Interview with WILLAFORD

Here's an interview that I got from an egroups list MY comments will be like this (* blah) lol so enjoy!

I got this from one of the newsletters I'm on. (*and i got this from her) Janie :-)

Jess: Well everyone, I have completed the interview with Willa. She was so extremely sweet (*im sure, she can't be mean to her 3 fans now can she?) and I appreciate the fact that she'd do this for us. I didn't want to take up too much of her time, so I got as many questions answered as possible. Thank you to everyone that contributed. Here's the interview:

Jess: There's a rumor going around that you are going to be on the NSYNC tour, is that true?

Willa: I really can't say yes or no at this point.

Jess: Oh ok, I understand. When will the single be released to radio?

Willa: This month sometime hopefully. (*LMAO as if thats what she said 2 years ago!!)

Jess: If you could be any other person for a day, who would it be and why?

Willa: I'd be Marilyn Monroe because she is just the ultimate ... and I really admire her. (*okay i guess I can agree with that b/c Marilyn Monroe was like fake and she had affairs with married guys so yeah I see why she'd want to be like her..)

Jess: Who was your biggest, number 1 inspiration while you were trying to make it big? (*dont you mean now why you are still trying to make it big?)

Willa: Wow, I had a lot of inspirations, you want me just to pick one?

Jess: Name a few.

Willa: Madonna, Az Yet, Mary J. Blige

Jess: What's the craziest rumor ever said about you since you started, and how do you react to them? (*well regis I tell them to fuck off and its MY boyfriend not yours cuz I was fucking him last night, and slap them and flick them off *gives clueless smile*)

Willa: Man, there has been so many. I can only pick one? HAHAHA (*okay am I the only one who thought that was dumb and NOT funny?)

Jess: Give us a few of the CRAZIEST.

Willa: Ok, once I was pregnant with Justin Timberlake's baby or something ... another was that I steal TVs. (*LMAO okay for the first rumor, she prolly started that, cuz she prolly asked Justin out and he said no, and for the 2nd rumor, Willa hunny, its not a rumor if its true....)

Jess: How do you react to such things? (*like omg i thought we like already went over this or something...)

Willa: You can only react in so many ways. I just try to be as positive as possible. (*LMFAO that is a JOKE!) I mean if they want to try to get in my way, then let them. But they certainly won't stop me. (*Yeah we've noticed that cuz you just WONT GO AWAY!!)

Jess: Right on! What are your hopes for your career? (award wise, record breaks, etc.)

Willa: Wow, I haven't even thought about that. I'm not out to break records. I'm just here to try to reach out to someone, even if it's just one person and get some kind of message across. (*rrriiighhht is that message i wanna be bad? or is the message that your tired of being compared to britney? cuz really I can't find one song of hers that would send out a message expect she's a cocky bitch..)

Jess: If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be and why?

Willa: I would collaborate with my mom (*because if it were not for her I woulda never been put in slutty clothes and pushed on the Carter's door step and used Nick to get this record deal! Thanx mom!) because she is a singer, and she is a great singer too. Not many people know that about her. (*wonder why many people dont know that about her

Jess: What's your favorite song on your album and why?

Willa: Oh man ... my favorite song on my album right now is probably "Haunted Heart" because it has a really hidden meaning to it. And also, "Get A Life" (*because I like to take all the rumors directed towards me positive!!) because in that song I totally tell it like it is. Some people may not respect me for that song, but I could care less. (*lmao you've established that b/c half the world has already seen how rude you are...)

Jess: So, what's in your CD player right now? Who are you really into?

Willa: In my CD player right now... Papa Roach, Born Into Kaos (*LMAO wonder why?), Black and Blue (*um yeah Black and Blue is my favorite cd, I really love the first song, 'The Mall' Yeah its got a great beat. And I love number 10 'Not for you' its great *smiles*), Stroke 9, Az Yet, Destiny's Child.

Jess: What's going to be the title of your debut album?

Willa: It's tentative. (*waoh big word for ms. GPA 4.5 HA!)

Jess: Is it between two things or is it just undecided?

Willa: We have a pretty good idea ... but undecided.

Jess: Oh ok. What was the last concert you attended as a fan?

Willa: As a fan? (*Yeah ya dumb bitch you sure as hell aint no star)

Jess: Yea.

Willa: Oh gosh... Janet Jackson.

Jess: What's your favorite store?

Willa: Guess. (*umm that was just plan stupid YOU SELL OUT!)

Jess: So, that leads right into ... are you the new Guess girl?

Willa: Ehhh maybe. HAHA (*again not funny)

Jess: Will you be performing at the Pro Voice concert in NY?

Willa: More than likely. (*and thats something to be proud of, they couldn't get debbie gibbson so they had to find someone!)

Jess: Finally, do you have any thing you would like to say to your fans? (*fans...humm OH you mean that one girl that stalks her?)

Willa: To any fans I might have (*lmao she's got one thing right) - I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (*OMG she has a heart? someone call the papers! Willa Bitch has a heart! even if it IS ugly...) You guys (*no hun when there is one its not plural, there is no s.)kick ass and you proved to me that you would be there no matter what. (*no matter how many people i use and abuse *cries* your still there for me! Thank you!) You guys rock!!

Okay did she NOT sound like the biggest ditz in the world? OMG and WHAT a bitch! I swear, man if she every got that cocky attatude towards me.. man I really hope that like all her fans (which consist of a whole 2 people) buy her album and FINALLY realize she sucks.. cuz hotdamn I can record my voice and computerize it too! And damn she didn't even computerize it herself! What a rip off!
