kiss... oh..."
"Can I lick Hercules?" [lick]
"No lick.... mmmmmmmmmm..."
"Can I suck Hercules?"
"Oh god! Alex!!!!!"
"Quiet Kevy.... we're in a library."
"Alex... I... you... I... can't believe you just... oh god... that was amazing."
"Well... I'll let you study now."
"Alex! Get back here now!"
[smirk]The End.