
The brain trust of the world's teen-pop fans have already passed judgment on Willa Ford--and for once we have to agree with 'em. A quick Internet search produces a surprisingly large number of anti-Willa Websites aimed at the girl who once dated Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and takes the low road to hopeful pop stardom. Amanda Lee Williford laps up the controversy with a first single called "I Want to Be Bad" and skips teen mags to flaunt her stuff on the cover of Stuff. But strip away the lyrics about ditching dudes and how lame those other pop bands are (then telling us she's all soft on the inside with "Tender"), and this debut is nothing more than an ultraproduced, R&B-fused pop album that, just like all the rest, drips with more cheese than sex. Yep, Willa was here. And hopefully she'll be gone soon. Our Grade: D
